“What is it?” Dominic watched her closely. She had gone desperately pale. “Isobel, what’s wrong?”

Snapping out of her reverie, Isobel felt flushed with urgency. “We need to get dressed.” She turned towards the retiring screen in the corner. “I need to think,” she mumbled, aware of Dominic’s dark scowl of discontent as he lay in the bed.

Later that morning, she decided that she really had no option, she had to tell Dominic everything. She wasn’t sure what he would make of it, but considered that he might be able to use any information her associate could give them, to help secure Rupert’s capture. He had taken his duties as her husband seriously, and made it perfect clear he was prepared to fight for her. It was up to her to make certain he was as armed as possible. First though, she had to make sure she wouldn’t be landing poor Hubert in jail.

Unfortunately Dominic left later that day with Sebastian to question some of the villagers as to the possible whereabouts of Rupert. If he was still residing on the other side of the village, Dominic wanted to know about it.

For Isobel the day dragged on interminably until she thought she would go quietly mad. When they had returned, Dominic had taken only a few moments to converse with her about her day before excusing herself and disappearing into the library with his brothers and Peter. Isobel wasn’t certain if she was relieved they were taking the quest to vanquish Rupert so seriously, or disgruntled they were so easily leaving her out. Surely, to ensure her own safety, she needed to be involved in their preparations, shouldn’t she?

Later that evening, having picked at a lonely dinner in her suite, Isobel threw the book down on the table beside the bed with a disgruntled sigh and blowing out the light, settled down. Whatever plans they were making downstairs, they had made a big mistake not involving her, Isobel thought waspishly, because without the information Hubert could give them, their plans were certain to fail. Disgruntled at the ease in which they had all relegated her to being a helpless female, Isobel tossed and turned knowing that sleep would be a long time coming.

Dominic awoke with a groan, feeling somewhat green around the gills. Frowning with consternation, it took him several minutes to realise he was in one of the guest rooms. It took him several minutes more to recognise the guest room across the hall from the master suite. It was as close to Isobel as he could get without actually sleeping across the doorway, or in the room with her. Yesterday he had deliberately avoided her to give her time to think about the information he was certain she was withholding. Information Dominic knew she was deliberately keeping from him to protect another man. It rankled him greatly.

“Oh God,” Dominic gasped, as his stomach roiled in protest against the volume of brandy he had consumed the previous evening. He, Peter, Edward and Sebastian had spent a lot of time, well into the early hours of the morning, making plans and preparations for the upcoming confrontation. Although for the life of him he couldn’t remember what they had agreed upon.

Sitting on the side of the bed Dominic briefly rested his head in his hands. If the harsh sunlight pouring through the windows was any indication, it was well past noon. Isobel would be furious with him over yesterday as it was. To ignore her the following morning too was courting trouble. He would be lucky if he would be allowed to share her bed that night either. Not that he could blame her, Dominic thought with a rueful glance down at his soiled shirt.

Jaw clenched, Dominic rose and pulled several times upon the bell pull summoning Travis, his personal Butler, before finally succumbing to the demands of his stomach behind the retiring screen.

Nearly two hours later he emerged from the master suite, fully dressed and feeling somewhat more alive. Having been obliquely informed by Travis that the staff had been looking after Isobel quite adequately, Dominic headed in search of his wife.

Several minutes later he quietly entered the library, a tender smile suffusing his features as he spied her propped up against a mound of cushions, a tray of tea pots and what appeared to be honey cake at her elbow. She was sound asleep.

God she was beautiful, Dominic thought as he studied her delicate features relaxed in repose. Even in slumber, she was a stunning sight to behold. Her hair had already grown long enough to form ringlets cascading around her delicate oval face. Pink rosebud lips were slightly parted as her breath puffed out slowly as she slept. Dominic knew the periwinkle blue eyes were hidden behind her closed lids densely outlined by thick black lashes. Fashionable or not, her slightly exotic features were indeed a sight to behold. He could only thank heaven that she was his.

He was loathe to wake her. Dominic turned, and quietly began to make his way out of the room. By the time he got to the door, he changed his mind, and decided instead that he would much prefer to spend a few minutes with her – even while she was asleep. Selecting a book from the vast array on offer, he quietly settled into a lushly padded winged chair nearest to her and settled down to read.

Isobel woke slowly feeling a little refreshed if slightly out of sorts. Although she had done very little physically since waking that morning besides talk to various staff, she had fallen asleep within a few hours of being downstairs. Gradually, she became aware of the presence of a dark figure seated beside her. Without looking, she knew who it was.

“Good afternoon Isobel,” Dominic watched as her sleepiness evaporated leaving her alert and very much awake.

“Good afternoon,” Isobel replied, stifling a yawn as she shifted somewhat stiffly. “Have you been here long?” She wondered why he hadn’t bothered to wake her.

“Only for a short while, I am afraid we imbibed rather more than was wise last night.” Dominic smiled somewhat sheepishly.

Isobel knew she should be miffed with him, but couldn’t find it within her to resent him spending an evening with his brothers. He had a boyish look of mischief about him that made her want to crawl into his lap and smother his face in kisses. It took everything within her to remain still and merely return his smile.

“Have you eaten?” Isobel looked questionably at the bell pull. Having spent the morning in the library, she knew she only had to wait for several moments, and one of the staff would be along anyway.

“I am alright thank you. Manvers brought me a tray some time ago,” Dominic replied, eyeing the cake hungrily.

“Can I ask you something?” Isobel asked, placing two slices of cake on a plate and handed it to Dominic silently. At his smile of thanks and brief nod, she continued. “Have you asked the staff to keep an eye upon me?”

Dominic froze in the act of putting a piece of cake into his mouth, a frown of consternation upon his brow. “No, why?” Being held mere inches from his nose the cake smelt wonderful. He took a bite and moaned softly when the sweet taste of honey and cake exploded in his mouth.

“No reason,” Isobel replied, as she settled back once again against the cushions not believing him for a second. So much for honesty. Although she had been pampered beyond belief, she hadn’t managed to have the quiet morning reading as she had wished. Still, she was so comfortable, and full from the delicious honey cake Mrs Potts had brought her, she couldn’t find it within her to be annoyed.


silence settled between them as Dominic settled back to enjoy his treat. He finished the last bite with a sigh and settled back to watch Isobel, who was now looking out of the window. His heart ached at the sight of her sitting so gloriously within the soft halo of afternoon sunlight.

“How do you feel today?” He already knew the answer. Isobel’s alabaster cheeks were softly coloured with a peach tinge, giving her a healthy glow. Her periwinkle eyes had slowly lost the haunted look of fear that would haunt him for the remainder of his days.

“I am much better thank you. All of the staff have been pampering me. I fear I shall soon have to take up some form of exercise else I shall turn into a dumpling,” she said, glancing at the honey cake still sitting beside her.

Dominic knew he had to inform her of the decisions he, his brothers and Peter had made the night before, however, given her contentment he found himself unable to bring tension and worry back upon her face. Keeping conversation light and jovial, they chatted companionably for some time before there was a soft knock at the door, and a maid entered.

“Cook said to ask if you would like some more tea ma’am,” the young maid asked with a small smile of pride. It was indeed an honour to be sent up to tend to the new lady of the house. The staff belowstairs were abuzz with how gentle, and kind, the Master’s new wife was and the maids had all been eager to be the one allowed to check up on her.