Her senses were still reeling from the events of the past night. Although tiredness beckoned, she hadn’t objected to any of his demands. Instead she had given herself wantonly, without hesitation and had thoroughly enjoyed her experiences throughout the night. The one night she could share with Sebastian before her life irrevocably changed once more.

“Then you shall do your chores, and return here when they have gone. We have plans of our own to make.” Sebastian watched as she slowly absorbed the import of his words, unsurprised when she stiffened in his arms. Instinctively he tightened them to stop her moving away.

“Plans?” Amelia’s heart thumped heavily in her chest as she stared blankly across the room. This was it, a tiny voice inside her cautioned. This is the time when he tells you that he is going to leave too, and you will be all alone again just as you predicted, although this time will be worse because Sir Hubert won’t be there either. She closed her eyes and waited for his fateful words.

“We have to make plans for our own departure,” Sebastian said, feeling her jolt against him.

“Pardon?” Amelia’s tone was blank as she struggled to take on the import of his words.

“You cannot remain here either, Amelia.” Sebastian tried to keep his voice soft. He knew she loved her little home, and although he couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to leave it, he knew she was going to be upset.

“Why not?” Her tone was a mere whisper. She pushed against his arms and turned to gaze at him, nonplussed. There was no way she could go with him

when he left. Was that what he was suggesting?

“You have to come with me.” Sebastian sighed when she began to shake her head, before trying to leave the bed.

Instead of letting her go, he pushed her deeper into the bed by leaning over her. “You are in danger here.” He shook her slightly to emphasize his words, urging her to look at him and understand the significance of his words.

“Danger?” She knew she was parroting his words, but simply couldn’t control the rising well of panic at the thought of leaving her beloved cottage with him. “How?”

“It was Danvers, the coachman, in that cellar. That means Rat could be aware that no other body was found. Amelia, the man who was going to push me out of a moving carriage to my death is undoubtedly on his way to report back to Ballantyne. Because they cannot be certain of my death, they will almost certainly come back and look for my body. Believe me; you do not want to be out here, all alone, when they call by.”

He knew he was frightening her but needed her to understand that he simply would not leave unless she was with him.

“Why should they bother with me? It was windy, dark and raining that night. You could have been anywhere when you were pushed. Why should they bother to check this road?” Amelia felt her stomach flip over at the possibility of this Rat person, knocking on her door. Swallowing hard, she stared at Sebastian and tried not to let her fear show.

“Because they will check the area and will almost certainly want to search the cottage.” Carefully he swept his hands down her cold arms, until he was holding her trembling hands in his. “I have to leave in the next day or so. I need to get in touch with my brothers. They will be frantic by now and will be trying to find me. My ribs have healed enough that I can return home, but I cannot countenance you being left here by yourself. You simply must come with me.”

Amelia felt tears well again, and this time couldn’t prevent them trickling down her cheeks again. Defiantly, she shook her hair back from her face and looked him straight in the eye, her voice firm.

“I will not go with you. I will not be your servant or your whore, and I do not belong in your world. My place is here, Sebastian.”

Amelia’s heart ached for the confusing turn her life had just taken. “You have to leave. Of course you do. You have to go back to your world, and leave me to mine.”

Tugging her hands out of his, she was too upset to realise she was revealing her nakedness when she slid from the bed. Quickly she disappeared behind the retiring screen to dress. She was so lost in her tumultuous thoughts; she didn’t look back or notice Sebastian’s masculine interest.

Sebastian sat on the side of the bed, and watched the curvy bottom of his intriguing lover disappear from sight. Ignoring the surge of desire that swept through him at the sight of her delicious curves displayed so gloriously, he swore loudly. He knew the prospect of leaving scared her, but had hoped the passion they shared would have tipped the balance in his favour.

That the thought of leaving him was too painful for her, he thought ruefully, considering his arrogance. Her vehement refusal to go with him was a minor setback he would just have to skirt around somehow.

He shook his head as he carefully banked the fire. There was one thing he was certain of; when Sir Hubert left later that morning, Sebastian could waste no time in leaving Glendowie with Amelia in tow, whether she liked it or not.

He could only hope Bestwick was reliable, and provided the relevant manpower and transport.

“Come on, Amelia,” Sebastian muttered quietly from his seat in the dark confines of Lord Bestwick’s most luxurious travelling coach. Bestwick had been true to his word. A few hand-picked men had appeared as planned, along with the conveyance, a few minutes ago. They were under strict instruction that under no circumstance was Amelia to be unduly scared any more than was necessary, or harmed in any way.

So far he was impressed. The men had quietly disappeared into the dark shadows of the woods, and he hadn’t seen or heard of them since. Even the two horses hitched up to the carriage had remained quiet and steady under the groom’s calming hands.

Heart thumping, he became aware of a sudden flurry of movement within the trees. A soft squeak of surprise rent the air, before all four men appeared at the side of the carriage, a small bundle of squirming blankets held between them.

Sebastian opened the door and watched as the wriggling mass was set gently down on the carriage floor at his feet, before the door was slammed shut. As planned, the carriage immediately moved off at a fast clip.

“You bastard!” Amelia spat, shaking the blanket off her head. She was so angry with him that she could have happily clawed his eyes out. “You can just turn this carriage around right now and take me back. I will not go with you!” The last was bitten out through clenched teeth, as she fought to free herself from the rough confines of the covers wrapped tightly around her. “Let me up!”

“I take it they didn’t hurt you?” Sebastian’s question was almost conversational as he carefully settled back against the squabs, clearly not prepared to help her.

She didn’t bother to answer, as she tried desperately to squirm her way out of the tangled mess wrapped around her.