If so, they did not get the message they were picking on the wrong person, he mused silently as he studied the key with a frown. There was nothing about it that would warrant such a determined effort to relieve her of it.

Thankfully, the stilted silence was broken by the rattle of pots by the door. They both looked up in time to watch Oscar manoeuvre a heavy tray of tea things through the door and hesitate when he saw Connor.

“Cecily said you wanted tea, ma’am,” he murmured reluctantly as he crossed the room. After that brief yet telling moment of hesitation, he adopted his most officious demeanour and slid the tray onto the table before her. “Would you like me to pour, ma’am?”

“No, thank you,” Tahlia replied. “If you can make sure Cecily is alright, it would be appreciated, Oscar. I think she got a little frightened by the smog. Make sure she stays in the kitchen where it is warm, would you?”

Her gaze met Oscars. A wealth of understanding swept between them. Oscar nodded and bowed before he quietly took his leave. He would indeed keep Cecily in the kitchen where she wouldn’t be tempted to let something slip, especially while Connor was here.

Once the butler had gone, Tahlia turned her attention to the contents of her bag.

“What is it to?” Connor asked as he tested the key for size and weight.

It felt like something people would have used a hundred years ago. It was too heavy and cumbersome to be of much use these days. There wasn’t anything so unusual about it that anyone would be prepared to rob and kidnap her to get it. Of course, it might not be the key that was the valuable asset here. It could be what the key was to that was significant. His ears pricked up when Tahlia spoke.

Tahlia sighed. “I have yet to see if it fits an

ything in this house because I have only just collected it from the solicitors.”

“The solicitor gave it to you?” Connor asked with a frown. “Your uncle didn’t leave it in the house?”

Tahlia shook her head. “I don’t see how much use it would be to anyone. I mean, I don’t even know what it is for. This is so old that I don’t think there is anything in the house old enough to fit it.”

“Your uncle didn’t leave any note with the key?” Connor asked with a frown as he studied the small note with Tahlia’s name on it.

Tahlia refused to open it in his presence. She wanted to read it when she was alone in case it contained something personal relating to Joseph.

“How long have you been here?” he asked casually, aware that her uncle had passed away several weeks ago.

He nodded when she offered tea and watched as she poured two cups with trembling hands. Her ordeal this morning had left a mark upon her after all. Or was it that he was asking questions that unnerved her for some reason?

“Two days,” she replied bluntly.

“Two days?” His scowl deepened. “But your uncle died several weeks ago.”

He mentally winced, but it was too late to take the words back.

“I am well aware of when my uncle passed,” Tahlia informed him pertly.

Connor was confused. “Did nobody contact you to inform you of his passing?”

Tahlia sighed. She didn’t want to answer his questions but doubted he would stop until he had all the answers he wanted.

“I was notified about three weeks after his passing. I received a note from the solicitor to inform me that I was a beneficiary of his will.” She looked at him sadly. “He had already been buried by then.”

“I am sorry,” Connor offered gently.

Tahlia nodded.

“I haven’t been able to travel to London before now.” Tahlia didn’t tell him that her reluctance to leave home was because of Joseph.

“Who knows that you are back in London?”

“Nobody,” Tahlia replied honestly. “I have no acquaintance in London to inform of my return.”

“What about the solicitor?” Connor prompted her. “Did you tell him?”

Tahlia shook her head. “He wrote to inform me that he had some papers for me to sign and that I needed to visit his offices to sign them. I didn’t arrange a specific date and time with him. I just dropped by today on the off-chance someone was available to see me.”