“Where’s the money?”

Ben sighed and dug into his pocket. He held a few coins out with one hand but, when Smithers went to snatch them off him, held them aloft at the same time he held his other hand out.

Smithers dropped the package into Ben’s hand at the same time the money vanished.

Ben glanced furtively around the woods as he stuffed the package into his pocket.

“I don’t want any more now,” Ben said quietly. “Jess knows.”

When he turned around to leave, he found Smithers blocking his way.

“Have you given any thought to what I said?” Smithers murmured.

“I said no, and I mean no,” Ben replied dismissively.

Marcus watched the young lad. In difference to the somewhat youthful side he displayed to his sister, the man facing Smithers was considerably harder.

It isn’t just money you are hiding from your sister, is it? He mused thoughtfully and crept closer.

“They keep asking, and are annoyed that you aren’t willing to help out.”

“I said no,” Ben snapped. “It is just not something that holds any interest for me. If they need help, they have you.”

This time, he side stepped around Smithers and hurried off. Rather than take a direct route home, he began a circuitous route Marcus knew he had used before. As expected, once Ben could be sure that nobody had followed him, he began to head for home. Unfortunately, for the second time that evening, he found someone blocking his way.

“What is in the package?” Marcus demanded.

“Who the hell are you?” Ben snapped. “You move around like a bloody ghost.”

His eyes were wide in the darkness, but Marcus didn’t relent. Throwing a cautious glance around the darkened woods he hauled the young lad unceremoniously off his feet. Slamming him bodily against a tree he tightened his hold on Ben’s shirt until the pressure on his throat made him claw desperately at Marcus.

“You are going to tell me what I know, and you are going to do it now,” Marcus threatened.

“I-I don’t know what you mean,” Ben stammered. “I don’t know nothing.”

“I don’t know anything,” Marcus corrected.

“I don’t know anything,” Ben dutifully repeated.

“Give me the package,” Marcus growled.

Marcus sensed from the look in Ben’s eye that he wasn’t going to do anything he asked. Releasing his hold a little, he dug around until he found the package. Ben remained still and silent when Marcus released him and unwrapped the small parcel.

“More stolen meat,” he whispered in disgust. “You are buying stolen meat off Smithers again, and after everything Jess has said to you as well.”

“It is the last one, I swear it,” Ben protested.

“Stop. Now,” Marcus ordered.

“You are just worried that I will get caught, and Lloyd will start to ask questions about you,” Ben countered.

“It’s not that, and you know it,” Marcus said.

Ben sighed. He really couldn’t argue. He knew Marcus was right.

“What else did Smithers want you to do, Ben?” Marcus held up a cautionary hand. “I warn you now that I will get to the truth eventually, so don’t even think about lying to me.”

Ben thought about that for a moment.