Page 48 of Passion's Prey

As Petra stared up at him, speechless and still quivering from the emotion which had racked her, he went on, 'Or, rather— our wedding-cake. Well, say something—please.'

'You mean—are you—is this a proposal?' Her green eyes were almost swallowing the rest of her features.

He pulled a rueful face. 'Not a very good one, I'm afraid. I haven't had much practice at it. But—will you marry me?' His voice was tense; this was a new, uncertain Jared, and it made her heart-strings twist.

'But you don't love me,' she whispered.

His fingers tightened momentarily on her arms, then he released her. 'Look, for God's sake, can I have some of that whiskey?'

He jerked his head at the bottle, which still stood on the table.

'I'm sorry. Of course.' Her brain reeling, she busied herself getting a glass. 'Help yourself.'

'Thanks.' He hooked out a chair with his foot, dropped into it and poured himself a large drink.

'I—er—think I've got some soda,' she said tentatively.

'No, thanks.' He took a long gulp, then pulled out another chair. 'Sit there.'

When she obeyed he reached for her hand, raised it to his lips, then gently set it down again.

'Petra,' he was gazing down into the amber depths of his glass, 'you must believe me. I do love you. Though, after the way I've treated you, I've forfeited forever the right to tell you so. I can only—' he hesitated '—I can only ask you to forgive me.'

'Jared . . . ' she bit painfully on her lip, her heart swelling with love for this proud man, humbling himself in front of her ' . . . there's nothing to forgive.'

'But there is—even if it took a force-ten gale finally to get it into my thick head that—'

When he stopped abruptly she prompted, 'That?'

'—that I can't live without you.' A ghost of a wry smile. 'I recommend a few minutes staring eternity in the face—it's a great way to sort out your priorities.' He broke off again, then, 'You do still love me, don't you?'

'You know that,' she said quietly. 'I've never stopped loving you—and I never will.'

'And you will marry me?'

She nodded, too overflowing with emotion to trust her voice.

'Oh, my l o v e ... ' Jared's lips compressed ' . . . I don't deserve you.'

Pushing back his chair, he pulled her to her feet and took her in his arms again, nuzzling her bright hair with his cheek. As she clasped her arms round him she closed her eyes, the happiness glowing within her. It was as though she had walked through a door, out of a bitter, icy winter's night, into the warmth and light of a summer's day.

'Have you told Simon?' Jared broke a long silence.

'That I was breaking off our engagement?' She pulled away from him slightly, and gave a wry smile. 'Actually, he rang me yesterday to tell me he's in love.'

Jared gave a mirthless laugh. 'He's only just found that out?'

'But not with me. He's fallen headlong for the daughter of the school bursar.'


'Yes. They're an old army family, apparently. He's taking her down to Sidmouth tomorrow to meet his mother.'

'Old army family, eh? Well, I'm sure she'll approve.'

'Yes, I rather think she will.'

But as she smiled faintly at him he exclaimed savagely, 'That Polruan—I always knew he was a bloody fool! To throw away a prize like you, for a —'