Time passed quickly and when the plush dining chairs became uncomfortable, they moved from the breakfast room into an equally elegant sitting room. Decorated in hues of yellow and cream, the room was clearly a lady’s room.

Once seated Isobel summoned a tray of tea leaving Eliza with barely the time to draw breath before the questions flowed again. After her initial hesitation, Eliza could detect no censure or disgust at any of her answers so decided not to spare them. Clearly they were curious and didn’t like the fact that their expectant status meant they couldn’t be directly involved. Eliza felt a little sorry for them and readily detailed the conflict in the inn, along with Peter’s determination to get to Derby Gaol without delay. Although in deference to their condition, spared them details of the bloodshed and bodies they had left behind.

By the time the questions ran dry, the butler appeared in the doorway to announce luncheon. Eliza looked at the man in surprise. She had already eaten more at breakfast than she had eaten in several days and was still full. With a sigh she followed the ladies from the room towards the front of the house and the dining room, wondering if she would be as fat as a barrel by the end of the week. She crossed the huge expanse of marbled hallway and glanced curiously out of the front windows.

“Wait.” Her heart thumped heavily in her chest as she moved closer to the window to get a better look at the approaching riders.

In her heart she knew who it was.

Exhilaration warred with abject fear as she counted heads. Down the long length of the driveway it was impossible to tell who was riding, but Dominic, Sebastian, Edward and Peter had ridden out. Unless someone was lagging behind quite badly, there were only three riders returning.

She frowned as she studied the horse Edward was leading. Had Peter decided to stay in Derby? She studied the riders closely and identified Edward riding slightly ahead of the group. His broad shoulders and the slight tilt of his head were so achingly familiar to her that she knew she would have been able to identify him whether it was day or night. Dominic and Peter were riding close behind.

“Are they back?” Amelia queried, moving her ample girth to stand beside Eliza.

“It looks like Sebastian isn’t with them.” Isobel murmured from her position on the other side of Eliza.

“Do they have Jemima with them?” Eliza asked, craning her neck to see better, as the riders moved apart temporarily to reveal Sebastian driving a cart closely behind them.

“What’s that?” Amelia scowled at the cart.

Eliza felt sick as she moved slowly out of the room to stand in the hallway. It seemed an age before the clinking of the bridles and the soft snicker of horses drew loud enough to announce the imminent arrival of the men. She was vaguely aware of Izzy and Amelia moving to stand on either side of her and Izzy clasping her hand tightly as they waited.

She felt as though she was viewing things down a tunnel as she watched the door slowly swing inwards, a solemn looking Edward standing in the opening.

Immediately she knew.

Without a word from him, she knew what he was about to say. His face was stark as he stared remorsefully at her. He gaze was locked on her as he walked steadily forwards, closely followed by Dominic and Peter.

“I’m sorry Eliza.” Edward murmured softly, dreading having to impart the devastating news.

Eliza stared at him, horror welling within her as she stared past him, out of the open doorway towards the cart Sebastian had drawn to a halt at the bottom of the stone steps. She took a few steps forward and drew to a stop as Edward’s arm swept supportively around her preventing her from going further.

Her stunned gaze flicked first to Dominic, who upon entering had moved to hug his wife, and Peter whose devastation was clear for all to see.

Wide eyes turned back to Edward as his next words fell like stones rippling the thick layer of grief that shrouded her.

“We tried everything possible, but were just too late to save her.”

“When? When did she-?” Eliza whispered; her choked voice barely audible.

“This morning.”

Eliza sucked in a breath and closed her eyes as she thought of her own morning enjoying the delights of the new dress, and the sumptuous breakfast she had eaten while forming friendships with the ladies.

Meanwhile her sister, the only family member she had left, was being hung by the neck in a horrifying, lingering death before a baying crowd who had paid for the pleasure of watching her die.

Bile lurched into her throat and for a moment she thought she was going to be sick all over the hallway floor.

“We were too late.” She whispered, doing nothing to swipe the tears away from her drawn face. “Oh God Edward, we were too late.”

“Let’s get you out of here.” Edward murmured, trying to ease her into the study only for Eliza to dig her heels in, refusing to budge from the cold marble floor.

“Where is she going?” She didn’t need to see the contents to understand the need for the cart.

“We’re going to move her to one of the back rooms. She can stay there until we can arrange the funeral. The maids will prepare her.” Dominic picked up her cold hands, his jaw clenched with all of the things he wanted to say but couldn’t. “I am so very sorry Eliza.” He murmured softly, feeling his own chest tighten with guilt and remorse.

Peter disappeared out of the front door, sweeping past Sebastian and Edward without a glance.