Marcus watched the man saunter off as casually as though he was taking nothing more than a daily stroll through the village. Only a handful of people knew he was a criminal mastermind practically half of the War Office was investigating.

He turned to Jess and drew her lovingly into his arms.

“Unless you have any strong objection, I want to search the guest’s bedchambers while they are gone.”

“Why?” Jess looked up at him with a frown. Her first instinct was to refuse, but there was something in his eyes that made her hesitate. He knew something. “What are you searching for?”

“I think one of them may have taken the key,” he murmured. “However, I also think they are not all they appear to be, Jess. I have seen them creeping around at night. There is more going on than you realise.”

Jess sat down at the table with a heavy thump. Marcus couldn’t bring himself to lie to her. He sat down beside her. Picking her hands up in his, he told her everything he knew about Sayers, the men at Mr Grant’s house, and Lloyd and Smithers’ potential involvement.

“How can something be going on like that here?” She asked with a frown. “This is Smothey. Nothing ever happens here.”

“Smithers happens here. Sayers has happened here. Believe me, Jess, when I tell you that somewhere like Smothey is perfect for a criminal like Sayers. It is away from prying eyes in London. To take lodgings somewhere like this is a perfectly ordinary thing for anybody to do. Nobody would think twice about them – and indeed they haven’t. As far as Sayers is concerned, everything has gone to plan. I don’t think he knows we are on to him yet, but I cannot be sure. One thing is certain, Lloyd is involved somehow, only I don’t know whether he is just guarding, or helping them in some way.”

“Please be careful, Marcus,” she pleaded.

He hauled her into his arms. “I know what I am doing. I will be fine, but it will help if I take a look at their rooms while they are out.”

“Of course,” she whispered. “If they are criminals I want them out of this house as quickly as possible.”

Marcus wholeheartedly agreed. “As soon as we have gathered enough evidence, we will round them all up and put them behind bars where they belong.”

She looked up at him and placed a loving kiss on his lips. “Including Lloyd.”

“Yes. I can use my connections to make sure the man doesn’t stay as magistrate around here. There is enough corruption in the world without officials being the worst kind of criminal.”

“I know. Lloyd has always been a law unto himself,” Jess murmured thoughtfully.

“Thank you for breakfast,” he said around a kiss.

“You are welcome.”

She gave him such a winning smile that he blinked and looked down at her in complete surprise. His heart melted at the slight hint of shyness that came with it. He had never seen her face light up like that. He wanted to see more of it and promised himself he would do whatever he needed to do to make it happen. For now, he had to get back to the work that awaited him.

“What do you plan to do today?” he asked.

“I am going to Retterton for some provisions. We are nearly out.”

Marcus nodded. “Just stay safe, Jess,” he warned. “Don’t stray off the beaten path, and come straight home.”

Thrilled that he cared about her enough to worry about her so much, she smiled at him.

“While you are gone, I will search the rooms.”

“I will see you later,” she said hopefully.

He winked at her and raced up the stairs.

With nothing else to do, Jess returned to the kitchen. She was just in time to catch Ben on his way out of the door.

“Where are you going?” She demanded, placing her hands on her hips.

“Out,” Ben replied.

“Where to?”

“What are you, my mother or something?” Ben’s voice was only half teasing.