They paused and waited as Peter moved towards Rogan, who was sitting on the forest floor at the back of the line of men looking sullen. She glanced cautiously at Edward, and wondered whether Peter could actually be trusted to withhold his anger.

“I should just run you through where you sit.” Peter spat, his voice laced with contempt. Everyone in the clearing froze, and turned to stare at the confrontation that was unfolding before them. Tension shimmered expectantly in the air as everyone waited for the inevitable.

“Do it.” Rogan spat, glaring contemptuously at the man before him.

“No.” Peter shook his head slowly and to the relief of everyone, turned away with a shrug of disinterest. “You are going somewhere special. I have people in the War Office who want to speak to you. Oh, and by the way?” Peter’s voice was almost conversational as he dropped his bombshell. “When you are at the gallows look up, because I will be there and I will be watching as the life is sucked from you. On this occasion, vengeance is mine. If you are lucky, they may hang you before your father – so he can watch.”

Eliza’s last view of the scene was of Rogan being hauled to his feet and dragged from the clearing after his men; his foul epithets ringing loudly in the air.

“Let’s go home.” She murmured a thick fog of emotional and physical weariness settle over her. As the meadow began to disappear from view, Eliza gazed up at Edward’s beloved face with a sense of urgency she couldn’t


“I love you.” She whispered, her voice trembling with the emotions threatening to tumble out of her. “I just need you to know.” Eliza murmured softly. “When I was on top of the horse facing death, I realised I hadn’t told you.”

“I’m glad you have now.” Edward replied, his heart soaring with delight. One blunt finger tipping her face upwards for the tender kiss he placed on her lips. “I’ve never held anyone’s heart before.” He smiled ruefully down at her, struggling to put all of the things he wanted to say in some semblance of order.

“I know you don’t feel the same way and that’s alright.” She gazed up at him, a tiny pang of longing and bitter regret stealing through her. “I just want you to know that I love you anyway.”

“You are wrong you know.” He replied, his tone almost conversational as he discussed the most important issue of his life. His gaze captured and held hers. He made no attempt to hide the emotions swirling in their depths. “I do love you.” He ignored her gasp of surprise and turned his gaze to Havistock Hall resting just ahead of them. “I think I have from the very first moment I saw you throwing tankards of ale at the patrons in the tavern. It’s the only explanation I can come up with why I was so determined to pay for a night with you. You tempted me beyond everything I was familiar with. Knowing you has made me reassess who I am, what I am and what I want out of life.” He lowered his gaze to her beautiful, achingly familiar face, his voice humbled with emotion. “Knowing you has made me consider my future and despite our short acquaintance, I really cannot consider my life without you in it. You are my heart. You are my soul and everything in between. I love you Eliza.” His soft whisper swept over her, chasing away the darkest shadows, quickly replacing them with the light of hope.

Blinking up at him, she studied the raw emotion plainly written there and for the first time in months, felt her world settle and the rocky path beneath her feet even out.

“I know the timing is awful given there is Jemima’s funeral tomorrow and then my imminent departure, but I would consider myself honoured if while I am away, you could consider the possibility of becoming my wife.” He silently shook his head when she took a breath to reply and continued, choosing his words carefully.

“I have made provision for your future comfort in my will should I not return, but now that I have you to return to, wild horses wouldn’t keep me away. Upon my return, the first thing I will do is propose to you properly.” He frowned down at her sternly for a moment, the quirk of his lips betraying him. “I expect you to love me even more when we have been apart for a while, and hope you will readily accept my offer for your hand when the time comes.”

“I would be honoured to be your wife if you return to me still wanting to be my husband.” Eliza whispered. “I love you so much that you are everything that I am. I cannot consider a future without you.”

Her heart; although battered and still deeply bruised; was already beginning to feel whole and warm again. Something only a few short weeks ago she hadn’t considered possible, she mused sliding off Guinness and into the security of Edward’s loving embrace.

She briefly returned his smile and snuggled against him when he slid his arm around her waist, seemingly content to keep her by his side as much as possible as they walked towards the house.

Whatever the future held in store for them, Eliza had no doubt that they would face it together. She had seen enough of the Star Elite to know that they were a highly trained group of militia that made Scraggan’s men look like rank amateurs. Seeing them in action went a long way towards reassuring her that both Edward and Peter were going to be as safe as possible.

There was no question that she wouldn’t remain at Havistock Hall and get to know Edward’s family while she waited for him to return to her. She could get to know Edward’s family and decide on the words she was going to use to accept Edward’s proposal of marriage.

They were so lost in each other that it took them forever to get to the study and the waiting group of people, having stopped to exchange whispered secrets and promises amid many, many kisses along the way.

“We thought you’d never get here.” Dominic murmured ruefully from beside the hearth, wincing as his wife’s sharp elbow jabbed him in the stomach. “What?” He grinned briefly at her, delighted at the sight of Edward staring adoringly at the woman he held plastered to his side.

“Sorry, we were somewhat delayed.”

“I’ll bet.” Sebastian added, raising his brows unrepentantly as his wife scolded him in frantic whispers.

Edward shook his head at them, drawing Eliza to a halt in front of their new guest.

“Eliza, I would like to introduce you to Sir Dunnicliffe from the War Office.” Edward murmured, a tone of formality hardened his voice.

Eliza watched the man bow formally over her hand, before kissing the back of it and standing upright, his grey eyes twinkling down at her.

He was far younger than she had expected and couldn’t be all but eight and twenty, if that. His shock of dark blond hair sat above his handsome, bronzed face that bespoke the fact that he had either recently been at sea, or spent a considerable amount of time outdoors. The twinkling grey eyes staring kindly back at her held a wealth of intelligence and hidden secrets that made her wonder if despite his youthful looks, he was indeed considerably older than he appeared.

“Pleased to meet you, Sir Dunnicliffe.” Eliza replied, before Edward swept her across the room and seated her on the long chaise before the fire.

“I hope you don’t mind Eliza, but Dominic has already brought me up to speed with what has happened so far, with your father etc., and has shown me the papers you and Jemima have taken such care of over the past few months.”

Eliza smiled briefly at him, wondering where this was headed. There was a hint of hesitation in the man that gave her a sense of deep foreboding. Instinctively her hand sought and found the reassuring warmth of Edward’s. She made no attempt to hide her anxiety when he turned to look at her and knew he understood when his eyes met and held hers in silent reassurance for several moments.