“Good God,” Ben huffed. “I would love to do it.”

Marcus grinned at the plea in the lad’s voice. “I know. So, work with me on this and I promise you that when I move your sister to my house in Hertfordshire, you and I will then go off to continue our investigations with my colleagues.”

He held his hand out to Ben and waited. He knew the lad was sizing up the honesty of his offer, but it didn’t take long before he grinned and enthusiastically shook his hand.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked with a smile.

“Just answer a few questions, and then stick with me,” Marcus replied. “Now, where did you go today?”

Ben sighed and didn’t immediately answer.

“You may as well tell me,” Marcus warned him. “I will find out. I can follow you just as easily in daylight as I do at night.”

Ben’s shocked gaze flew to his. “I thought someone was following me.”

Marcus nodded. It hadn’t been him, but he suspected that Lloyd was following Ben everywhere he went. Ben didn’t know it, but the man had just tried to follow them. Marcus was too adept at avoidance manoeuvres, though, and had taken a circuitous route that had confused the rather inept magistrate.

What bothered Marcus more was why Lloyd hadn’t followed Ball and Gillespie. He had to have seen them because both men had passed right under his very nose. Was Lloyd providing protection for them? Was he the guard dog who patrolled around outside while the men in the kitchen of Mr Grant’s house carried out their illegal deals?

He lifted a hand. The silence lengthened. Motionless, they stood and listened. Only the very faintest rustle of clothing heralded the return of one of the men; Mr Gillespie.

He is good; Marcus mused as he studied the shadows beyond the doorway and waited.

Was Gillespie military trained? Had the man had some stealth training at some point? Or was he a seasoned burglar used to entering properties in the middle of the night while people were asleep in their beds?

Whichever; Marcus now knew that the Star Elite had cornered not one, but four of Sayers’ gang.

The quiet click of a door deeper in the house announced the return of someone else.

Two down, two more to go, Marcus mused wryly.

He noticed Ben watching him expectantly. He waited. Several minutes passed. Ben shifted from one foot to the other with impatience. Finally, the soft creek of a floor board above the kitchens assured him they were safe for now.

“Has anyone ever visited them while they have been here?” Marcus whispered.

“I don’t know,” Ben murmured. “They are out most of the day, and I am busy doing the chores. I have never really noticed. You need to ask Jess.”

“Have you seen them going to Mr Grant’s house before?”

“No, but then I don’t notice much,” Ben replied thoughtfully. “What do you think they are up to?”

“Something illegal,” Marcus informed him. “And they are using this house as their base. That puts Jess in danger.”

Marcus explained about the missing key.

“It wasn’t me. It’s got to be one of the lodgers. They must have been watching Jess,” Ben whispered.

“I think they may have searched the place themselves.”

“Whatever for?” Ben asked in shock. “We don’t have anything worth taking.”

“They will have been trying to find out more about you. I don’t think it is Lloyd, and Smithers knows Jess hates him, so he wouldn’t want to come anywhere near here. It has to be one of the lodgers,” Marcus replied.

“I want to throw the whole lot of them out,” Ben growled.

“I know, but it is not just them who are the criminals, Ben. Lloyd is up to something as well. Until I can get to the bottom of that, no more stealing, I mean it. These are not men to cross. They are hardened criminals, and will stop at nothing to get rid of anything that stands in their way. Besides, you cannot be a thief if you want to work with me,”

“I want to help you,” Ben murmured.