Edward’s voice rumbled huskily from above her head. Slowly Eliza tipped her head back. She tried to remove her leg only for Edward’s hand to tighten on her knee, keeping her still.

“Morning.” Eliza replied, blushing at their intimate position. “We should get up.”

“Yes, we should.” Instead of letting her knee go, Eliza felt his hand slowly slide over her thigh, slowly trailing upwards over her hip before traversing the inward dip of her hip. His fingers brushed the sides of her breasts as they swept gently over the curve of her chest before gently cupping her chin.

“Edward.” She whispered softly as his head slowly dipped towards hers.

“Ssshhh.” The soft glide of his lips against hers stole any further protest, and most of her thoughts. Briefly she tried to hold back from the sensual onslaught, but found herself unable to withhold her instinctive reaction to the tender caress of his mouth against hers. Sliding her hands over his broad shoulders, her fingers tangled in the soft curls at the nape of his neck, tugging him closer as he deepened the kiss.

He was determined this time she wouldn’t have regrets and wouldn’t draw away in an attempt to pretend nothing happened. This time, she would spend the day knowing she had been thoroughly made love to, totally compromised and completely his.

Later that morning, they ate breakfast in companionable, if hurried silence before ordering their horses. It was agreed they would ride throughout the day to try to get to Leicestershire sometime before midnight - if they were lucky. It would mean a long day riding; something that Eliza didn’t relish, but given the current threat to Jemima’s life, was necessary.

“Will you be alright?” Edward murmured, drawing her to stand behind him as the men left the small parlour just after dawn. He towered over her protectively, a look of concern on his face as he studied her. Although the smudges beneath her beautiful eyes were still there, they had lost some of the darkness. A sign that she had slept well. He had ensured she had eaten sufficient to sustain her throughout the arduous day they faced.

In reality he really wanted to take her back upstairs and wile away the morning in the big bed. Her willingness to do everything he had asked of her without question had touched him deeply, bringing him a level of satisfaction that still hummed through his veins.

Eliza still carried the delicate flush of satiation on her cheeks that matched the soft, slightly dazed look of a woman who had been completely satisfied by her lover.

Edward felt a surge of masculine pride as he studied her. Whatever had happened to bring her regrets the first time he had taken her had thankfully not reappeared this morning. He took the opportunity of being alone with her in the parlour to capture her lips in a very thorough kiss that left them both gasping for air, and Eliza hanging on to his neck with trembling knees.

“God Eliza, you unman me.” Edward growled, eyeing the table behind her for several moments, wondering if they had time. “You are so beautiful.” He actually ached with the depth of emotion she brought out in him.

“Am I?” Eliza whispered, staring up at him in disbelief. She wasn’t aware of the glint of hope that shone in the amber depths of her eyes or the fact that he was moved deeply by her innocent reaction to his declaration. She had clearly not expected him to compliment her in such a way and that stirred him.

“Oh my dear, most definitely.” He dropped a kiss on her neck as he slid a hand into the long hair at the nape of her neck, tipping her head to one side to allow him to nibble her ear. “And you’re mine.” He growled slamming his lips onto hers in a rough kiss that left her in no doubt that she was indeed his.

It was several long moments later before he reluctantly lifted his head to stare down at her. “You must be sore from this morning.” His voice hoarse with desire. The urge to possess her there and then was so strong that his fingers tingled with temptation but he had to keep his mind on the current situation. If they delayed any longer Dominic, most probably accompanied by Sebastian and Peter would return and want to know what was taking them so long. He could hardly say he was busy making love to his future wife.

Closing out the tempting image of her lying on the bed beneath him as she found release he dug deep and turned his attention to his most pressing concern. “If you get uncomfortable you have to tell me and I’ll find an excuse for us to stop for a while.”

Eliza nodded, touched by his level of concern for her wellbeing. He had done things to her, with her earlier that morning that had left her body humming with pleasure. She had never considered the sensations he had wrought within her were possible and she couldn’t find it within her to regret what they had done. It had seemingly brought about a change of attitude in him that was startling.

Although her battle hardened warrior was still there, he had a softer, more caring side to him that swept aside her earlier doubts and worries over his attraction to her. She carried the evidence that he was physically attracted to her, but was he beginning to feel something for her emotionally?

A wild surge of hope swept through her as she followed him meekly out into the stable yard. Whatever the future held for them, she knew she had no choice but to follow his lead and hope her dreams could come true.

It was a weary group of travellers who arrived in Leicestershire just after midnight the following night; their horses practically dropping with exhaustion.

Conversation had long since diminished as tensions rose with the twilight the closer they got to Leicestershire. They had all agreed that Rogan had most probably made Derbyshire or Leicestershire his temporary base and that was why they had only been chased to Padstow. Scraggan had to be in Padstow overseeing the continuing smuggling operation, and was waiting for them to arrive with his own group of men.

Their return to Leicestershire meant they were returning to the watchful eyes of Rogan and they all accepted that the risk of being challenged increased significantly with nightfall. As a result they were all vastly relieved to see the vast, unlit bulk of Haverstock Hall appear out of the gloom before them.

Eliza could see little of the stone structure other than it was simply immense. She shot Dominic a worried glance as they rode down the long, sweeping driveway and around the outside of the huge house towards the low lying stable block hidden in some trees at the rear of the property.

As they drew to a halt, Dominic rang a solitary cast iron bell sitting high on the wall at the end of the stone structure. Eliza winced at the harshness of the sound as the heavy iron rang loudly through the still night air.

Within moments a ruffled stable hand approached, still tucking his shirt into his breeches.

“My Lord!” He exclaimed, clearly aghast at the lateness of the master’s arrival. Without hesitation he took the horses and led them into the stables behind him.

“Are you alright?” Edward’s tired voice rumbled softly in her ear as he moved to stand beside her. Eliza fought the urge to lay her head upon the solid width of his chest and instead smiled at him in gentle reassurance.

“I’m fine but tired. If I never have to ride a horse again, I will be a happy person.”

Edward smiled in sympathy, swamped with mixed feelings of their arrival at Havistock. He was glad to get there in one piece, which was something he wasn’t certain they would manage if he was completely honest. It also meant that it would be more difficult to spend the night with Eliza without cementing their relationship to the point that marriage was essential.

Given they had made love several times over the past couple of nights, it was unquestionable to consider that they wouldn’t marry. As far as he was concerned, it was only a matter of time before they married.