Amelia harrumphed, and shook her head. “I can’t sleep in the chair, I told you.” She scowled up at him, trying to ignore just how much his masculine presence disturbed her.

“It goes against everything I am, to see you lying upon the floor. You have my word of honour as a gentleman, that I pose no threat to you Amelia. Please, for my sanity, get some sleep on the bed.”

Sebastian’s fingers tingled with the urge to slide into the frothing mass of riotous curls that cascaded in silken glory past her shoulders. He ached to discover for himself if it really was as soft as it appeared, and shifted restlessly as his body immediately began to respond to her closeness. She didn’t seem to be too shocked at his lack of clothing, but nonetheless he had no intention of showing her just how attracted to her he rea

lly was. Not until she was ready.

Despite the physical reaction to being so close to her, Sebastian couldn’t resist the urge to touch her, and tenderly trailed a blunt fingertip down her alabaster cheek. The smudges under her eyes were darker than ever before. Faint lines around her mouth, and redness clouding her eyes, highlighted just how exhausted she really was.

“You cannot sleep on the floor Amelia,” Sebastian persisted softly, sensing her reluctance. “It is positively dangerous to your health. Trust me, I beg of you.” He motioned down his tempting length, now propped against the table. “Look, I barely made it over to the table. I promise that I pose you no threat.”

He mentally sent a prayer heavenwards for that small fib. In reality, he didn’t pose any threat to her physical wellbeing. Not really. If she was agreeable to everything he had planned for her; for them; then she would be very happy with her future arrangements.

As it was, in their current situation, she would probably not be agreeable to what he was about to suggest. Nonetheless the warrior within him refused to back down from a fight. The gentleman within him refused to allow her to return to the hearth.

“Come on.” He took hold of her cold fingers in his hand and tugged, refusing to let go when she would have pulled free. She had no choice but to follow in his wake, as he staggered back towards the bed.

Inwardly, she was relieved he had turned his back at last. He might not mind his half-naked state, but she was more than a little perturbed at the sight of his manly chest so blatantly displayed. It had taken all of her willpower not to blatantly stare at the ripples of smooth muscle running down his chest, to the….

Abruptly shaking her head, Amelia snapped out of her wayward thoughts when she found herself being drawn down to sit on the bed.

“I am not sleeping here,” she announced, confused by the conflicting need to run out of the door, and curl up beside him without question.

She might be impoverished. She might not have a protector or guardian, but she wasn’t a harlot who would sleep with any man who dropped on her doorstep.

She was about to inform Sebastian of that, only for him to sigh deeply and announce,

“You most certainly are. It is only just dawn, and there is at least another hour before you are usually up and about. Even if the weather does abate enough for you to go out and go out again and gather more wood, which by the sounds of the howling winds it won’t, there is more than enough time for you to get some sleep. In bed, where you will be nice and warm.” He could sense her argument, and mentally cursed her for her stubbornness. Sighing deeply, he tugged her down onto the bed, wincing as her bony elbow struck inadvertently his aching ribs.

“You get up, and I will damned well tie you down,” he threatened, lying back as far against the wall as possible.

“I need to go out and check on Sir Hubert today,” Amelia replied reluctantly, listening to the ferocious winds rattling the windows.

Sebastian froze. “Sir Hubert?” A dark scowl settled over his face as he waited.

“My boss.”

Sebastian looked down at her, not liking the strength of emotion that swept through him.

Amelia tipped her head backwards to peer up at him. “I’m his housekeeper.”

“Can’t he take care of himself for a while?” Sebastian asked with disgust.

Amelia shook her head. “He’s elderly and isn’t able to get around much. Although he has food, he will be struggling to manage by himself.”

Sebastian sighed deeply, wondering if he should go and see this Sir Hubert for himself, and assess just how old he was.

“Does he live far away?”

“Just through the trees,” Amelia replied, smothering a yawn.

“Go to sleep,” he ordered softly, trying hard to resist the urge to kiss the top of her head.

After several moments of silence, she began to squirm.

“For God’s sake, woman!” Sebastian half-shouted, holding Amelia’s hands still with a curse. “What the hell do you think I am going to do to you? I don’t even have the strength to walk across this tiny room in a straight line. Besides which, I don’t force reluctant virgins!”

His bold statement made her freeze with embarrassment. Relieved that she had at least subsided for now, he found himself a comfortable spot and tried to leave as much of the remainder of the tiny bed for Amelia to settle in. Which, if he was honest, wasn’t much.