“I think you have done more than enough for today. It is time to get some sleep, Amelia,” he ordered, trying hard to be as non-threatening as possible, as he added more logs to the fire before taking her hand and leading her over to the bed.

With any other woman he would not have passed up the opportunity to bed her, and would have seduced the dress off her back within minutes of her appearing at the cottage door. With Amelia, he simply couldn’t. She deserved more than a quick tumble.

Their first time together was going to be at his home, in a nice warm bed. A nice soft bed, with plenty of thick blankets. In a warm bedroom, in a house where they wouldn’t have to get up and worry about food, heating or work.

Ruefully shaking his head, Sebastian tried to be as casual and non-sexual as possible as he lay down, adopting the same position they had slept in the night before. He sighed with relief when, without question, Amelia settled down beside him. This time, he didn’t wait for her to go to sleep before he tugged her close. As soon as she lay down, his arm slid around her waist and he tugged her back against his chest with one arm as he wrapped them in the layers of blankets before settling down himself.

“Goodnight, Amelia,” he whispered, unsurprised when his only response was a soft snore.


Amelia was growing more despondent by the day. Sebastian was visibly stronger, and could now move freely without wincing in pain.

Unable to remain in the small cottage a moment longer than was absolutely necessary, he had taken on the task of collecting branches from the trees for the fire, and now spent most of his day outside.

Although Amelia was pleased for him, she had forgotten just how lonely living by herself had been. Or how much she missed having someone to talk to other than Sir Hubert, and the occasional villager.

For Amelia, the nights were the best. Being able to lie within Sebastian’s warm embrace while she slept was simply divine. She wondered how she was ever going to get to sleep in her rickety cot by herself once he had gone.

Closing off the melancholy thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her, she opened the doo

r to the main house, calling out to Sir Hubert as she went.

Sebastian looked at the small pile of food left on the table. With any luck it would get them through dinner, and maybe breakfast if they ate sparingly. They had to leave tomorrow.

“There goeth another problem,” Sebastian muttered, as he considered the options. How do they get to Tingdale? Over the past few days his strength had returned and he had lengthened his daily walks. Having found Sir Hubert’s house, he had discovered there was no conveyance there that would get them to the village, let alone half way across the country. That left Bestwick.

Although he had yet to tell Amelia, Lord Bestwick was friends with his younger brother, Edward. Several years younger than Sebastian’s four and thirty, Arthur Bestwick had gone to university with his young sibling. Sebastian had met the man on several occasions, and felt comfortable with asking for his help. That left him with another problem.


Although Amelia had begrudgingly accepted sharing a bed with him, Sebastian still sensed her underlying hesitation towards him. He didn’t think he had done anything to offend her. Besides landing half-dead on her doorstep, in the middle of a raging storm. Oh, and eating all of her meagre supply of food, he thought ruefully.

She seemed to enjoy lying in his arms at night, and had conversed freely with him in the hour between when she returned from work, and they made their way to bed. She also appeared to actually enjoy his embrace during the night, actively seeking him out if he turned over. Despite her apparent contentment with their situation, he wasn’t sure she trusted him enough to give up her home and livelihood, and accompany him back to Tingdale.

Given she was a single woman living alone; he supposed he couldn’t blame her for being wary. Despite the discomfort to his libido, he had remained true to his word and been a gentleman. He had remained fully clothed while they slept and ensured that there was nothing about his behaviour that could give her any cause for worry. But he could sense there was something bothering her. Something she wasn’t telling him.

Earlier that morning, Amelia had left for her day at Sir Hubert’s, clearly lost in her thoughts. Although she had been polite and had conversed readily with him, there was a certain aloofness that hadn’t been there the day before. It worried him, because not knowing the cause left him at a distinct advantage when it came to trying to persuade her to leave.

With a sigh, Sebastian considered the long day before him. He knew she wouldn’t be back until dark. That gave him plenty of time to locate the church in Glendowie, and find out if the man in the crypt was Rat or not. He would then visit Bestwick’s estate and begin to make plans for his return home.

“What the hell?” Sebastian’s fists clenched in readiness when he entered the little cottage later that evening. It took several moments for his eyes to adjust to the dimness within the room, before he realised the solitary figure sitting on the chair in front of the empty hearth was Amelia.

“Amelia? What’s wrong?” Carefully closing and bolting the door behind him, Sebastian took precious moments to light the candle on the table and eradicate the gloom, before turning towards her. His stomach dropped alarmingly when he looked at her tear-stained face.

“What is it, darling? What’s happened?” He dropped to his haunches before her, picking her cold, limp hands up and chafing them between his warm ones.

Quickly glancing around the cottage, he scoured her from head to toe, searching for anything that would cause her to be so upset.

Amelia hiccupped, unable to form the words she needed to tell him. The bottom had just dropped out of her world again. She tried to keep the tears at bay, but they just wouldn’t stop, and with a watery hiccup she began to sob.

Sebastian immediately swept her into his arms, murmuring endearments as he stalked across the cottage and gently placed her on the bed. Toeing off his boots, he carefully lay beside her, tugging her against his chest. There was little he could do other than simply hold her, as she cried as though her heart would break.

It was several moments before she calmed, and began to relax in his arms.

Sebastian slowly eased back and looked down into her beautiful moss-green eyes. His heart thumped heavily in his chest at the misery in the glistening green depths that stared back at him. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to capture her moist lips in a passionate kiss.

“Tell me,” he demanded softly.