“We think Valentin might have sent them to get them into the house. If the magistrate had a tip-off that stolen items were in the house, anyone living here would be held on suspicion of handling the stolen goods, if not burglary.”

Connor frowned as he thought about that. “What would that have to do with Valentin?”

“We can only assume that Valentin could then blackmail Tahlia, and offer to get her out if she helped him in some way,” Barnaby replied. He glanced casually up and down the street but couldn’t see anybody. He could feel their eyes boring into the back of his head, though, and didn’t want to stay out on the street for much longer.

“Blackmail?” Connor whispered. “The portrait.”

Barnaby nodded and looked Connor square in the eye. “Let me in. I don’t care if they try to ambush me. I have reinforcements down the street keeping watch.”

Connor stood back so Barnaby could slither through the door.

“What do you know?”

“That Valentin doesn’t live anywhere in London. There is not a trace of him. Ambrose has asked all of his contacts. The man began to merge into London society last year. While he doesn’t attend all of the social gatherings, he attends enough to continue to gain access to the grandest of houses. I think most people let him in because he claims to be wealthy, and an owner of a diamond mine. He is a flamboyant character, apparently, although nobody can remember much else about him.”

Connor sighed and swore.

“We are still trying to get someone to catch sight of him. However, it is starting to look like this Valentin is Sayers. It is something he would do. All of us know how that man likes to play a part. It also explains how he knows who has jewels worth a fortune.”

“He moves about amongst his victims,” Connor snorted. “The man is a fool.”

“He is arrogant. He doesn’t consider that we would even cotton on to what he is doing,” Barnaby snorted.

“I wonder why Henry chose to draw a picture of him.”

“Maybe he suspected there was something unusual about the man? Whatever the reason, it is not important. Henry drew a picture, and it is a picture of Count Anatoly Valentin who it is presumed is an alias used by Terrence Sayers.”

“No wonder they are so desperate to get the portrait back,” Connor snorted.

Barnaby nodded. “He knows we can identify him. I have no doubt now that this Count will vanish completely. After what happened to you last night, we need to get everyone out of this house.”

Connor nodded. “You won’t find any argument there, but how?”

“Leave it to me,” Barnaby said as he turned to the door. “Ben and Reg will arrive at noon today with a large tea chest. It is full of nothing

, but they will bring it into the house. Your reinforcements will stay with you and get you out of the house. They will tell you what we have planned. I might even be with them, I am not sure yet.”

“We need to go straight to Rutland,” Connor warned.

“Good enough. Once you get there, stay there, and keep your head down.”

Connor nodded. “Gladly. Are you sure you can do without me?”

Barnaby grinned at him. “You need to meet with McManners when you get to Rutland. He is in Leicestershire. You can still keep working for the Star Elite, but on more local issues for the time being. It will give you something to do while we look for whoever wants you dead. I will tell you when we catch the bastard. Until then, look after Tahlia and that son of yours,” Barnaby warned.

Connor nodded. “Thank you,” he said effusively, touched by his colleague’s generosity.

“I have asked McManners to send Rafael down to help us in exchange for you. Rafe is a good man so we won’t miss you,” he accompanied his aside with a teasing grin.

Connor smirked; pleased to be able to gain the time he desperately needed to work on pulling his family, and fatherhood, together.

Doffing his imaginary cap in a mocking salute, Barnaby turned to leave.

“Stay safe,” Connor called. He didn’t wait for Barnaby to reply, merely shut the door and stood beside it, listening for sounds of an altercation, gunshot, or anything amiss outside. Thankfully, silence settled, and left Connor able to go in search of those drinks.

Within minutes he crept into the bedroom. He was surprised to find Tahlia propped up in the bed.

“Thank you,” she murmured, eagerly accepting the goblet of wine off him. She hadn’t realised just how thirsty she was until she saw the drinks in his hand.