Desire built in both of them before the clothing that prevented closer contact became frustrating. Hands clutched desperately at material as bodies sought to get even closer. She moaned low in her throat as he shifted forward to allow her to feel the evidence of his need for her.

A gentle breeze swept across his shoulders: a tender reminder that he should remember where he was. Reluctantly, he eased away from the kiss, and lifted his head to look down at her.

“Hetty, we have to stop,” he murmured. He couldn’t draw away and sever all contact with her, not when she looked so damned delectable. He began to drop random kisses down the long column of her throat while he waited for her to respond.

“I am sorry,” she whispered, although had no idea what she was apologising for.

She didn’t – couldn’t – regret this. Although she had grown up with her brothers, she had never been this close to any man before, and was as amazed by it as she was slightly worried at the intimacies they were sharing. Still, she couldn’t ask him to stop. The wonderful feelings his caresses brought forth deep within her intrigued her. She desperately wanted to know where it would take them.

She felt branded, possessed, and cosseted, and loved the fact that this man – this incredibly brave, caring, protective man, was the reason for it.

How can any man’s kiss do this to me? The thought whispered through her mind, but was gone as quickly as it came.

He tipped his head, and reclaimed her lips in searing possession that robbed her of all further thought. The hot probe of his tongue swept across her lips, and elicited the gasp from her that he wanted.

He immediately took advantage of her momentary distraction. The sensation of his tongue probing deeply into her mouth left her with no choice but to cling to him even tighter, and give in to temptation.

His mouth suddenly vanished, and she was left to stare up at the stars in the sky while he peppered her face, neck and shoulders with random kisses. She gasped when his kisses brushed the gentle curve of her breast. She suddenly felt completely out of her depth, but wasn’t frightened by it. She wanted more.

Charlie groaned and struggled to retain some semblance of control. While his mind warned him to remember where they were, his body wasn’t listening. If it hadn’t been for the lush, feminine curves, and the gentle teasing of her fingers at the nape of his neck, he might have been able to withdraw a little, and put some distance between them so reason could take hold.

However, when another shiver swept down his spine, he knew that it was impossible. He had never felt so tuned to anyone in his life. Every sense; every fibre of his being was locked firmly on her. He could hear her every heartbeat; feel her every breath, and just couldn’t bring himself to pull away. The lushness of her moistened lips glistened temptingly at him in the moonlight.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

One long finger trailed over the tender white flesh that was barely visible above the material of her shirt. He watched the flesh quiver beneath his finger, and studied her for a moment before he followed the trail with his lips.

Outside, the solitary hoot of an owl was the only sound that interrupted the stillness of the night as the lovers gave in to the desire that neither of them could ignore.

“How are you?” Charlie asked quietly as he drew her tighter against him.

Even with her hair hanging around her shoulders in wild abandon, she looked tousled and sleepy, and so damned beautiful that she took his breath away. The brilliant blue of her eyes seemed even more cobalt this morning which, in addition to the gentle flush on her cheeks, gave her the look of a woman who had been thoroughly ravished.

He felt a wave of immense, almost overwhelming, love for her sweep through him. It was so strong that for a moment he couldn’t speak. The force of the emotion he felt hit him like a bolt of lightning, and he stared down at her nonplussed for a moment while he considered the effect she had on him.

His heart thundered heavily. Was it love? Could it be love this soon?

He hardly knew her really, yet felt as though he had known her all of his life. Theirs was certainly a comfortable relationship; something that just felt right. There was none of the usual awkwardness that usually lay between two people who were attracted to each other, but were desperately trying to ignore it.

They had fitted together, last night, as though made for each other. At the time, he hadn’t paid too much attention to how perfect she felt beneath him but now, in the cold light of day, what they had shared had been wonderful.

“I am fine,” Hetty lied.

She fought hard to keep her face impassive while his eyes slid gently over her.

Inside, she was a seething mass of emotions she struggled to make sense of. She couldn’t believe she had slept so soundly, especially given the danger they were in. However, the stunning force of what she had shared with Charlie last night had left her too overwhelmed to do much of anything else except curl up against him and rest.

Before she could say anything else, the soft snort of a horse drew their attention. Her gaze flew to their horses, neither of which had moved, or made a sound.

“Charlie,” she whispered.

She knew from the look on his face that he knew the sound had come from another horse outside.

She opened her mouth to speak only to find the space he had occupied suddenly empty.

He crossed quickly to the window and looked outside. Hetty took a moment to herself to dress before she looked at him. She wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at the sight of him standing tall and proud beside the window, and completely naked.

“Who is it?” she whispered, as she gathered his clothes up. She crossed the room and handed them to him. He took them off her absently, his gaze locked on whoever it was outside.