Sebastian raised his head to look sadly at his brother. “Does she? I have asked her to marry me. She doesn’t seem to be really all that bothered about becoming my wife. She’ll sleep with me. Run the risk of carrying my child. But wear my name, and commit her life to me?” Sebastian shook his head once for emphasis. “Not a chance.”

“Where was she the last time you saw her?” Dominic queried sympathetically, wondering if Amelia was still sitting in the pavilion.

Hodgkiss returned moments later. “We have searched everywhere, sir. She isn’t in the house.”

Dominic looked at the darkening skies outside. The winds had begun to pick up and despite the darkness, storm clouds were clearly gathering.

“Get the grounds staff to search everywhere outside. Now. Amelia is out there somewhere. Find her.”

Sebastian picked up on the urgency in his brother’s voice, and glanced at him with growing alarm.


“Something isn’t right. This isn’t like Amelia, is it?” His worried gaze locked with Sebastian’s.

“Get yourself sobered up,” Dominic spat, motioning to Peter and Edward to follow him.

Half an hour later, they all met in the hallway. Sebastian ran down the stairs two at a time to find his head gardener standing, cap in hand, at the bottom of the stairs.

“We’ve checked everywhere, sir, nobody has seen her.”

“You’ve checked the outbuildings and pavilion?” Sebastian sheathed his sword and scabbard, unsurprised when his head gardener nodded his head.

“Everywhere, my lord. Nobody has seen any ladies outside.”

Sebastian’s heart hammered. “Do we know if Ballantyne was actually arrested today?”

“We know Montague was sending men out, but we don’t know if they found him.”

Sebastian swore roundly. “Does he have anywhere to stay around here?”

“He isn’t at the inn in the village. As far as I know, he doesn’t have any acquaintances in the area,” Peter replied. “I don’t think he has any decent acquaintances anywhere. Certainly nobody who would put him up while he arranged someone’s kidnap.”

“Where do you think he has taken her? It’s too far back to his house.” Edward sheathed his own scabbard beneath his cloak with a sigh. The scent of battle hovered in the air between them. Unlike Isobel’s skirmish though, he knew instinctively that this one could prove deadly.

“The horses are ready, sir,” Hodgkiss reported from beside the front door.

“Edenvale Manor.” Sebastian’s voice was deadly. “I am fairly certain he took me there when I was kidnapped. Ballantyne seems to have a liking for the house, and clearly has no compunction against helping himself. It would appeal to his warped mentality to take her there.”

“It is nearly a two hour ride away. A carriage will take even longer than that,” Peter argued with a scowl.

“Yes, but she went sometime this afternoon. They could already be at Edenvale.” Dominic tugged his cloak on and followed his brothers out of the front door.

“It is me he wants to draw out. Whatever he wants, this is my battle.” Sebastian glared at each man in turn. With the afternoon he had just had, a fight was just the thing he needed. He wanted to pound something, or someone, relentlessly.

“It’s our battle,” Dominic replied, with a glare at his younger brother. “We have all been involved in this from the start, and we are all going to finish it.”

“You need to stay here to look after your wife.” Sebastian stalked towards his horse.

“I’ll look after her,” Eastleigh replied, moving to stand beside the door. “I could come with you, but it has been years since I used my sword and would be more of a hindrance than a help. Please, Sebastian? Please find my daughter and bring her home.”

Sebastian nodded briskly. “Believe me, we will get her back,” he promised coldly, wheeling his horse around with a firm kick before disappearing into the night.

Amelia slowly became aware of voices through the thick fog of consciousness. She could distinctly make out two different men who were close. Without opening her eyes, she knew neithr of them was Sebastian.

It took several moments before she could recall the events of the afternoon, and the horrible realisation of her fate dawned on her.

She had been kidnapped.