“We can’t take the Penny Dreadful to the Hawksworth family and ask them,” Sebastian replied. “If it is him-.” He shook his head.

“But do we have to include Eastleigh?” Amelia felt panic begin to build. Had she done the right thing in confiding in them?

“You are perfectly safe here, darling, I promise you. Nobody can insist you leave. Not even your father.” Sebastian’s voice was hard and challenging. “As nobody else can remember anything about Hawksworth, it has to be Eastleigh for now.”

“I can go to visit the Hawksworth family and see if they have heard anything from, or about, Hawksworth since he left,” Edward offered.

“I will go to Derby Gaol and ask if anyone can remember anything about Hawksworth’s imprisonment, and if anyone visited him while he was there,” Peter offered, thinking of his own personal quest to locate the elusive Jemima. “I can also take a look at the death mask and see if it resembles the man on the picture.”

“See if you are able to convince the magistrate if we can have loan of it for the time being,” Sebastian asked, thinking aloud. “It might help to get a magistrate on board if our thoughts are confirmed.”

“I will have to tell him what has happened so far. Do I have your permission?” Peter queried, glancing at both Sebastian and Amelia.

“You have mine,” Sebastian replied, nudging Amelia who jerked, clearly startled. “Does he have your permission to mention your involvement in my rescue, and your connection to Eastleigh?” Sebastian asked softly.

“Oh, yes, if there really is no other way,” Amelia replied hesitantly, surprised at being asked. She glanced curiously at Sebastian, who had turned his attention back towards Dominic.

“I don’t want you travelling to see Eastleigh alone, Sebastian,” Dominic added, with a frown at his younger brother.

“I’ll be fine,” Sebastian replied, eyeing the determination in his brother’s stance warily.

“Given that we have yet to ascertain why Ballantyne tried to kill you rather than any of us, we can only assume the risk is still very real. You cannot in all conscience expect me to remain here and wait for your return. I’m coming with you.”

“We cannot leave the ladies here all by themselves,” Sebastian replied with a frown.

“Why not?” Amelia murmured, glaring indignantly at Sebastian. “We are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, are we not, Isobel?”

“Of course we are, Amelia,” Isobel replied as she rose to her feet. “We are not helpless ninnies; we will be perfectly fine here by ourselves. We can chat about all sorts of things without you men around to disturb us.”

A silent look of masculine communication shot between the men, who wisely remained silent. Amelia wasn’t oblivious to the looks, although couldn’t fathom their meaning.

“We will leave in the morning,” Sebastian announced quietly, settling back in his chair to sip his brandy.

“I’m going to say goodnight,” Amelia announced. “Might I have a few minutes with you, Sebastian, please?” she murmured, before bidding everyone goodnight and quietly leaving the room.

Out in the hallway, she paused and waited for Sebastian to join her.

“I take it you are going to leave for Eastleigh early in the morning?” Her suspicions were confirmed by the guilty look that stole over his face so quickly that she wondered if she had imagined it.

“The quicker I set out, the quicker we can resolve the mystery around Ballantyne and get on with our lives, Amelia.” Sebastian fought the urge to shuffle his feet like a ten year old caught scrumping apples.

“Promise me you won’t tell Eastleigh where I am. You are to keep your meeting with Eastleigh about Hawksworth and Ballantyne only.” Amelia’s eyes met and held his in dire threat.

“I won’t do anything that will bring you unhappiness, Amelia,” Sebastian replied evasively, moving closer to cup her chin in his palm and tilt her head upwards for a kiss.

Not so easily distracted, Amelia tugged back at the last moment, her eyes hardening briefly. “If you return with Eastleigh, or you break my trust, Sebastian, I shall leave here and never return.” The words dropped between them like pebbles on a calm pond. Sebastian frowned, knowing that she meant every word.

“Amelia,” he protested softly.

“I mean it, Sebastian. I won’t have your interference in this, however good you think your intentions are.” Amelia pulled away from the tempting curve of his firm lips and climbed the stairs. She knew he stood and watched her until she disappeared. She could feel his eyes on her back, and was glad when he didn’t follow her.

Once out of sight, she leant a steady hand on the wall, her fingers trembling with a mixture of worry and anger. If he ran true to form, Sebastian would feel it incumbent upon himself to inform Eastleigh of her whereabouts, and use the opportunity of dragging the man back to Tingdale to push for marriage. She could only be glad she had sent the request for a reference off to Sir Hubert.


When Amelia awoke during the night, she didn’t need to turn over to know Sebastian wasn’t filling the empty space beside her. She lay on her back staring at the canopy above for several moments. She could remain in bed and toss and turn for the remainder of the night, or she could take the opportunity to try to persuade Sebastian to keep her secret, and in doing so, keep her.

She didn’t need to think too long before she threw the covers back and climbed out of bed. Moments later she eased the door to his rooms quietly open.