“Ah!” Although Sebastian nodded slowly, in reality, he hadn’t a clue what Dominic was talking about, but had seen enough of Isobel to understand that if she was being careful, she was indeed most probably up to something. He didn’t envy Dominic in the very least, but could appreciate why they made such an excellent couple. “Do you have any idea what it might be?”

Dominic shook his head in frustration. “No, damn it, and I can’t keep my eye on her all the time. She won’t allow it. She keeps shooing me off like some pestering child. I get the distinct impression that she is waiting until I leave, to do whatever it is she is up to.” Knowing he was talking in riddles Dominic stopped, huffing a sigh of frustration.

Sebastian shook his head in confusion. “Peter is going to delay his return to Willowbrook.” He confided, glad to be able to change the subject. He took a seat beside the fire, propping his booted feet upon the hearth and settling back to watch Dominic sit opposite. “Edward and I are at your disposal for as long as you need us. Between us, we can keep a careful eye on her and make sure she doesn’t get into mischief.” He watched as some of the tension left the man opposite. “You seriously love her don’t you?” It wasn’t a question. Sebastian had never seen Dominic behave so possessively towards anyone, or anything, before.

“There was a time when we believed she was dead. When we searched for her, we were led to her grave. Peter even got so far as to make arrangements for her body to be moved to the family crypt while I grieved for her,” Dominic’s voice was harsh in the quiet of the room. “All because of that scheming bastard who calls himself her uncle.”

Sebastian knew just how devastated Dominic must have been, and could understand what was behind his possessive attitude towards his wife. He could only sympathise with his brother’s current concerns, and hope that whatever Isobel was planning, it wouldn’t cause Dominic any more heartache.

The men had already met and discussed the latest information from the Magistrate. In the time since Isobel had visited Hubert and asked for his help, and Dominic appeared asking questions, Hubert had discovered enough about Rupert’s debts, lies and duplicity to convict Rupert of several charges which would send him to the gallows, but first they needed evidence that Rupert had indeed known about Isobel’s wealth.

“The evidence is mounting; it won’t be long,” Sebastian said into the silence. “Is there any news on the bodies of the men who attacked you?”

Dominic was aware that the two thugs he had slain had been removed to the makeshift mortuary in the tavern’s cellars, and had been thoroughly searched for identification. “They were from London we know that much. I can only assume they are in DeLisle’s employ given Rupert doesn’t have the funds to pay anyone.”

“That means DeLisle is just as duplicitous in all of this, as Rupert. Is he in debt too?” Sebastian raised the question Dominic had also considered as he had considered all of the possibilities.

“Yes. Not as deeply as Rupert, but deep enough to worry him as all of his sources have run dry. Relatives’ doors are closed to him. Entry to gaming houses has been denied. Which explains why they are so desperate to get to Isobel,” Dominic added.

“Do you think they want her for ransom?” Sebastian leaned forwards to rest his elbows upon his knees. Dominic had already informed them of Isobel’s financial situation, and had been shocked by the numbers Peter had confirmed were involved.

“Most definitely. Whether it is my money or hers, they won’t care,” Dominic’s voice dropped to dangerous levels. “They have to get to her first though.”

“They won’t,” Sebastian replied confidently, one again settling back in his chair. “We outnumber them at least ten to one. They can’t get anywhere near.”

It was becoming a habit, Isobel thought to herself later that night, as she accepted glass of brandy from her husband and watched as the assembled men took seats around the room.

Once again, they had finished their meal and retired to the drawing room to discuss what to do next. Isobel was aware of Dominic’s dark frown as he glanced at her, and wondered what she had done this time. She waited patiently until a brief moment of silence settled over the room.

“Does anyone want to hear my news?” Isobel asked, aware of the studying look that passed between Sebastian and Dominic before they turned cautiously to her.

“What news do you have for us, my dear?” Peter asked, sensing the wariness in the other men. She had a look of mischief about her that made him feel deuced uncomfortable. He was unsurprised to see Dominic scowling darkly at his wife.

“I know how we can get the evidence to prove Rupert knows about my fortune.”

She felt decidedly smug as stunned silence settled over the room before Dominic’s voice lashed across the room.

“What evidence is it?” He wondered just what she had been up to while he had been away.

Isobel took a sip of her drink and sat back in her chair. “You asked me to write an account of events that drove me onto the streets. Well, writing everything down in sequence helped me remember something I had previously forgotten.” The tension within the room rose several notches. Isobel turned toward her husband. “The betrothal document.”

Dominic looked blank. “Pardon?”

Isobel fought the urge to roll her eyes. “They, or rather Rupert, tried to force me to sign a betrothal document naming DeLisle as my intended. I refused.” She didn’t add that she had been beaten as a result, but didn’t need to. The knowing glances the men exchanged confirmed they all understood the consequences Isobel had suffered for her defiance.

“Do you think they still have it?”

“Probably,” Isobel said, blocking out the memories of those dark evenings. “He put it before me several times. I did note it had been signed by DeLisle already, and Rupert. They needed my signature on it too apparently, to make it a legal document, but I refused to sign it.” She frowned at the thoughtful silence that descended around them.

“Don’t you see? Rupert knew he had told people that Peter was dead. If he could produce a document clearly stating that I was betrothed to DeLisle, it would indicate they had plans for my wealth. The sums indicated on the dowry section couldn’t possibly be found by Rupert because he didn’t have the funds.”

“They needed your money, or more importantly for you to sign the betrothal document to get access to your wealth,” Peter added.

“But that wouldn’t release the funds to them until you were married,” Sebastian added with a frown.

“But the betrothal document would be enough to secure a special license and force me into marriage. Without my signature, they couldn’t force me to do anything. Rupert drew up this document knowing he wasn’t my guardian and therefore, if we can get hold of the document, it confirms that Rupert was trying to fraudulently obtain my funds.” Isobel felt a surge of excitement at the new information and the importance it had on Rupert’s downfall.

“Rupert isn’t stupid enough to leave something like that lying around; he would almost certainly keep it with him.” Isobel fought the urge to jump up and down.