For the next hour she pondered and paced, worried and stressed, as wisdom warred with caution. She still couldn’t deny that the only thing she wanted was Dominic. Unfortunately he was now at his uncle’s house, some two miles away. Still, a short journey through the woods and she would be there. Surely she couldn’t be so bold, could she? She had no idea of the layout of his uncle’s house, and didn’t know which room he would be residing in.

She felt driven to make the journey and attempt to find him. As long as she was discrete of course, and nobody saw her, what harm could there be? She wasn’t afraid of making the journey alone, in the dark. Indeed, she was an excellent horsewoman and trusted Betsy, her mount. Still, it was terribly audacious of her to make such a bold move. A move that could, if it went wrong, bring her fall from grace, and no doubt incur Dominic’s wrath. She daren’t even think what Peter’s reaction would be.

She was still pondering her actions while she quietly saddled her horse and set out through the trees in the direction of Lord Sedgwick’s residence on the far side of the village. Wrapped securely in the voluminous folds of her riding cloak, Isobel tugged the hood high over her face and fervently prayed that should anyone be out and about at such an ungodly hour, they would not be able to recognise her.

Warily, she arrived at the bottom end of the gardens of Sedgwick House. She could ride up to the house, but that would be too bold. Instead she tied Betsy securely to a fallen branch and walked on foot in the direction of the stable block. Hidden in the depths of the shadows, Isobel scanned the area for any signs of movement, relieved when everything was quiet and still. It was well past midnight, and all the staff had taken to their beds. Quietly she made her way through the stable courtyard towards the path that would lead to the main house.

It happened with a flurry of movement so swift that she didn’t even have time to squeak in surprise. One minute she was alone. The next, a flurry of a dark shadow appeared by her side, and a large hand clamped securely over her mouth, at the same time a solid band of steel encircled her waist lifting her clear off the ground. Before she could blink, she was dragged into the barn and thrust roughly against the rough wall in the shadows with a thump. A large masculine hand remained over her mouth as her hood was swiftly pulled off her head. She was about to kick out at her assailant, when the familiar tones of the soft curse that rent the air shattering her fear.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Dominic whispered menacingly.

“I need to see you,” Isobel gasped, uncertainty beginning to creep in as she noted his deep scowl. He certainly wasn’t pleased to see her.

“What for? It had better be something serious for you to risk coming here -” He glanced outside the door before his hard glare snapped back towards her accusingly. “- unchaperoned - to tell me what, pray tell?”

Isobel was suddenly at a loss for words. “Where have you been? You left our house at least two hours ago, yet you have only just returned.” It was a stab in the dark, and she knew her question was overstepping the mark, but she knew her suspicions were right when he didn’t argue.

“I had to meet with someone about the arrangements for tomorrow,” Dominic replied automatically before frowning down at her. Why was he explaining himself to her? She was the one who should be at home tucked up in bed.

“Why are you here Isobel? Did you want to speak to my uncle?” Dominic knew the answer to that one, and took a few moments of pleasure in watching her squirm uncomfortably as she tried to come up with an answer. Instinct warned him he already knew why she had followed him, and wished he was in a position to give her exactly what she was seeking.

“You must go home.” His tone brooked no argument.

“I need -” Isobel glared at him through the darkness, trying and failing to find the right words. Why was he making this so hard? Did she have to spell it out to him? She heaved a sigh as he remained tall and unmoving before her. Words failed her, but she remembered an old adage her mother once told her. Actions, after all, did speak louder than words.

Without further ado, she placed a hand on either side of his head and tugged his face towards her. A tiny thrill of delight swept through her as she glimpsed the look of shock on his face before her lips met his. He didn’t push her away as she expected. Unfortunately, neither did he pull her closer as he had when he had kissed her earlier in the study.

Determined not to be put off by his reluctance, Isobel persisted, wanting this one night with him. Whatever the reason he was going away, his obvious reluctance towards her now told her more than she wanted to know. A small part of her heart broke apart and crumbled, but she was reluctant to succumb to the devastation that loomed and give in so easily.

Bolstering her courage, she persisted, pressing her lips more firmly against his. Following his actions of the afterno

on in the study, she began to rub her lips against his. A thrill of delight swept through her as he moaned low in his throat. She ran her hands across his shoulders as his arms slid around her, pulling her so tight against his chest that she wasn’t sure how she managed to breathe.

It was several moments before they reluctantly drew apart. “I will take you home now,” Dominic’s murmur wasn’t so harsh but still held a hint of determination. Isobel fought the urge to thwack him upside his head for his own stubbornness.

They froze as the sound of booted feet approaching grew louder in the silence of the night. Dominic cursed softly, and with a quick glance around the empty cavern of the barn shook his head before swiftly tugging her towards the stairs. “Up!” he snapped, grasping her waist and hoisting her upwards.

Isobel followed his command without question, and climbed the steps to the loft as quietly as she could. She had barely reached the top before Dominic joined her.

“’oose there?” Dominic cursed as the soft yellow glow of light appeared at the bottom of the steps. “I can see ye’ get down ‘ere now.”

“It’s me man, be quiet.” Dominic’s disgruntled voice carried authoritatively in the gloom.

“Are ye’ alright?” The light rose a little to allow the Head Groom to see more clearly.

“Yes, I am fine. Just a little er -” Dominic paused meaningfully, and waited for the man to put two and two together. He hated announcing Isobel’s presence to the curious man below them but knew if he didn’t the man would probably linger and insist on helping. There was no way Dominic was leaving Isobel inside the barn alone. Instead, he allowed the man to realise he was with a woman and assume Dominic needed some private time with a young maid who couldn’t be entertained within the main house.

“Ah!” the man chuckled knowingly. “Well sir, if you need any assistance you only have to call.” He laughed outright at his own humour before turning towards the barn doorway, banging it behind him loudly.

“I am sure I won’t need any help,” Dominic replied sardonically as darkness descended once again. He turned ruefully to the woman lying beside him and shook his head. He knew he was sunk but felt he had to at least put up a token protest. God, he loved her. Even though he knew right now he wanted to strangle her for her own waywardness, he couldn’t bring himself to be angry. In truth, he was delighted she was here and they could have a few more precious moments together. If only he was strong enough to parcel her up and send her on her merry way untouched. He certainly couldn’t afford to deflower her before leaving for several months. He had his friendship with Peter to consider after all. There wasn’t enough time now to rush through a hasty marriage. He was leaving early morning, and knew the mission he was going on would take some months - even if it ran smoothly.

“Isobel, we shouldn’t do this,” Dominic said, mentally accepting the inevitable as his body responded lustily.

“But I want you,” Isobel said softly as she cupped his stubborn jaw, smiling as the soft bristles tickled her palm.

“I want you too,” Dominic replied knowing it to be the truth, and cursed quietly as her soft lips placed gentle kisses along his jaw-line.

His lips captured hers, and Isobel knew she had won this particular skirmish. The shimmering tension left his body, and he relaxed against her. Isobel thrilled at the weight of his chest as he eased her backward, onto the soft straw, until he was looming over her. Her doubts calmed by the insistent but gentle pressure of his lips upon hers, and the warmth of his tender embrace.