rt when I leave.” Her eyes met and held Isobel’s across the carriage as they shared a moment of feminine understanding.

“He loves you. He just doesn’t know it yet,” Isobel declared, glaring out of the carriage window at her brother-in-law. “Men can sometimes be so dense.”

“Does he? I think he feels a certain responsibility towards me. Even feels he sort of owes me for saving his life. But love? I don’t think so.” Amelia didn’t add that while Dominic had declared his devotion to Isobel when faced with a dire situation that had threatened her very life, Sebastian had done no such thing with Amelia.

Surely if he feared for her life, he would have declared his love if he felt any?

Her head began to pound with the strain and worry of the endless problems, and Amelia frowned, rubbing her temple tenderly.

“Are you alright?” Isobel asked, leaning forwards in concern.

Amelia didn’t have time to reply before the carriage rumbled to a stop, and Sebastian yanked the door open.

“What’s wrong?” he demanded, nudging his horse sideways until he stepped off his horse and directly into the conveyance.

“Amelia doesn’t feel well,” Isobel murmured, draping her friend in another blanket.

“I’m fine. My head hurts a bit that’s all. It is alright to continue, I will be fine,” Amelia murmured, aware when Sebastian sat down on the squabs beside her. His large hand caught and held on to hers, and he rubbed her cold fingers in his large ones as he spoke softly to Dominic through the open window.

Within moments the carriage began to move again. Amelia opened her eyes against the heavy thumping in her head, and peered at Sebastian.

“Are you not riding?” She knew the answer. Wild horses wouldn’t get him out of the carriage at that moment. The stubborn tilt of his chin and defiant glint in his eye spoke volumes.

“I’m not going to spare Isobel’s blushes, Amelia. Come here.”

Without further ado, Amelia was tugged along the seat until she lay against Sebastian’s side, her head resting against his shoulder.

“Don’t mind me,” Isobel scolded with a small smile, and a tiny frown at Amelia who was clearly in some discomfort.

“Were you arguing or anything?” Sebastian asked softly, easing around until he was comfortable, and certain Amelia was settled.

“It is just a headache,” Amelia whispered, fighting sleep.

“Just rest,” Sebastian’s voice ordered softly from somewhere above her head. For the life of her, Amelia couldn’t have argued at that moment. Staying awake suddenly seemed such a huge task. With a deep sigh, she settled against the luxuriously reassuring warmth of his chest and fell asleep.

“She isn’t well,” Isobel whispered after several moments.

“I know. We will send for the doctor when she is back at Tingdale.”

Silence settled within the carriage for a long time while the carriage rumbled home. They were almost at the gates of Tingdale, when Sebastian was jerked out of his thoughts by a nudge at his foot. He squinted across the carriage at the small note card Isobel was holding out to him. He frowned at it and looked at Isobel, a brow raised in query.

“I think you will find that is who she really is,” Isobel murmured, folding the card carefully back into her cloak pocket.

Sebastian froze. “Have you had any definite confirmation?” His heart thumped heavily in his chest.

“No,” Isobel murmured, glancing at Amelia for several moments. “It was just something imparted without thought. If you think about it, everything falls into place.”

Sebastian considered for a moment. He wasn’t certain whether to be vastly relieved, or intensely annoyed. Whatever, or rather whoever Amelia really was, didn’t really have any import on their future together. After the events of the last day, there was no way in hell he was ever going to let her out of his sight again.

“Thank you,” Sebastian murmured to Isobel, knowing she was only trying to help. Despite the fact she was the only female in their rapidly expanding family, Sebastian respected her opinion greatly and seriously considered the suggestion put forward.

He was still contemplating the possibilities, and ramifications, if she indeed turned out to be the Earl of Eastleigh’s long-lost, and much sought after daughter, when the carriage rumbled to a stop.


The following morning, Amelia awoke refreshed and feeling more comfortable after a good night’s sleep. The heavy pounding in her head had reduced to a dull thud and, as she dressed, she contemplated the horrible consequences had Sebastian not managed to save her from the flames at Edenvale Manor.

One thing was for certain. He had now saved Amelia’s life, and should feel no obligation to look after her. But where did that leave them?