her onto her back as he deepened the kiss, and settled himself more firmly between her legs.

Amelia had never felt so close to another person. Lying with her legs draped around his narrow hips, his masculinity probing deep within her, she knew her life was irrevocably changed forever. The wondrous sensations he had created with his fingers earlier began to build with increasing intensity, and she found herself eager to experience the wonderful pleasure once more. Despite the wantonness of her position, she lay open to him and allowed him the freedom of her body.

Gritting his teeth, Sebastian withdrew and placed his lips firmly upon hers. His tongue teased and probed as it danced with hers for several moments, as he teased her turgid nipples with his blunt fingers. He waited until she began to squirm beneath him, silently pleading for more. Pushing hard into her, he held her hips still beneath him when she would have squirmed away from the sudden pain of his abrupt intrusion. He could feel the quivering of her lips beneath his as she fought a sob. Breaking the kiss, he peppered her face with tiny kisses, whispering endearments and he waited for her to relax once more.

“My beautiful Amelia, you are truly wonderful.” Inwardly something broke free, and a sense of masculine pride he had never encountered before blossomed deep in his chest.

This woman was his. This beautifully brave, endearing lady was his. Amelia. Groaning as the sensations of being buried deep within the woman who held his heart began to build, Sebastian withdrew once more and began the age-old dance towards completion.

He was rewarded for his patience when, after a few moments of frozen contemplation, sensations grew inside her once more and she began to move against him. A few tender directions of his hands, and she caught the rhythm of his thrusting hips. Eagerly raising her hips upwards to take him in deep, as the need to find completion beckoned.

In respect for her newly tried state, Sebastian tried to hold back until he thought he had sufficient control, but then her small hand would stroke his side or cup his buttocks to tug him deeper within her, and he was lost.

Within moments he felt himself tighten, and desperately tried to draw the moment out for as long as possible. He could feel her tighten around him and knew she was close. A well-placed finger had her screaming in delight as she climaxed. The rippling sensations of her release around his manhood were more than he could bear, and with a soul deep groan, he emptied himself deep within her.

“Oh, Amelia,” Sebastian murmured several moments later. Despite the fact she had been untried, she had given him the most satisfactory completion he had ever experienced in his life. He knew there and then he had to take her to wife. Not only for the fact she could most certainly be carrying his babe, but because he knew instinctively he would never find the same level of satisfaction with any other woman.

“We should not have done that,” Amelia murmured, chest heaving from exhaustion. A brief surge of regret suddenly bloomed within her chest. It was difficult to acknowledge her regrets while her legs were spread and Sebastian was still buried deep within her, but she knew she was irrefutably changed, physically and mentally, by what had just happened. She wasn’t sure if anything would ever be alright again.

“Don’t have any regrets, Amelia.” Sebastian’s voice rumbled beside her ear as he placed a tender kiss upon her brow. “What we have just done is strictly between us.” Carefully placing a blunt fingertip beneath her chin, he placed a soft kiss upon her lips. His eyes met and held hers. “You are mine now. No regrets. I won’t allow it.”

Amelia felt a tiny thrill of feminine delight at his words, despite knowing inside that he didn’t truly mean them. Within a few days he would be leaving to return to his own world. That wayward thought was enough to bring a fresh surge of tears to her eyes, which she quickly blinked away.

Instead she smiled bravely at a watchful Sebastian, trying desperately not show him her real feelings. “I’m a wanton hussy,” she replied, unable to keep her most pressing concern to herself.

“You are not,” Sebastian countered; outraged that she should even momentarily consider such a circumstance. “You are far from it.” His heart ached for her clear distress as he turned her reluctant gaze towards him. “You are the most generous, warm and delightful person I have ever been privileged to meet, Amelia.” He knew he should move off her. That she must be getting uncomfortable lying with him between her legs, but he was loathe to move until this was settled between them, and her doubts had been vanquished. If he did move, she would close her legs and move away from him, and in doing so would undoubtedly close him out.

“I am a whore,” Amelia murmured, battling tears.

“You are not. If you were a whore, I would have not taken your virginity tonight,” Sebastian countered, his anger piqued. His gaze hardened. Despite their intimate position, his deep blue eyes held a stern glint of temper.

“But I have slept with you.” Amelia’s voice held a twinge of regret.

“That doesn’t make you a whore. If you have any regrets, it should be that we didn’t make love in our marriage bed.” Sebastian wished he could tell her of his intentions. Instinctively he knew she wasn’t ready to hear what he had in store for them as a couple, and wisely kept quiet for now.

“We are the most unlikely people ever to marry,” Amelia chided him softly, reluctant to succumb to the tender reassurances she knew he could not fulfil.

“That may be so, but we have made love now and that cannot be changed. We can’t go back.” Sebastian kissed her lips persistently, until they reluctantly parted against his tender onslaught.

It was some time before Sebastian released her lips and lifted his head. Amelia wriggled her hips, wondering if he would take the hint. Was he ever going to move? Did one need to ask a man who had just taken her, to remove himself from between her legs? She was astonished when, in response to her movement; he pressed his hips downwards, pushing her deeper into the bed. His intent was evident with the wicked smile he flashed at her, before he turned his attention to her body.

Already hardening, his wicked side rose and he stroked a blunt fingertip down the moist pink flesh between her thighs, rewarded at her startled gasp. Tomorrow she would undoubtedly be sore, but for tonight she was not going to be let off so lightly. Clasping her wriggling hips in his firm hands, Sebastian reclaimed her lips, silencing any further protests as effectively as he knew how. Within moments, she was gasping softly beneath him as his questing fingers drove her relentlessly towards the edge.

Amelia knew she was lost as the delicious tension built once more. The empty ache deep within made her squirm beneath him. Sebastian knew what she was asking for, and began to move his hips slowly. His blue eyes locked firmly on hers as he possessed her.

“If you were a whore,” Sebastian whispered as his rigid length slid into her welcoming heat, “You would do this several times a night, with several different men, and be a wee bit richer in the morning.” He placed a kiss upon her parted lips, swallowing her gasp of delight as he tipped her hips upwards to meet his deepening thrusts. “You won’t be doing this with anyone else, Amelia.” Sebastian’s voice hardened as he thought about any other man lying with her as he was, and quickly closed the thought off as jealousy and temper surged.

“The only lover you will have in your bed will be me,” he declared boldly, before easing her legs higher and quickening his thrusts.

Amelia didn’t respond, knowing he was quite right. For her, there could never be another man. Nobody could ever recreate the wondrous sensations she experienced with Sebastian. She didn’t know whether to be happy she had this chance to experience such closeness to him, or intensely sad.

All thought ended with a sigh, as Sebastian took possession in a way that left them both panting and moaning as they raced towards completion.


“When does Sir Hubert leave?” Sebastian yawned widely, as dawn broke through the night sky. Although they were exhausted, he knew Amelia was still awake and lay sated and exhausted before him. He could almost hear her thinking.

“I think he is leaving later this morning. I have said I will be there later to pack a basket for them to take on the journey. Then I will begin to clean the house and get ready to close it.” Amelia’s voice quivered with tears she fought hard not to shed.