Several moments later the door to the master suite closed quietly behind them. Isobel was about to step away from him only to find her hand clasped within his warm one preventing her from moving deeper into the room. Raising a querying brow, her stomach suddenly tightened as she studied his almost stern countenance. Shadows lurked in the depths of his emerald eyes as he studied her face carefully.

A muscle ticked in his jaw as he studied her lips, his face so close to hers, she could feel the soft brush of his breath upon her cheek. “Thank you for trusting me.” He stared into her eyes intently appeased when nothing but clear honesty shone back at him.

Isobel’s stomach tightened as she stared into his intent gaze. Slowly, his head lowered until she felt the soft brush of his lips against hers.

Isobel awoke the next morning feeling incredibly warm and secure. During the long months alone, she had never considered for a moment that she would ever experience such tenderness as her husband had shown her the night before. Even before they had made love, she adored him. Now? She would gladly give her soul to spend the remainder of her days lying in his arms.

Heaving a deep sigh of contentment, she stretched a little and wiggled her toes against the cool sheets, stopping suddenly as her toes made contact with a well muscled, hairy leg.

“That tickles,” Dominic grumbled ruefully from above her head.

Isobel smiled softly up at him, delighted at his gentle smile was quickly followed by a slow kiss.

“How do you feel this morning?” Dominic asked her, his voice husky with sleep.

“A little sore but wonderfully alive,” Isobel replied, pushing herself onto her elbow to lean over her husband.

Isobel blushed as she remembered the tantalising sensations from the night before. “I suppose I could behave,” Isobel pursed her lips thoughtfully before she smiled slowly fully aware she had his rapt attention. His gaze was firmly fixed upon the tip of her tongue as it slowly moistened her lips. “But then, I might get bored, and then who knows where we would be?”

“I need to inform Peter of your friend’s activities,” he explained. “The sooner we speak to him the better.”

“I should like to try to go for a walk today,” Isobel said, eyeing the snowy vista outside with longing.

“Don’t get cold.” He fought hard not to forbid her from leaving the house. So far, she had been relatively submissive in agreeing to his dictates. He couldn’t hold her prisoner in the house but it rankled that he needed to stand back and allow her to wander. “It’s cold and slippery underfoot, please don’t push yourself.” He pressed a gentle kiss upon her lips. “You had a very busy night last night after all.”

Isobel shot him a cheeky smile. “I will only wander around the gardens outside. No further.” She sensed his disquiet, but was pleased he trusted her enough to let her out alone.

“Good enough. Now behave yourself wench, I need to leave the bed!” He slapped her rump and he lurched out of bed laughing as he dodged the flying pillow that followed him. Despite the stresses of the situation with Rupert, life as a married man was turning out rather well.


Isobel couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong; very wrong. There were no birds singing in the trees. Everything around her seemed to be frozen in time.

The hairs rose on the back of her neck and she slowly began to scan the area around her. In the near distance, she could see Edward talking to the head gardener. Although she knew was perfectly safe, tension began to tighten her shoulders. Instinctively, her hands balled into tight fists. She paused briefly to look at something in the hedgerow. In reality, she took the opportunity to take a careful look behind her.

Everything remained still. But she still couldn’t shake off the horrible feeling that was so familiar to her. She had spent two months living by her wits, and had learned enough about her instincts to know that when her nerves were as fraught as they were, there was something seriously wrong. Carefully, she eyed the break in the trees only a few feet ahead that led onto the lawns of Havistock Hall; the place she now called home.

She had taken only a few steps, when she heard a horrible sneer directly behind her.

“Well, well, if it isn’t my elusive princess.”

Isobel turned slowly on her heel, careful to keep any signs of fear from her face as she eyed the rotund man standing behind her. He had been hiding in the shelter of the conifers waiting for the right time to appear. From where he was standing, he couldn’t be seen by either man talking at the edge of the path, or by anyone looking out of the windows of the house.

“What do you want Rupert?” Isobel drew her shoulders back haughtily, something she knew Rupert hated. She was determined not to show the horrid little man that inside she was a quivering wreck.

“I think you already know the answer to that one, don’t you my dear?” Rupert whined silkily, eyeing her curves as though she were a horse. “You have a fiancé waiting to make your acquaintance.” His voice was menacing; his eyes cold and calculating.

“I would never consider that possibility!” Isobel said with a snort. “Marry him yourself if you like him that much, because I never shall.” It took every ounce of her courage to return his contemptuous glare, allowing her own gaze to wander dismissively over his rotund little frame in return. Everything within her screamed at her to run for her life, but she knew that she couldn’t afford to allow Rupert to witness just how deeply disturbed his appearance made her.

“If you think you can escape me girl, you are sadly mistaken. But then,” Rupert’s voice dropped to a menacing growl. “You never were all that clever. I am sure DeLisle will take great pleasure in ensuring you remember your station in life.”

God how she hated him! She did not flinch as a large burly man had come out of his hiding place behind Rupert. Not within reach to carry her off certainly, but close enough to pose a threat

Isobel glanced at him contemptuously before turning to the smaller man. “My station in life?” Isobel sneered, her voice laced with hatred she didn’t bother to try to mask. “You want to remind me of my station in life. That’s a laugh if ever I heard one!” She shook her head in mock wonder at the older man’s arrogance. “You are the one who needs reminding of his station in life, you arrogant oaf. You are the one who seems to forget you are knee-deep in debt, no doubt with half of London after your worthless hide. You need to be reminded of your station in life make no mistake.” Isobel glared at the stocky man to Rupert’s left with nothing less than scorn. “Make sure he pays you well, because he hasn’t got a penny to his name.” She smiled spitefully as the little man began to tremble with rage, and felt stronger for having faced him so bravely.

“If you both don’t get off this land now, I shall have you both arrested for trespass.” Isobel snapped, her chin rose arrogantly as she glared at both men. Cheeks flushed with temper, Isobel fought the urge to smack her wayward relation right on the nose. “All I have to do is scream my husband, and half of the armed household staff will be here before you can take ten steps. I can assure you if either of you are caught here, then they will take undoubted delight in reminding you of your lowly station; both of you.” She added with a scornful look at the silent oaf now standing doubtfully behind his employer.

It gave her no small measure of reassurance to mention her husband. Something inside her calmed at the thought of Dominic being so close.