No wonder Marcus fell for her Barnaby mused wryly and turned a look on his friend.

He knew Marcus well enough to recognise the emotion on his friend’s face. Marcus adored the beautiful woman he just couldn’t take his hands off, and Barnaby couldn’t blame him.

“You have done an incredible job,” Barnaby assured her. “Thank you.”

Jess nodded, but couldn’t say much or she would burst into tears.

“What happens now?” she asked Marcus as she cuddled close.

Marcus kissed the top of her head and savoured having her against his side.

“The rest of the gang have already been arrested, but we need to go and take a look at Mr Grant’s house,” he murmured. “I am sorry about the house, Jess.”

“It’s alright,” she replied with a shaky smile. “Just don’t leave me here alone now.”

“Believe me, when I tell you that you will never be alone again,” he whispered.

“We need to go to Mr Grant’s house,” Barnaby began. He turned to Marcus. “Do you want to head to the tavern or something?”

“No, I am coming with you,” Marcus replied. He looked down at Jess.

“I am coming too,” she said firmly.

Marcus nodded. He couldn’t think of a better place for her to be.

Minutes later, they left Lloyd tied up next to Sayers body, and all set out for Mr Grant’s house.


As they walked, Marcus pointed out sharp sticks and dips in the pathway, and never released his grip on her hand. He treated her with such tender loving care that she felt the most protected person in the world, and it endeared him to her even more.

By the time Mr Grant’s house came into view, a few more kisses had been exchanged, and Jess had no doubt in the world he cared about her as much as she did him.

Her joy was short-lived, though, when the men drew their guns and that atmosphere turned menacing.

Barnaby threw Marcus a hard look. “You stay here with Jess.”

He nodded to Ben, who cocked his gun.

“Ben?” Jess gasped in astonishment.

He threw her a look that was considerably more mature than any she had ever seen from him before. It startled her. This was a new side to her brother that was simply him showing that he was no longer her little brother. At some point over the past few years, in fact, since Marcus’ arrival in the village, her defiant younger brother had turned into a man.

It was shocking to watch him move stealthily into the trees in the same way as she had seen Marcus do. She had to wonder what other change in her brother she had missed.

“He will be alright,” Marcus assured her when he saw the shock on her face.

He knew the formation of the team. The men flanked either side of the house, front, and back, while two men went in through the back door. At Barnaby’s whistle, the men all converged on the house in unison. Doors were kicked in at the front, and the back of the house and everyone stormed inside.

Marcus suspected from the silence that followed that there was either nobody in the cottage, or the demise of the occupant he knew had been in their earlier, was complete.

“What are they doing?” Jess whispered, unnerved by the silence.

“They are searching the house to make sure it is safe,” he explained and took the opportunity to drop a swift kiss on her lips.

Barnaby appeared in the doorway and gave Marcus the all clear signal.

“Where are the captives?” Marcus asked as he approached the house. He hadn’t seen any of them at all since they had been left trussed up in the undergrowth.