At that moment, Sophia came to realise just how safe she felt just knowing Jeb was in the area. Now that he had gone she felt vulnerable, lonely, and afraid. He had become such an integral part of her life in a considerably short period of time that she wasn’t entirely sure he hadn’t woven some magic spell around her that had ensnared her common sense. She should be slightly worried about his impact on her life. Disturbingly, she wasn’t.

“Wherever you are, I hope you are safe,” she murmured softly as she followed Delilah into the house.

“Eh? What was that?” Delilah asked with a frown.

“Nothing,” she said and closed the door behind them with a reassuring thump.


Jeb watched the door close behind Sophia. He was relieved that she was alright, and home safely.

If the way she hurried home with her aunt, their heads close together as they whispered to each other, was any indication their rift had been healed, for the time being at least. He was also relieved to note that Delilah had not taken a bag with her, and suspected from her shawl that she hadn’t secreted anything upon her person.

Now that Sophia was safe, Jeb turned his attention to the man who had followed them all the way from the Arbuthnot residence: Myers.

“Over there,” Marcus murmured.

“I see him,” Jeb replied.

Jeb watched the dark shadow trying to stealthily creep up to the house. Although he had tried to hide when the women stopped to check the area around them, there were very few objects to hide behind and he had been visible the entire way – to the Star Elite anyway.

“That’s Myers,” Jeb whispered.

“Is that the one who beat you up?”

Marcus assessed the man who had caused Jeb so many problems. He eyed the narrowed shou

lders atop a thin and slightly stooped stature, and lifted a mocking brow at his friend.

Jeb glared at him. “No, it wasn’t. The man I followed to London was the one I fought with.”

That wiped the smile of Marcus’ face. Just knowing that he might be connected to Sayers increased the danger they faced in this relatively small, sleepy village. Jeb had indeed been followed here from London, and that meant someone was watching them.

“Do we catch him?”

“Not yet,” Jeb replied. “I want to see if he is still using the Banks’ house or has moved to somewhere else while I have been away.”

He eyed Delilah’s front door as he spoke and found himself studying the windows, hoping to catch sight of Sophia, if only for a brief second, but the curtains were closed.

He had missed her terribly. He had fretted, worried, paced, stressed, and so desperate to see her just once that he had uncharacteristically snapped at his colleagues, and generally been out of sorts right until the moment he arrived back in Framley Meadow. Then, the first thing he had done was go in search of her: Sophia.

“So, is she the one?” Marcus asked casually.


“Is the gorgeous beauty the one who has you in knots? You have been like a cat with hot paws ever since you returned to London. You practically burned a trail all the way back here. My horse will take a week to recover; he has never run so hard. I guess from your rather avid determination to follow the ladies home that there is more than a professional interest there.”

Jeb nodded and sighed. “Her name is Sophia, but I cannot think of her right now. Let’s just focus on the job at hand, shall we? Before you try to marry me off.”

Marcus laughed softly. “I never mentioned marriage. You did.”

Jeb looked at him ruefully and nodded toward Myers. Together the men watched him attempt to peer through the windows only to be thwarted by the curtains Sophia had closed. With nothing else to do, he made his way back to the Banks’ house, oblivious to Jeb and Marcus close behind.

Once Myers had gone inside to light the fire, Marcus and Jeb met with Connor, Joshua, and Barnaby, who were already watching the house.

“Joseph has gone to the Squire’s house to see if he can find those jewels. He is going to meet with us later,” Barnaby reported with a nod to the house. “Shall we?”

They all nodded. Within seconds, they had found their way into the house and converged on the unsuspecting man who was busy in the kitchen. Nobody made a sound. They got into position and remained motionless while they waited for him to notice them. As soon as he realised he was no longer alone, Myers dropped the bread he was holding and tried to flee only to find all exit points blocked by the solid strength of the Star Elite.