It was only when he watched her sail out of the door, and he realised he was alone, that he jumped off the bed and raced after her.

When he caught her in the hallway, this time he left her in no doubt about her future, and snatched the sensual reins of control straight back off her.

“Will you two get a room,” Oscar growled as he stomped past carrying his and Cecily’s cases. “You are making me blush.”

Connor smothered a laugh. Tahlia playfully whacked his shoulder before she straightened her skirts. She sauntered casually down the corridor, but threw him a mock-dirty look before she preceded him down the stairs. He playfully began to chase her, and revelled in her laughter as she scurried down the stairs toward the study.


Delighted with the way things were progressing between them, Connor was still smiling when he entered the study moments later.

“Afternoon all,” Barnaby said ruefully as he watched them jostle into the room.

Once she had crossed the threshold, Tahlia threw Connor a mock stern look to which he merely lifted his brows innocently at her. She then realised there were new arrivals watching them and tried to behave with a little more decorum. She failed miserably when Connor came to stand beside her and swept a long arm around her waist.

“What do you have?” he asked as he dropped onto a chaise beside Tahlia once the introductions were made.

First of all, Barnaby confirmed the cause of Henry’s death to Tahlia. He smiled sympathetically when she slumped against Connor in relief. He then proceeded to explain to her that the jewels she was sent had been stolen.

“It reinforces the fact that I need to get out of London. When they shot at us through the door, they were most likely trying to shoot me because I have been observing one of Sayers’ close circle of associates,” Connor explained. “I think I am on Sayers’ hit list.”

Tahlia gasped and stared at him.

“He won’t get me, but I need to lie low for a while,” he assured her.

Tahlia nodded, and looked at him with such loving trust in her eyes that for a second, Connor went to kiss her again. Until he realised that he had the rather amused gazes of four of his colleagues watching them. Wrinkling his nose up at them, he settled back against the chaise, but made no apology when he drew Tahlia against him.

Thankfully, Tahlia was completely at ease with this tactile display of affection, and settled against him without a murmur.

Barnaby looked from Connor to Tahlia and back again. Although he wouldn’t say as much in front of Tahlia for fear of embarrassing her, they really did make a handsome couple. Shaking his head in disbelief at just how besotted Connor clearly was, he turned his attention to the Star Elite’s biggest problem.

“Now, about how we are going to get you all out of here,” he began. “Here is what I think we should do. Each of the men will to take someone with them when they leave this house. We will each take a different route, and will meet at a coaching tavern on the outskirts of Epping Forest tonight. How you get there is entirely up to you. However, you are not to leave the area. Matthew will find you. He will have coaches waiting to take everyone on different routes to Rutland. You will, of course, take a roundabout route, and will need to double back a few times.”

“Why?” Tahlia asked with a frown. She asked Barnaby, but glanced up at Connor.

“Because we might get followed, Tahlia,” Connor explained. “If we take a meandering route, we have the opportunity to double back and check to see if anyone is following us. If not, then we can take an alternative route to the main roads. It takes longer to go anywhere but means we can avoid anyone trying to keep tabs on us.”

Tahlia nodded but couldn’t see how such a scheme could possibly work. The men seemed confident they could do it, though, so she kept her opinions to herself.

“Tahlia, you will stay with Connor at all times. Oscar is going to take one coach, and Cecily will take the other. You will need to journey overnight, and swap coaches several times, so it is going to be a long journey I am afraid. It is better if you don’t stop travelling at all unless it is to change horses. Matthew will arrange food baskets to take with you to make the journey less arduous.”

“Harley, has already gone ahead to arrange for fresh horses to be ready for you all. It is anticipated you will reach Rutland sometime in the next four or five days.”

Tahlia jerked when she realised how long it was going to take but understood that it was for the best.

Barnaby studied her. He saw her worry and remained quiet for several moments while he waited for her to weigh up the pros and cons of the arrangement. When she nodded, he took it as acceptance and heaved a sigh of relief that she was at least sensible. Connor had chosen well.

“When you get to Rutland, take the time to go and see McManners, Connor. He is waiting for you. We will send you the all clear when we find this Count, and uncover whether he is Sayers or not. This portrait is the best lead we have so far. It is an incredible stroke of genius on Henry’s half to draw it. I think it may be the one piece of evidence that may break this case.”

“We have nothing else to go on at the moment,” Connor declared flatly. “Because nobody can say what Sayers looks like we are fighting a veritable ghost.”

Barnaby nodded. “Right, well, unless anyone has any objections, we will leave within the hour. We have brought a pile of cloaks which all look the same. Nobody leaves this house without one on, with the hood covering the face.”

If her life wasn’t in danger, Tahlia would have enjoyed the excitement of this situation. As it was, the memory of the fraught hour they had spent damping down the fire in the room next door warned her that this was no elaborate game. The people who had attacked the house last night meant business. If anything went wrong any one of them could wind up dead.

Connor lifted their clasped hands and kissed her fingers when he felt her go tense beside him.

“It won’t be long now. If we walk to the Thames, and maybe catch a barge, we can make our way down the river and disembark on the outskirts of town somew