“It is to my father. I have to keep him informed of a few things,” she replied evasively. She sensed his curiosity but wasn’t really in a position to satisfy it.

“Good, then I shall escort you there.”

As far as Sophia was concerned, they couldn’t get to the posting office fast enough. She tried to quicken her pace only to find herself held back by his leisurely stroll. Without making an issue of releasing her grip on his arm, she had to be guided by him. However, she was aware that if they continued at the pace they were going it would be tea-time before she got back to Delilah’s house. Didn’t the man have anything to do?

“I hear from my aunt that you come from London,” she said for want of anything else to say.

If she was honest, she wanted to know more about him. She certainly couldn’t ask Delilah because they were barely on speaking terms as it was after she had challenged her.

“That’s right,” Jeb replied with a nod, but didn’t expand.

“What do you do there?”


Of course, you do, Sophia mused sarcastically.

She realised from the way his brows lifted that her doubt was evident on her face. Taking a leaf out of Delilah’s book, Sophia plastered an overly bright smile on her face and watched him blink in astonishment.

“Here we are,” she declared somewhat loudly, blithely ignoring the fact that they hadn’t even gone half way down the main street. “Thank you for the escort but I am sure I can find my own way now.”

She released his elbow and hurried away before he could object.

Jeb watched her go. Every time she smiled at him like that he felt as though someone had punched him in the gut, while she appeared to be totally ignorant of the effect she had on him. He shook his head in confusion at her ability to throw him into turmoil and stared at the posting office door blankly for several moments while he thought about it.

“Well, she won’t get away a second time,” he grumbled with a frown at the door.

He didn’t work for the Star Elite for nothing. Determined not to allow her to have the last say, Jeb ambled slowly toward the posting office. Rather than go inside as well, he propped his shoulders against the wall, lifted one booted foot to rest on the wall, and settled down to wait.

This time, Sophia did groan aloud when she left the building, and Jeb immediately fell into step beside her.

“Oh, it’s you again,” she said, then winced when she realised just how rude that was. “I am sorry. It has just been a rather trying day.”

“As it is such a lovely morning, I thought I might walk you home,” he replied blandly.

He smothered a smirk when she sighed impatiently again, but didn’t reply. He tried not to be put out by her apparent disinterest in him, which had already been betrayed by the rather longing look she had given him earlier. Why was she so reluctant to be around him?

“That would be – nice,” she replied weakly as, for the second time that day, she was forced into step beside him.

I just bet it will be, Jeb mused wryly.

To his dismay, he found himself downright captivated by this rather spiky side to her. She had considerably more spirit than Jeb had given her creditor for, and he suddenly wanted to prod some more to see just how deep that passion went.

“I wanted to speak with you about the thefts,” he began.

“Look, it wasn’t me,” she protested. “I have only been in the village for a few weeks. The thefts have been going on a lot longer than that so you really need to speak with one of the villagers. Or, better yet, someon

e who has had something stolen.”

“I have,” Jeb replied. “Me.”

She looked askance at him.

“My father,” he continued.

She sighed and continued her journey down the main street.

Determined not to be thwarted, Jeb fell into step beside her.