“I’m sorry,” Amelia murmured softly. As was her nature, she instinctively sought to comfort him, and without thought placed her hand on his where it lay on the sheet. She was made aware of her instinctive action when his warm palm immediately captured hers and held it firmly.

Sebastian absently traced her fingers with his thumb as he continued. “About a week ago, my uncle’s man of business notified us that Ballantyne had been visiting the property. He caused considerable consternation amongst the few remaining staff by going so far as to speak to some of them about future employment.”

“But it isn’t his property,” Amelia exclaimed, outraged at the man’s forthright behaviour.

“It didn’t seem to matter to him. The man of business was becoming concerned that Ballantyne was pushy, so sent for my assistance. As the main benefactor of the estate, I visited Edenvale Manor to deal with some pressing estate matters. Furniture, family heirlooms and the like. Harrington Wilton doesn’t have a particularly good reputation for looking after his servants. None of Uncle’s staff wanted to work for Wilton, and became quite anxious that he was about to become the new owner. While I was there, I requested an interview with the man to warn him that he was to stay off the property and away from the servants.”

Sebastian shook his head. “He was a little argumentative, but seemed to accept that the house wasn’t available to him.”

“So what happened?” Unbeknown to Amelia, she was so caught up in the story, her hand tightened considerably upon Sebastian’s as she waited tensely for him to finish his story.

“He eventually left with a warning that he wouldn’t give up. I didn’t think anything of it. The staff had packed and left to relocate to Tingdale, my own estate. Having dealt with some remaining paperwork, I had dinner and settled in front of the fire with a bottle of brandy. It must have been drugged because within moments I fell asleep, and woke up tied to a chair somewhere else.”

“Could Ballantyne have laced the brandy himself?”

“I think he must have laced it with laudanum or something, while he was waiting for me to summon him to the library. I can’t conceive it was one of the staff.”

“So he may have laced the brandy with laudanum, knowing at some time you would drink it.” It wasn’t a question. “Where was the man of business?”

Sebastian shook his head slightly. “He had to take some papers to London, so left the morning after I arrived. His services were no longer required, so he was heading to his family home to find alternative work. The house was essentially closed down.”

“But how could he have known when you drank it?” Amelia frowned as she considered the possibilities. “I think one of the house staff may have been working for Ballantyne. How else would he have known you had taken any of the brandy?”

Sebastian nodded, considering her argument thoughtfully. “He was frequently at the house. Often enough to know that the staff had left. He could have been watching the house. I stupidly didn’t close the shutters because I didn’t consider there was anyone who would watch. Obviously, I was wrong.”

“Who were they? The men who kidnapped you. Did you see them?” Amelia’s gaze was rapt on his handsome face as he stared absently at his feet.

“I saw two of them clearly. A tall skinny man called Ratchett and another, stocky man called Danvers. They held me in a cellar somewhere and began to question me about the house. They wanted to know if I intended to sell it and if so, they wanted the contents. Then they insisted I sign the house ownership over. When I refused to sign the papers they pushed at me, they tried brute force.” Sebastian lapsed into silence, sparing Amelia the sordid details of the beatings, the pain and the hunger. She had seen the bruising. She wasn’t stupid.

“Why are they so determined to get hold of the property? Who were you supposed to sign the house over to? Who was listed on the papers?” Amelia questioned with a frown, as she considered how desperate someone would have to be to go to such lengths, and why.

“I don’t think it is the property Ballantyne is after at all,” Sebastian murmured softly, thinking over the questions that were thrown at him, along with the fists. “I think it is something inside they are after. I got the distinct impression that they were after something other than the house. Ballantyne needs access to the property long enough to get it. He didn’t put up too much of a fight when I said he couldn’t have the house. The men in the cellar wanted the contents.”

“For what?” Amelia frowned, wondering whether the incredible story was anywhere near verging on truth.


??I am not sure at all. There was nothing strange or untoward about my uncle. He wasn’t interested in antiquities, or ancient artefacts. Although wealthy, he wasn’t the type to spend money frivolously. His wife died a year ago and he had a stubborn refusal to refurbish and remove her mark upon the place. There is certainly nothing within the house that is singularly valuable enough to kidnap and attempt murder for it.”

“Why did they decide to throw you from the carriage? Surely they could have left you in the room. If you were in the middle of nowhere, you would have eventually died without anybody hearing you. If they wanted you to suffer, surely there was no better way?” Amelia felt the small hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, as she contemplated the sheer brutality of someone who could do something so heinous.

“He couldn’t afford to leave me there and run the risk that I would be found. I have two brothers, and a very close friend who would become concerned when they didn’t hear from me. I don’t know where they held me, but Ratchett and Danvers were clearly under orders to ensure that I couldn’t report their activities, and took me on a carriage ride.” He immediately squeezed her hand as he noticed the look of horror that suffused her face.

“It’s alright, Amelia; you were there to catch me.” His voice immediately softened and he sought to reassure her with a gentle smile.

“How could someone be so horrid?” Amelia’s voice was laced with confusion as she contemplated the hideous turn of events that could have ended so horribly for Sebastian. “So brutal as to force someone to their death from a moving carriage?” Tears sprang to her eyes as the memory of Sebastian, bloodied and bruised, lying in the undergrowth with his hands tied behind him, rose unbidden in her mind.

He hated to see her so disturbed. Gently tugging on her hand, he tried to draw her closer to the bed to sit beside him, only for Amelia to pull away.

Not only was he Ton, but he would be leaving soon, Amelia reminded herself. However incredible his story, she couldn’t afford to get close to him, or too used to comfort he could offer her. It had been many years since anyone had bothered whether she was upset or not. It would be many more years before anyone would be close enough to her again to offer her comfort, should she be upset.

It took every ounce of strength within her to offer him a watery smile of reassurance, and ease her hand out of his. She needed a few minutes alone to rebuild the barriers he had so easily broken through.

“I survived. For that I can only be eternally grateful.” He hated to see her tears, and was touched she cared enough about him to feel moved in such a way. Something clenched tight in his chest as he listened to her ragged breathing. “I am sorry; I should never have told you the details. You didn’t need to know.” His soft voice was filled with regret.

“I asked, and yes I did need to know,” Amelia contradicted with a watery hiccup. Wiping the moisture from her eyes, she sucked in a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she was crying because of the situation she had to deal with, or whether she was emotional because she was so tired.

“There is something in that house that has a terrifying impact upon Lord Ballantyne. He is prepared to take whatever action he needs to, including murder, to get hold of it.” Sebastian wondered briefly if she realised the implications his statement had on her.