Did she understand just what she had done by dragging him home? Somehow he doubted it, but was loathe to point out the brutal facts. He didn’t want to scare her. Not while she was so clearly distressed. He watched her lithe frame move gracefully toward the fire, tugging on a rough woollen shawl as she went.

“I need to stoke the fire again, and then gather some more wood before it gets dark,” she mumbled without looking at him.

Sebastian remained silent and reluctantly watched her leave. It was only when the door closed behind her that he realised he had told Amelia everything about his current circumstances, and what had led him to her door; but had yet to learn Amelia’s story.

What had happened to enable her to live alone, in a tiny, ramshackle little cottage? Ostensibly isolated from the background she had been born to live in?

Making a mental note to ensure he got the answers as soon as she returned, Sebastian closed his weary eyes and slept.


“Amelia!” Sebastian cursed roundly when she didn’t twitch.

The room was so cold he could see his breath fog out before him. Despite the gnawing pain in his side, he gritted his teeth and drew himself onto one elbow. Scowling across the room at the small bundle of rags curled up in front of the now cold hearth, he cursed fluidly. He was frozen even beneath the blankets. God knew how cold Amelia was.

She was lying upon the stone floor with little to protect her from the elements but the thin dress she wore and a threadbare blanket. What the hell did she think she was doing? Did she want to be ill? If he was not much mistaken, she had given him all but one of the blankets she owned.

“Amelia!” If she didn’t answer him this time, he would bloody well get out of bed and get her, he thought as he glared at her.

“Amelia. For God’s sake, woman!” His bellow echoed off the stone walls of the small, almost empty cottage. She still didn’t move.

Fear began to grow. Was she unwell? Had she fallen ill because she had continued to go out into the storm to collect wood while being exhausted and inadequately clothed?

Sebastian gritted his teeth and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Immediately, the cold night air swept over his warm flesh, snatching all remnants of warmth from his body with relentless fervour, until he began to shiver.

His eyes were locked on her as he lurched to his feet, dragging a thin blanket around him to protect his modesty, and Amelia’s blushes.

God, he was so weak. He had spent at least two days lying on his back in bed, and he had legs like a newborn foal. Shaking his head at his own decrepit state, Sebastian shuffled over to the hearth.

“Amelia, darling, wake up for me.” His knew his voice was almost pleading, but at that moment didn’t care. He needed her to wake up and confirm she was alright. Fear tightened in his gut, as he contemplated what he would do if she had become ill. She was too precious to lose.

Shocked by the depth of emotion that began to unfurl inside his chest, Sebastian edged towards her.

“Amelia. Darling, wake up.” His persistence was rewarded when Amelia suddenly jerked, and moaned softly in discomfort.

“Wake up for me, please?” Sebastian leant his hips against the table for support. He knew that if he gave in to the urge to drop to his knees before her, he probably wouldn’t have the strength to get back up again. But he hated to see her lying on the cold, hard floor. Curled up tight to protect herself and preserve what little heat she had. His heart ached at her sacrifice.

Amelia ached all over, and was so very tired she struggled to form any thoughts, let alone move. So why was she awake? She was contemplating getting her aching legs to uncurl when a rich, masculine voice, so very close, snapped her awake.

“If you don’t get up and off that floor this instant, I will drag you up.” His voice brooked no argument.

It had the desired effect upon Amelia, who suddenly jerked upright with a wince as her cold, stiff muscles protested. She was shocked to find him standing so close. Her cheeks flushed fiery red, as she took in his near naked state, poorly covered by the thin blanket wrapped haphazardly around his lean hips. It was the first time she had seen him upright.

From her lowly position on the floor, he was a huge tower of masculinity. The broad expanse of his well-muscled chest was tantalisingly close. Curling her fists into tight balls against the temptation, she turned her face away, twisting around to look towards the cold, empty grate beside her.

“You asked for it,” Sebastian warned, seconds before his large hands swept beneath her arms and she was swept to her feet.

“What are you doing?” she croaked with alarm, when she was unceremoniously dragged upwards.

Sebastian moaned softly. Instinctively, she knew his low groan wasn’t one of attraction. He began to sway and his hands tightened almost painfully on her ribs as he fought the wave of pain that engulfed him.

“Now look what you have done,” she grumbled, wedging her shoulder under his arm to stop him falling to the floor. She was struck again by the sheer size and strength of him. The corded muscles across his stomach rippled as he struggled to remain upright.

“Me?” Sebastian gasped, fighting the blackness that threatened to engulf him. “It was your fault,” he accused, with a dark scowl on his handsome face.

“My fault?” Amelia gasped. Her senses reeled as she craned her neck to look up at him. “What did I do?” She was about to remind him that she had been soundly asleep before he had rudely awoken her, only for him to beat her to it.

“You were asleep on the bloody floor again,” he grumbled. He shouldn’t be using coarse language in front of a lady, even an impoverished one. But the sight of her in such dire circumstance irked his temper. He had to fight to withhold the words he really wanted to use.