“Well, she isn’t a very good maid, is she?” Connor snorted. “I thought she was supposed to stay with you at all times.”

“She does,” Tahlia argued, eager to defend her maid’s innocence.

“Well where was she back there then?” In spite of his anger, the thought of Tahlia’s maid cowering in fright in a darkened corner of the alley made Connor pause. He levelled a scowl on Tahlia that would have seared her and leaned threateningly toward her.

Damn it, he mused when the delicate scent of roses teased her nostrils, and stole his temper.

He knew then that it was already too late. No matter what the cost to him, he would go back for the wretched maid, and fight half of London to keep Tahlia safe while he did so if that is what it took. As long as she remained a part of his life now he didn’t care what happened. First, he just had to help her out of whatever mess she had gotten herself into.

Before Tahlia could draw breath, Connor stepped forward and grasped the back of her neck with one large, warm palm. Her protest was stifled when his lips slammed down on hers with such force that her head tipped backward. The possession was swift, brutal even, but was effective in stealing all of her senses. She was helpless to find a way to stop it, especially when every fibre of her being seemed to cry out for him. She wanted him; it was as simple as that.

Eventually, Connor found the strength to release her but struggled to know what to say when he did. His first instinct was to apologise, but then he had every intention of doing exactly the same thing again the first chance he got. Rather than speak, he waved his arm in a wide arc.

“Let’s go,” he ordered, this time in softer, more cajoling tones.

“I have to go back for my maid,” she choked out.

It galled her to witness just how spectacularly unaffected he was by what had just happened. She, meanwhile, was a quivering mass of feminine hysteria who wanted him to kiss her again, but then didn’t. It was enough to give her the strength she needed to be just as blaze about their kiss as he was.

“If your maid has been searching for you then she will realise you are not in the area anymore, and will eventually find her way home, won’t she?” Connor challenged, well aware that he was going to go back and look for her anyway.

“I can’t just leave her. Cecily is not from around here,” Tahlia protested. “She won’t be able to find her way home.”

Connor swore loudly when Tahlia began to march into the gloom. He remained where he was and stared after her – until the smog threatened to swallow her up. Propelled into action, he lurched into a run.

“Tahlia,” he called, but she didn’t slow her pace.

Shaking his head in disbelief, he wished he could turn around and leave her to her fate, whatever that was. But his conscience wouldn’t allow it. For someone to be mugged once in one day was bad enough; to be mugged twice in the space of half an hour rang alarm bells. He knew there was something in her bag other people wanted. As a member of the Star Elite, he had to find out what it was, preferably before she got hurt. He couldn’t leave her to get mugged again. Next time, the mugger might be better prepared for any protest she might make.

“Jesus, save me,” he pleaded beneath his breath.

Inside, he already suspected it was far too late. Even God couldn’t save him now. He was sunk, and he knew it. If he was honest, he rather admired this fierce side to her. It was totally unexpected, if a little intriguing. She had backbone, and he liked that in a woman. Not just any woman; he liked that in Tahlia.

Although she clutched her bag tighter against her chest, Tahlia suspected the man stalking up behind her was Connor. Still, she didn’t relax until he appeared at her elbow. Mentally, she heaved a sigh of relief that it was him and nobody else. Still, she stubbornly refused to look at him. Instead, she kept her gaze forward and continued walking as though completely uncaring that he was there.

“Your fool maid should do her job a little better,” Connor snapped.

“I didn’t ask for your advice as to my maid’s capabilities,” Tahlia replied. “Thank you for your help today, but I am perfectly able to find my way now.”

“Oh? Really?” Connor swore sarcastically. “Then why have you just made a turn down the wrong street? You need to be going down the next one.”

He snorted in disgust when she slowed her pace rather than stopped to check where she was. When she tipped her head up to stare at him she did so contemptuously, as if pouring scorn on his statement. The urge to wipe that arrogance off her face was so compelling that he began to wonder if another kiss was in order. He squinted at her through the gloom but knew it would most likely earn him a slap. Regardless of their current situation, Connor began to smile and waited.

When it was evident that she wasn’t going to admit defeat, he dragged her toward a small street sign attached the side of a building not but a few feet away.

“Look. This is Bakers Street. The next one along is Camden Road. That’s the road the alley is on. That is the road where your maid left you,” he explained. “You are going in completely the wrong direction.”

Tahlia stared at the street sign and felt some of her d

efiance begin to dim. Nevertheless, she refused to allow him to gain the upper hand and levelled a withering glare on him.

“Thank you,” she said formally before she stalked away.

Connor watched her go with a grin on his face. Once she reached the end of the road, she turned to the left.

“Right,” Connor called around a laugh.

Spinning on her heel, Tahlia took the road to the right.