“I haven’t seen him anywhere other than in Standmere, and the meeting place in the woods.”

“Just down the road from where Tabitha was found,” Jeb replied quietly.

Delilah looked panicked. “I didn’t hurt her. You must believe that. She was nothing but a young girl. Why would I possibly want to harm her?”

Her voice rose several notches when he didn’t try to appease her, and she threw a fleeting panicked look at Sophia in a silent plea for support.

“She may have overheard your meeting, or seen something she wasn’t supposed to. Who knows what crimes your contact, this Roland Myers, is capable of?” Jeb sighed. “Until you can be confident this man is not out to blackmail you, I strongly recommend you stay away from h

im. Do not take those jewels from the Squire’s. Right now, unless you have any other stolen goods hidden in this house, there is no incriminating evidence to suggest you are the thief. Keep it that way.”

Delilah nodded. For the first time since Sophia had arrived in Framley Meadow, Delilah had lost some of her arrogance. It gave her hope that her aunt might be able to change her ways after all.

“What do you plan to do now?” Delilah asked.

Jeb wasn’t sure whether she was asking what he planned to do about her, his knowledge of the thefts, the jewellery, or Roland Myers. Whichever, he was only prepared to tell her so much.

“Well, I am going to take a look at that jewellery. You stay well away from the Squire’s house, and leave the rest to me,” Jeb ordered. “I warn you now that the stealing has to stop, Delilah. If anything else disappears, I know exactly who to turn to. There is something more going on in these parts, and with the deaths of Mrs Banks and Tabitha, it is something sinister. Be careful who you meet in dark woods for the time being.”

“Do you really think Roland is dangerous?” To Delilah, the idea was preposterous at first, but the more she thought about Roland’s behaviour during that confrontation she realised it would be foolish to dismiss Jeb’s warning.

“I believe that there are too many issues to be dealt with before I can answer that with any degree of certainty,” Jeb warned darkly.

“We will be careful,” Sophia assured him.

He nodded. “Until then, ladies, stay close to home. Don’t go out to meet with anyone unless you absolutely have to. If you see anyone hanging about, send word with a neighbour to me at Briggleberry. I have colleagues working in the area who will keep an eye out for you.”

He watched Delilah as he spoke. He saw her eyes widen instinctively and knew she hadn’t told him the absolute truth.

“If there is anything else, I advise you to be completely honest with me now. I shall not take it kindly if I find you have kept some valuable information hidden from me.”

“There is nothing,” Delilah replied sharply.

“Fair enough.” He turned to Sophia. “Until then, my dear, I should be obliged if you would allow me to escort you to the Squire’s ball?”

When Delilah drew in a deep breath as if to argue, Jeb levelled a challenging stare at her that made her silence her protest.

“I should like that,” Sophia replied without even bothering to wait for her aunt’s approval.

As far as she was concerned, after today, she was not going to seek her aunt’s permission to do anything while in Framley Meadow. There was no love lost between the two of them and, until that situation could be remedied, she suspected Delilah would refuse any and all requests just to spite her.

“Then I shall pick you up at seven. Meantime, I should be obliged if you allow me to show you around Briggleberry tomorrow. I understand from my father that you haven’t received a tour yet. Please permit me. The orchard is delightful at this time of year.”

“I should love that, thank you,” Sophia gushed.

When Jeb bowed to take his leave, it was Sophia who stood up to see him out. Delilah remained still and silent in her chair and watched them go.

“What do you intend to do now?” she whispered once they were alone in the hallway.

The silence within the sitting room hinted that Delilah was listening to their conversation. With this in mind, Jeb leaned forward until their cheeks were touching and he could whisper directly into Sophia’s ear without being overheard.

“I found where the man is staying. I don’t think he intends to go anywhere until he has his hands on that jewellery. Stay in this house if you can. If you have to go out then you should go only to the village and back where you can be seen, and don’t go out at night alone. Is the ball is the next social engagement around these parts?”

“Yes. Delilah was supposed to take tea this afternoon with friends, but I don’t know if she still intends to go or not.”

“Well, Delilah can do as she pleases. I doubt anything will happen to her because she is the one who is supposed to get her hands on that jewellery. I am going to have a word with the Squire, and will then speak to the owner of the pawn shop. My friends are here so they can help with this. Promise me you will stay safe. Don’t take risks, and don’t trust Delilah. If you can, make sure you lock your door when you go to bed at night. If she does throw you out because of this then come to Briggleberry. You are more than welcome.”

Sophia nodded and smiled. “I don’t think it will be necessary, but thank you.”