Sebastian was lying fast asleep in the middle of the huge four poster bed. One well-muscled arm was lying over his head; the other lay on the white sheet covering his slim hips. The broad expanse of his well-muscled chest was liberally smattered with dark hair, tapering down to disappear beneath the sheet covering his lean hips. Amelia didn’t need to draw the sheet down to know what was beneath.

She wasn’t certain how he would respond to what she was about to do, but was emboldened by the stark reality that tonight might be the very last night she had with him. She intended to make the most of it.

Quietly removing the ties from the bed curtains, Amelia moved to the arm resting over Sebastian’s head. He didn’t stir when she moved the arm resting on the sheet over his head. Quickly she tied his wrists to the wooden posts at each corner of the bed with the silken ties, sitting back with a sly grin of mischief when she was done.

Slowly easing the sheet off his hips, she casually dropped onto the floor, quickly following it with her nightgown. Taking a deep breath, she slid onto the bed beside him, running her hands gently upwards, over the taut muscles of his stomach towards the tight buds of his nipples. She paused when Sebastian shifted a little, and waited until his soft snores resumed.

She had a few more minutes before he woke up, so resumed her delectation of his body. Slowly sliding her hands through the broad expanse of muscle and hair on his chest, she eyed the soft length of him nestled in the thick patch of hair at the apex of his thighs in consideration for several moments.

The temptation was too strong to resist. Sliding a finger from base to tip, Amelia watched as the soft flesh began to twitch beneath her finger. She repeated the motion again and again, smiling with naughty delight as his manhood grew proudly upright. A quick glance upwards to confirm he was still asleep. It was all she needed to see, and she carefully replaced the gentle stroking of her finger, with her tongue and teeth.

After several moments of her tender ministrations, Sebastian groaned and shifted restlessly against the bonds holding his wrists firm.

Emboldened by the effect she had on him, and the knowledge he couldn’t grab her and take over, Amelia feasted.

“Oh God, Amelia,” Sebastian grumbled. He was having the most erotic dream he had ever had in his life. Amelia was taking him deep into her -. Whoa!

His eyes snapped open and he stared nonplussed at the canopy of the bed for several moments, before raising his head to stare at his erection now disappearing into Amelia’s mouth.

“What the hell are you doing?” He groaned at the delicious sensations she was creating, only to curse fluidly when he tried to tug her head upwards for a kiss.

“Let me go, Amelia,” he demanded, trying to ignore the tightening of his balls.

“No,” Amelia murmured. “I know you like it.” Her voice was a siren’s husky promise.

“Let me pleasure you,” Sebastian gasped, shivering in anticipation. Eyeing the lush mound of her breasts against his thigh, he softened his voice to a husky whisper.


“Keep doing that and you will get more than you bargained for,” he gasped several minutes later, when the pleasure became more than he could control. “I swear to God, Amelia, you have to stop.”


Sebastian frowned suspiciously at her easy acquiescence. The aching in his erection was fierce. He dragged in a hissing breath as the cool night air swept over his hot and heavy manhood and he cursed, suddenly regretting telling her to stop.

“Ride me,” he gasped, trying to loosen the bonds enough to grab her.

“No,” Amelia murmured with a smug smile of supreme feminine arrogance.

“Amelia.” Sebastian’s tone held a warning that did little other than make her smile even more.

“There is nothing you can do,” she murmured silkily, not quite sure herself where this wanton siren had come from, but willing to see what happened anyway. If he lost his temper with her, then she would just leave him tied up and let

the staff set him free in the morning. She fought the urge to smile at the thought of his reaction to that scenario.

“Now look what’s happened,” she sighed, looking down at his softening erection before sliding back down to suckle him again.

Sebastian groaned. “Are you drunk?”

He peered down at her, transfixed by the sight of his huge shaft sliding between her luscious lips. “If you keep doing that, I won’t be responsible if I spill in your mouth,” he bit out. He wondered how far she would go. Would she knowingly bring him to completion with her mouth?

As the pressure in his balls began to build again, he tugged at the bonds ineffectually. Instinctively his hips began to jerk in response to the heat of her mouth as the pleasure grew. He swore fluidly when her mouth left him, and once again cool air took the heat off his erection.

“Now, now,” Amelia chided softly. “Not so fast.” She blew softly on his length and waited until it began to soften.

“You do that again, and I swear, as God is my witness, you won’t sit down while I am away by the time I am through with you,” Sebastian bit out, fighting the urge to yell his head off. Frustration gnawed at him, not only at the promised release she kept denying him, but at the bonds that refused to loosen.

“Untie me, darling, I promise you can ride me,” Sebastian pleaded as she took him into her hand.