“Why are we going this way?” Tahlia gasped. “We are going toward them.”

“No, we aren’t,” Connor replied in a hard voice. “They are in a carriage. They won’t be able to turn it around that quickly, and will be heading in the opposite direction.”

Tahlia lapsed into silence. They were moving so quickly she was struggling to keep pace, but Connor seemed to know what he was doing.

When they reached the end of the alley, Connor glanced up and down the blessedly empty road and tugged Tahlia out onto the street.

“We need to hurry,” Connor replied.

The sound of clip-clopping hooves suddenly caught their attention. Connor spied an empty carriage trotting toward them and lifted his hand.

“Don’t stop, we are in a hurry,” he called when the carriage pulled alongside. “Gillingham House, Westby Street, Mayfair please, and don’t stop for anything.”

He practically threw Tahlia into the carriage and jumped in after her before she had even taken a seat. With the door closed, he slid the shutters down, and ordered Tahlia to remain perfectly still while he

peered around the blind.

“Do you see them?” She whispered.

Connor shook his head. “Keep an eye out that side, but don’t move the blind if you can. Keep your face hidden. They mustn’t see you looking out at them or they will know it is us in here.”

Tahlia’s heart thundered but it was more with the thrill of excitement than fear. Now that they were encased in the secure confines of the carriage she felt considerably safer and began to relax.

“There they are,” Connor muttered as they turned out of the end of the street. “The two men on foot are talking to the coachman. They are trying to work out where we vanished to.”

A smile lit Connor’s face as he watched them enter the alley he and Tahlia had just left.

“We are safe,” she whispered in jubilation only for her smile to die at the stark look on his face.

“Not yet, but we will be in a while.” When he saw her crestfallen look he realised just how rough he was being on her. “I am sorry. I just need to get us back to Gillingham House in one peace. Then I can relax a little.”

“They followed us, didn’t they?” she whispered.

Connor nodded. “I think it is safe to assume that they have been watching the back of the house as well.”

“Why don’t we go in through the front door then?” she asked.

“We have to stand on the doorstep while we wait for Oscar to answer the door. Anybody could shoot at us while we are there. It is about the most vulnerable place we could be. We are going to go back into the house the way we left it. There are places they can hide, but there are also places we can hide as well.”

“In the alley,” she whispered.

Tahlia nodded, but looked at him doubtfully. “If you are sure it will work.”

“It is the best option we have at present. They have lost us at the moment, but could make their way here just as quickly as we have.”

Tahlia winced. The idea of walking down a dark alley, even with Connor by her side, made her feel sick with dread.

“We will be alright, Tahlia,” he assured her.

“Nothing is alright in London,” she whispered.


Connor misunderstood, and threw her a commiserating look.

“It won’t be long now,” he promised.

She climbed down from the carriage reluctantly, and tugged her cloak around her as she eyed the shadows already starting to form around them. The entrance of the alley already looked like a black hole that would lead her directly to Hell, and she hadn’t even entered it yet.