“It’s a Penny Dreadful for Jack Cunningham. Hung for murder four years ago.” Amelia read the large print at the top of the document.

“Murder of whom?” Dominic frowned at the red pouch and the book.

“I can’t read it in this light, the print is too small. It looks like Martha Bainbridge, a servant. Can you read any more?” She lifted the paper for Sebastian to read.

Moments later, Sebastian shook his head. “I can’t see a damned thing, the print is faded. We need better light.”

“It must have some significance for it to be put into a pouch like this, and hidden in a book.” Dominic lifted the book to read the spine. “Gardening.” He tossed the book down on the table with a snort.

“I don’t understand the significance of this, but do we have to search the rest tonight?” Edward mumbled with a yawn. “I don’t know about everyone else, but I wouldn’t notice a clue if it hit me in the head and shouted, ‘I’m a clue’.”

“I suggest we leave everything as it is. Go to bed. We can take a closer look through everything in the morning,” Sebastian replied, breathing in the delicious scent of Amelia standing before him with a pang of longing. He wished he had the easy familiarity with Amelia that Dominic had with Isobel, and he could slide his arms around Amelia’s waist while she snuggled back against him.

“Quite right, I can’t see straight,” Isobel mumbled with a yawn. “If I never see another book again, I’ll be happy.”

After bidding everyone a quiet goodnight, Amelia retired to her designated room. Making no attempt to see to her ablutions, she gratefully shrugged into the soft cotton nightgown Isobel had given her, before collapsing onto the soft bed with a groan. Despite a slight musty smell, it was lovely. Almost as good as her bed at Tingdale.

That thought gave her reason to pause. When had the bed she used at Tingdale House become her bed? She had only been there a couple of nights and already it was hers? With a frown she turned over, and opened her eyes to stare the vast expanse of empty bed beside her. A pang of bitter regret stole through her.

She was about to turn over when she heard the quiet click of her bedroom door. She didn’t need to see who it was. The lemony scent that was distinctly Sebastian hung in the air. She wasn’t sure whether to be angry or relieved, when he moved around to the empty side of the bed and lay down.

“What do you think you are doing?” she asked, raising herself onto her elbow to stare at him. Did he never listen?

“I am not pestering to make love with you,” Sebastian grumbled, as he gestured to his lean length now sprawled beside her. “Look, see? I am fully dressed.”

“Then you have got the wrong bed.” Amelia wondered what he was up to.

“But I won’t sleep in there, because I will be constantly worried about you. Your safety,” he amended, carefully ignoring her snort of disbelief. “At least in here, like this, I pose no threat to your feminine virtue but can satisfy my own need to keep you safe.” His voice was reason personified.

Amelia wasn’t falling for it. “But I promised to scream if anything untoward happened. You are just in the next room. Peter is on the other side. I am sure nobody would dare cross either of you to get to me.” Her instinct warned her she wasn’t going to move him, and secretly she didn’t want him to. Especially as he was still dressed. But could she sleep with him being there, so temptingly close, yet not touch him? Would he keep his hands to himself? She knew if he pushed her, she would undoubtedly succumb to anything he suggested.

“Alright, darling, I will be completely honest. I cannot sleep on my own now,” Sebastian admitted on a sigh. “Since being in your cottage, I find I cannot sleep on my own. I keep turning over in the night only to find you gone. Then I start to worry you are alright, only to find myself unable to get back to sleep.” He could feel her eyes studying his face carefully, and was grateful when she didn’t immediately throw him out on his ear. “I’m tired, and need to get some sleep. It appears the only place I can get a good night’s sleep, is beside you.”

Amelia fought the urge to roll her eyes at his piteous excuses. Again, he was ignoring her requests, but she couldn’t be angry with him for the way he was doing it. If she was completely honest with herself, she was glad he was there. Something about the house made her feel distinctly uncomfortable. She was glad she had his reassuring presence beside her.

“Alright, as long as you promise not to snore.” She flopped down on the bed with a yawn, only to freeze when Sebastian carefully pulled the covers up to her ear, and placed a tender kiss on her temple.

“Good night, Amelia,” he murmured, settling down beside her.

As silence settled around them, Amelia became aware of the coolness of the room. The grate in the bedroom was small, and although the fire had been lit, it did little to take the chill off the room. Despite being tucked under the warmth of several blankets, Amelia could feel the cold air on her ears. Sebastian must be frozen.

She scolded herself for being so weak and feeble. He had after all got his own bed waiting for him next door, should he choose to use it. He could be tucked up nice and warm if he chose.

Still, he was looking after her wellbeing. With a sigh, she knew she wouldn’t get a wink of sleep with him shivering on the covers.

“After everything I have done to keep you alive, I cannot in all conscience allow you to die of cold now, Sebastian,” Amelia muttered, tugging the covers down with a sigh.

Within minutes, Sebastian was settling beneath the covers. To Amelia’s astonishment, he remained fully clothed.

“What are you doing?” she asked, as she eyed the slightly dusty white linen of the shirt he was still wearing.

“I am settling down as you told me to,” Sebastian replied obliquely, pleased with her obvious confusion. His masculine pride was glad she was perplexed by his behaviour. He wanted her to be wary, and aware, of him and his importance in her life.

“You know what I mean.” She flicked a finger at the laces on his shirt casually, careful not to touch the heat of his broad chest beneath.

“I told you I wouldn’t pester you to make love. You are perfectly safe with me Amelia.” His voice softened. “Trust me.” His voice w

as pure honey and made her shiver with anticipation. The request held hidden meaning not lost on her.