She couldn’t break free of his hold. Although she knew it was unwise to allow their association to develop further, her heart screamed at her to take what he was so blatantly offering. If her life continued as it was, this one night may very well be the only opportunity she had to experience true fulfilment. It would be the only chance she had of knowing what it was to love, and lie, with another.

Decision made, Amelia closed out all further thought and placed a gentle hand on the back of Sebastian’s head, drawing his head down to hers until their lips met. She caught the brief look of shock on his face before she captured his lips with hers, and was rewarded when his moistened lips immediately returned her kiss.

Despite his compliance, Amelia could sense his hesitation. Clearly, he was reluctant to do anything that would cause her distress. Desperate to convey with her lips what words could not express, she pressed her lips persistently against his, copying his earlier actions. She was rewarded when, after several moments of hesitation; he groaned low in his throat and deepened the kiss.

Carefully, Sebastian eased on to his good side, pulling her around until she was facing him. Tipping her chin upwards, he leant over her and probed the moist recesses of her mouth with the hot spear of his tongue.

Not that Amelia minded. If Sebastian had withdrawn and apologized for his forwardness, she might just have cried right there and then. Instead she was tugged flush against him until he was lying half over her as he deepened the kiss. She made no attempt to protest when his knee pressed gently between hers.

The next few moments passed in a blur of wondrously new sensations as desire built. Sebastian somehow managed to divest them both of their clothing, before moving them under the covers and snuggling her closer.

He shivered at the delicious sensations of her naked flesh against his and he felt his manhood throb painfully beneath the sheets.

Despite her reservations, Amelia knew that back in the world Sebastian habitually frequented, he would have ran his eyes over someone like her, before moving on to one of the beautifully powdered, elegantly gowned ladies who paraded themselves for the delectation of men like Sebastian. Women like Amelia disappeared into the background. She had no doubt that had they been anywhere other than her little cottage, he wouldn’t have looked twice at her, much less made to kiss her, or lie with her.

But would that make it right if she made love with him? Would she be no more than a common whore? Or would she be simply a woman who had spent much of her life alone? Who had been given an opportunity to learn what it was like to be loved and cared for?

Could she take the risk that he would not take her heart with him when he left? Already Amelia knew the answer to that one. He already had her heart. There was little she could do about it.

Decision made, Amelia firmly blocked out the nagging doubts and gave herself over to the delightful sensations Sebastian was creating.

Sebastian knew he was lost. Despite her willingness to accept his kisses, he sensed she spent the last few minutes wrestling with indecision. He knew when she had vanquished her demons when she suddenly relaxed in his arms, and began to actively engage his advances.

Stunned by the sheer barrage of emotional sensation that swept through him, Sebastian knew he was lost. In all of his four and thirty years, with all of the mistresses he had bedded over the years, he had never made love to any woman who had had such an immediately profound effect upon him. Amelia, with all of her innocence, had to be the most sensual woman he had ever encountered.

His eyes wandered over her as she lay within the comfort of his embrace and he felt the blood pound in his veins.

Head tossed back, her hair had long since lost its pins and fallen in a riotous wave of curls on the pillow, beckoning him to delight in the silken bonds. Her naked body lay flushed and tempting in the soft candlelight.

His heart thumped heavily in his chest. He leant down to kiss the milky white column of her neck, peppering it with tiny kisses, and was rewarded as her small hands tugged at his head. His questing lips trailed carefully downwards under the thin barrier of her shift to capture the pink rosebud of her turgid nipple. Her soft moan of sensual delight encouraged him to seek the second breast, and lavish the same attention on it.

White hot tendrils of molten desire laced through Amelia’s belly as Sebastian laved and suckled the pink tips of her breasts. The hot coil of sensation he created pooled low within her feminine core, until she thought she might go quietly mad. Helpless to do anything but succumb to his soft kisses, she arched her back, desperate to ease the wanton ache deep within.

“Sebastian.” She didn’t know what she was asking for, but he clearly did.

He heard her soft plea and removed his mouth, carefully placing tender kisses around her face as he quickly tugged her shift off.

Tugging her leg upwards until it was trapped beneath his waist, Sebastian eased his hips forward as he drew her other leg over his hip.

Lying wantonly open to him, Amelia was curious to discover how he intended to join with her in such a position. She squirmed with surprise as his fingers gently stroked through the thick patch of curls at the apex of her thighs, seeking the fluid warmth of her femininity. Cheeks flushed, Amelia briefly lay passive as his searching fingers probed deep. Instinctively her back arched at the sensations his wicked fingers created. Her breasts were thrust upwards in mute appeal for equal attention.

His manhood hardened painfully, and Sebastian struggled to retain control and not frighten her. Her responses to his attentions were more than he could ever have expected. For someone who was untried, he was deeply moved by the honesty of her response. He watched her face as his fingers probed deep with her, searching for any signs of apprehension.

Did she know what he was going to do to her? Was she aware that she was about to lose her virginity? Should he mention it or just get on with it?

In all of the years he had been sleeping with women, he had never bedded a virgin. If all of his plans came to fruition, Amelia would be the one and only virgin he would ever make love to. After all, a man could only take his wife’s virginity once. Although she may not expect it, if she did accept him into her body here, tonight, she was irrefutably tying herself to him forever. She may not know it yet. She may not even like the idea. But he would accept nothing less.

“Sebastian.” She groaned, unsure how to deal with the warm tingling deep within. Instinctively her hips rocked against his probing fingers as the warmth coiled and tightened. Arching her hips upwards, with a scream, she gave herself over to the burst of rapturous sensation that scattered around her in a cascade of shattering stars.

His chest swelled with masculine pride as he slowly drew the blankets down and off them. In the flickering candlelight, with her body bathed the soft glow of sensual completion, she looked like a goddess. Her pink tipped nipples protruded heavenwards, tempting him. The dark thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs glistened with her feminine moisture. He couldn’t stand it any longer.

Amelia barely had time to catch her breath before the rigid shaft of his manhood began to probe her, seeking entrance.

“Amelia,” Sebastian murmured softly as he twined his hand into her hair, and tugged her head upwards until her eyes met his. “Everything will be alright, I promise.” He tried to convey in his gaze everything that words couldn’t express, as he slowly withdrew from her. He held her gaze steady as he slid into her once more. Again and again, he repeated the movement until she began to relax beneath him.

Tearing his gaze from hers, he suckled her nipples and waited until she began to squirm beneath him as her pleasure built. He hated to bring her any pain, if only for a short while, but it was inevitable, given what he was about to do.

Gently he rolled