“I told you I won’t sleep with you. Whatever you paid Bernard you need to get back from him, because he has ripped you off too. I am not a whore and I won’t give you any information about Jemima.” Eliza snapped in a voice made shrill with the clawing need to get out but she could do little to prevent the rising tide of panic that clawed at her, driving her onwards recklessly.

He had been so masterful at seducing her, she had briefly forgotten where she – they – were. She didn’t care if she had to beat her way out of the tavern; nothing was going to stop her leaving. She didn’t stop to look back into the room, and was vaguely aware of the sudden shifting of shadows within the room as he lurched towards the door moments before it slammed shut behind her. From the curses and thumps emanating from the room, he had either fallen over or walked into the solid slab of wood so rudely slammed in his face.

She didn’t stop to check on him and instead ran down the stairs, ignoring the catcalls and whistles from the tap room’s occupants as she swept through the side room towards the back corridor and the door at the end marking freedom.

Completely ignoring Bernard’s angry shouts behind her, she ducked into the office taking precious moments to haul out the small box he kept in his desk and upend the contents on the desk. Grabbing a handful of coins, she roughly assessed how much she was owed and tucked them into the pocket of her dress before lunging back into the corridor.

Her eyes were wide with anger as she practically ran into Bernard, who was leaning against the wall gasping for breath, his mouth opening and closing with rage that mottled his face a mixture of puce and purple.

“I’ll take that as payment for the bar work. Now get out of my way.” She snapped with cold eyes as she hefted her bundle before her meaningfully.

The hour was late, and although most of the patrons had gone home there were some still around, and they were now gathered in the doorway to watch the spectacle.

“Give me the money back whore.” Bernard snarled.

“You owe me several months’ pay. If you think keeping me here without pay with the intent of turning me into a whore is going to work, then I am afraid you are sadly mistaken. Now are you going to move out of my way – or do I have to force you.”

She ignored his growl of contempt and met his glare with one of her own. Her chin tilted defiantly, every fibre of her being locked onto the seething mass behind her. If they took it into their heads to snatch her, she wouldn’t stand a chance against them but it was a risk she had to take. Her gaze locked on the hefty bulk of the man before her, she issued one last warning.

“Move – or I’ll move you.” She snarled, her amber eyes flashing in warning moments before she swung the heavy bundle she carried straight at Bernard’s head. He crumpled to the floor without a murmur. Eliza turned and shot the men in the doorway a glare of contemptuous warning before stepping over the unconscious bulk and heading out of the door, letting it swing closed behind her with a reassuring thump.

Chapter Three

Once outside, she felt panic begin to swell. Getting out of the Tavern had been the relatively easy part. Now she had to get as far away from the place as possible. Although rendering Bernard unconscious had bought her some time, she knew that at any moment the occupants would spill out onto the streets in search of her.

Her stomach lurched with sickening nerves as she took a few steps away from the solid bulk of the inn only to be drawn to an abrupt halt by the unrelenting grip on her elbow.

“You hit me with that again and I swear as God is my witness, I will paddle your arse.” Edward snarled, snatching the hideous bundle of rags off her and throwing it into the bushes in disgust. Ignoring her protests he dragged her unceremoniously across the stable yard into the cavernous barn that accommodated his horse.

“Stand there.” He ordered, shoving her roughly against the stable wall and turning to quickly saddle his horse. He issued her a hard glare and stood between her and the stable opening, daring her to try to push past him. The lump on his head throbbed and he still struggled to clear his blurred vision. Whatever had been in that bundle had been chosen well; he wondered if they should have kept it because he had a distinct feeling they were going to need it before the night was over.

From the angry murmuring amongst the inn’s remaining patrons, he fully expected that any moment now the tavern would erupt and they would have to fight their way out of the stable yard.

“Where the hell are you going?” He snarled placing one large hand into the centre of her chest. Ignoring the soft press of flesh beneath his fingers he pushed her back against the wall, his temper seesawing wildly between admiration for her determination and anger for her recklessness.

“They’ll kill you if you go back in there.” He snapped, nodding toward the bulk of the inn. Although he was loathed to admit it, she had been impressive to watch as she had thrashed her way out of the tavern like Boudicca leading her army. The fiery glint of daring in her amber eyes had dared anyone to risk coming closer to face her wrath. It had been enough to keep the men at a wary distance and allow her escape but he felt relatively certain would not be enough to stop the angry men from regaining possession of someone they clearly considered theirs.

He had his pistol on him, but he had limited shot and certainly not enough to keep a baying crowd away.

“I’m not going back in.” Eliza snapped defensively, unsure whether she was relieved or annoyed when his solid bulk blocked her from leaving. “I need my bundle.”

Edward heaved a put-upon sigh at the insanity of females and shoved the bit into his horse’s mouth. “There is no time. We have to go.”

He cursed when the quiet of the night air was shattered with the banging of the tavern door. “Now!” He ordered, grabbing her around the waist and hoisting

her unceremoniously onto the saddle before swinging up behind her.

Ignoring her gasp of surprise he wrapped his arms firmly around her, pulling her tight against his chest as he dug his heels into the horse beneath them. They tore out of the stable yard as though the hounds of hell were at his heels and thundered through the surging crowd without pause.

“Here! You! Get back here!” Bernard shouted holding a white cloth against his head as he staggered ahead of several men who tried to jump in front of the charging horse.

Eliza cried aloud as fingers snatched at the hem of her dress as she sped past, immediately lifting her feet higher and out of reach of grasping hands. Her backwards slide was prevented only by Edward’s fierce grip as he held her against his chest.

“Wrap your arms around me and hang on.” Edward shouted, urging his horse through the assembled throng now spilling out onto the narrow street directly in front of the tavern.

Terrified, Eliza did as she was instructed and slid her arms around his lean waist, clutching the soft material of his shirt on his back with desperate hands. All she could do was cling to him as the horse dipped and swayed beneath them as it dodged people trying to grab its halter.

“Come on boy, you can do it.” Edward murmured softly, watching his horse’s ears prick upwards at the steady command. Digging his heels in, he was rewarded when Guinness lurched forwards and charged through the melee, his hooves pounding in fury as he barrelled down the main street sensing his master’s calm air of command and responding to it without question.