When she looked up at him, her eyes were a little sad, silently pleading for him to reassure her that, in spite of everything, they would be alright.

He lowered his head and captured her lips in the briefest of caresses.

“Ask me anything,” he demanded softly.


“You need to get to know me. Ask me anything.”

Jess leaned back to look at him and realised he was serious.

“Where do you live?”

“Hertfordshire. A small village called Barrowby.”

She frowned at him. “You told Lloyd you lived in Hertfordshire.”

Marcus grinned unrepentantly. “I lied.”

“What family do you have?” She smiled.

He smiled back. “I have a mother and a father who both live in Barrowby, and an older sister who lives in the next village. She is married but doesn’t have any children as yet.”

“What food do you like?” she whispered.

The open honesty on his face reassured her that he was truthful. She felt herself begin to relax.

Marcus felt her sigh and knew he had made the right decision to do this. He wanted her to know everything about him, as he wanted to know everything about her. If their confiding in each other helped her to understand he wanted more than just a lover’s tryst, then he would answer as many questions as she could think of for as long as she wanted.

“I like roast beef, eggs, and freshly baked bread,” he replied honestly.

“Do you have a horse?”

“Yes. He is called Humphrey and is currently with my colleagues in Framley Meadows. I am hoping they bring him with them when they get here.”

“Your colleagues?” she leaned back to look at him. “The government organisation.”

“It is called the Star Elite,” he murmured.

“The Star Elite?” She frowned at the wall while she thought about that but had never heard of it.

Marcus smiled and rolled her onto her back.

“My turn,” he whispered.

She smiled and looked ruefully at him when he began to slide her nightgown up.

“That isn’t asking me any questions,” she protested.

“Alright. So, what about you? I know where you live. I know you have Ben, but what about your mother and father? Where are they?” He didn’t attempt to take his hands off her while he spoke. He just didn’t have that much self-control whenever she was around.

Jess suddenly became solemn. “My father died when I was young. Ben was about one. My mother died about three years ago from a wasting disease.”

“I am sorry,” he whispered. Desperate to bring the smile back into Jess’ eyes, he dipped his head. “What kind of things do you like?”

“Well,” she began only to gasp when his hands began to slide over the contours of her body. “I like this.”

“Anything else?”