“Then as lord of this house, I command you to tell me your real name.” He caught Amelia as she tried to move past him, shoving her against the wall. “Tell me!” he shouted, his breath ruffling the fine hairs at her temples.

Amelia tipped her head backwards until her gaze met and held his.

“If we are to have any future together you have to tell me,” Sebastian bit out. A small part of him warned him he was being too harsh on her, but he had to know.

“Tell me,” he growled, sliding a hand into her hair. As he tugged his hand back, several of the pins pinged to the floor at their feet. “Tell me,” he murmured, feeling his erection stir in his breeches.

God damn it, despite his anger and disgust with her, he wanted her with a passion that overwhelmed him. As they stood locked in a silent battle of wills, something deep within Sebastian was defiantly proud of Amelia’s inner strength and determination. Most women would have crumbled into a quivering, wailing heap. He was inordinately pleased that Amelia had the sheer fortitude not to be cowed by him, and instead felt able to tip her head back defiantly and give him everything back. Despite his anger with her, he was proud she was his. Servant. Lady. Whatever she was.

He had to have her.

“What do you want from me?” Sebastian bit out. “What is it going to take for you to confide in me?”

Amelia paused. Was he really asking? Her gaze locked with his for several moments as she considered him.

“I want you to promise me that you won’t do anything without checking with me first. Do not dictate to me, or make decisions on my future without including me. Ask for my opinion and don’t command me. I won’t ever be commanded by you, Sebastian,” Amelia gasped, trying to ignore the molten core of desire pooling low in her belly. “Promise me you won’t go haring off, taking matters into your own hands without discussing it with me first.”

Sebastian frowned slightly for several moments. “If I consider things need to happen in your best interests, I won’t hesitate to change things, Amelia,” he murmured, slowly lowering his head.

“Promise me you won’t casually dismiss my concerns, Sebastian,” Amelia persisted, easing back from the masculine intent in his eyes.

Sebastian paused in consideration. Just what was she asking of him? “Amelia.”

“Promise me, Sebastian,” Amelia commanded, shoving away from him when he moved to kiss her.

“When have I ever done anything that isn’t in your best interests, Amelia?” Sebastian caught her elbow and spun her around to face him. He felt he had been chasing her around the room since he entered it, and it was becoming very tiresome.

“You made love to me knowing that you could leave me with child,” Amelia began.

“I have made sure if you are with child, I am there for you. The babe and you will be cared for,” Sebastian countered.

“You kidnapped me from my home,” Amelia checked off another finger.

“To leave you could leave you to the brutality of Ballantyne. I have already been through this.”

“But you never bothered to discuss it with me. You just casually ignored my arguments and brought me here anyway.”

Sebastian heaved a put-upon sigh that grated on Amelia's nerves. She wasn’t some hysterical female that needed to be appeased. His actions only fuelled her temper. Stalking towards him, she poked a finger in his chest.

“I know you. As soon as you know who I am, you will go haring off, casually tossing aside what I want. What I consider best for me, and you will arrogantly expect me to thank you for it.” Amelia pushed at his shoulders as the stress and worry of the past few weeks broke free. “I am sick of men taking control of my life. Making decisions for me and not listening. Never listening.”

“Amelia,” Sebastian murmured, watching as temper stained her cheeks, her voice increasingly angry and resentful. Her small fists beat into his chest for several moments until he captured them tightly against his chest, pulling her flush against him. He should not have been turned on, but it had been some time since he had last had her, and the sensation of her slender form writhing against his, even in anger, was more than his deprived manhood could bear.

With a soft groan, Sebastian captured her lips in his, immediately encasing the room in silence as his tongue plundered her mouth.

He wasn’t sure what to expect when she wrenched her wrists out of his hands, but couldn’t withhold the groan that escaped him as she clasped his hair in her small hands and tugged his head down to hers. Acceding to her demands, he gave her everything she mutely demanded without question.

Amelia barely had time to draw breath before she found herself lying on the bed, her skirts raised to allow the cool air of the room to slide over her feminine heat briefly, before Sebastian’s warmth slid over the inner skin of her thighs. Somehow he had already loosened his breeches, and he took advantage of her momentary hesitation to slide deep into her slick moisture with a groan.

White hot sensation began to pool low in her belly, as Sebastian tugged the neckline of her dress downwards until her breasts were bared to his hungry gaze. She couldn’t suppress the gasp of delight that escaped her as his hot tongue immediately began to circle the dark aureole and suckle hard.

Unwilling to lie back and be commanded, Amelia wrapped her legs around his hips before lurching upwards, twisting around until their positions were reversed and Sebastian was lying on his back. Immediately her hips were held firmly by gentle hands that guided her hips, until she caught on to his demands and began to ride him.

Stunned by the change of positions, Sebastian stared up at the wanton goddess now riding him and felt a surge of possessive pride sweep through him. Her long tangled tresses tumbled in wild abandon over her shoulders. The tips of her hair teasing and tantalising the turgid nipples lay bare to his rapt gaze. With trembling hands he lifted her skirts and watched his rigid length disappear into her femininity. The sight of her delight at their new position was more than he could stand and he felt himself tighten in warning.

“Amelia, we have to slow down darling,” he groaned softly, feeling her feminine sheath begin to ripple around him.

In response she tossed her head back, and began to rock harder against him as her own completion claimed her. Moments later, with a soul deep groan, Sebastian found his own release.