From the first time they had met at Willowbrook, her heart had been lost to this handsome rogue whose persistent charm, and wry humour, had captured her wilful soul and held it captive. It seemed such a long time ago.

When they first met, they had been fortunate enough to be able to spend a considerable amount of time together. Albeit chaperoned in one form or another. Either Peter, her Aunt Elspeth or one of the staff were in attendance whenever they had found themselves together. To the point that she considered she would scream if she wasn’t allowed any time alone to talk to him. They had often shared conspiratorial smiles of sympathy when their precious time together had been interrupted. She had been heartened that he was seemingly experiencing the same frustration at their lack of ability to be alone together. Like a giddy young woman, she was soon eagerly waiting for the time they would meet again.

He had been visiting his uncle only a few miles away when he had answered Peter’s invitation to dinner. Having recently returned from France, both men had parted company to deal with urgent family matters. Peter had returned to Willowbrook, and Dominic to Leicestershire to deal with family business in Leicestershire. Several weeks later, they had both been eager to catch up, and Dominic had readily accepted Peter’s first of many invitations to dine at Willowbrook.

For several weeks he had taken every opportunity to call upon her at Willowbrook, blatantly seeking her company to view the estates and tour the house. Peter, bless him, had indulged the budding romance while doing his best to protect his sister’s reputation as best he could. Whilst not actively encouraging the relationship, he did little to stop their closeness, and on several occasions had actually created an opportunity for them to meet himself.

Several weeks later, they had just finished the last of their sumptuous dinner when Dominic had broken with convention and requested a private interview with Isobel. At Peter’s nod, he pushed away from the table and moved to help a surprised Isobel out of her seat, swiftly escorting her into the drawing room next door.

Isobel’s heart thundered in her chest as she had followed him out of the room. Was he about to ask her to marry him? Wildly possible and impossible scenarios flew through her mind as she meekly followed. Leaving the door slightly ajar, he moved to join her before the window and allowed a few moments of quiet to settle between them.

“I wanted to speak to you before I go, Isobel,” he began quietly, his eyes serious as they met hers.

For a proposal, he was being rather stern, Isobel mused.

“I am going away for a while.”

Isobel’s stomach lurched sickeningly as his words sank in. She fought the urge to cry as her heart broke just a little as her hopes were dashed.

“For long?” She tried to maintain a polite conversational tone, careful not to betray the hurt his words caused her.

“Several months, I am afraid.” Dominic’s words fell like lead between them, his own face solemn.

“Are you travelling abroad?” Isobel wondered if he intended to return. He seemed strangely vague. Not that he had to answer to her in any way, Isobel sternly reminded herself. He was quite a free man to do as he wished, but some inner voice of caution warned her that he wasn’t being entirely honest with her.

“No, my dear.” Dominic knew she was confused and worried, and hated not being able to reveal everything to her. After all he had every intention of taking her to wife. He just couldn’t do it yet.

“This is strictly between us.” He waited until he received her nod of agreement before continuing. “Peter and I have been asked to undertake a secret mission by the Prince Regent himself. There is a group of smugglers running rife along the Norfolk coast. People are dying as the gang is becoming more and more ruthless. Something needs to be done.” Dominic squeezed her hands and gently tugged her closer, pleased when she didn’t protest at his familiarity with her.

“Unfortunately, it means neither Peter nor I will be able to contact you while we are away as we are briefly rejoining some of our old battalion to form a special group to carry out this mission.”

Isobel was about to answer, when Dominic continued. “We cannot predict how long we will be gone either.

It could be a few weeks; or months.” Dominic watched as her shoulders drooped slightly. “I can promise you though my darling, that as soon as I can return to you, I will.” He was warmed as her eyes brightened at his choice of words.

“Promise me you shall remain safe,” Isobel demanded huskily, squeezing his hands beseechingly.

“I promise you I shall do my utmost to ensure both Peter and I will return to you hale and whole, and at the earliest possible moment,” Dominic said, eyeing her glistening lips. “Meantime, I am afraid I will not be able to correspond with you. I can assure you though that you will be in my thoughts.” His voice dropped to a husky murmur, and his head dipped towards hers. “Allow me a small measure of solace to warm my nights, my darling,” he pleaded before his lips captured and held hers in a gentle kiss.

Isobel’s heart thumped heavily in her ears at the insistent pressure of his lips upon hers. She knew she should pull away, but was in the one place she so very desperately wanted to be. If she wasn’t going to see him for some time, surely there was nothing wrong in seeking at least one kiss, was it? Throwing all caution aside, she carefully placed her hands upon the solid muscle of his chest, pleased when he groaned in his throat before pulling her more firmly into his embrace.

How long they stood entwined in each other’s arms she couldn’t say. They were rudely interrupted by a discreet cough coming from the doorway all too soon. They drew apart reluctantly, a rueful smile curving Dominic’s lips.

“I should apologise, sweetheart,” Dominic said, placing a gentle kiss upon her rosebud lips. “But I won’t. I thank you for allowing me such liberties.” Carefully placing a tender kiss on her cheek, he stepped backward, her hand held securely in his grasp.

“Sir? My Lord wishes to meet with you in the library,” the footman intoned politely.

Dominic nodded and turned towards the man. “Please tell him I shall be with him shortly.”

“I cannot ask you to wait for me, but I shall be eternally glad if you could find it within yourself to eschew any offers of marriage whilst I am gone,” Dominic asked hopefully. He still had qualms about Isobel being left in the questionable care of her aunt Elspeth, but trusted Peter’s judgement in his own relation. He really had little choice but to accept Peter knew his aunt well enough to leave the two women alone at Willowbrook.

“I shall await your return,” Isobel whispered, linking her arm through his as he escorted them both out of the room. At the doorway to the library, he took his leave with a gentle smile and a small bow.

“Take care, my love,” he said softly, for her ears alone before escorting her to the bottom of the stairs.

Isobel’s feet felt numb as she slowly climbed the stairs to her room. At the top, she glanced backwards to find the hallway empty, and felt a tiny pang of loss.

She heard the thumping of hooves below her window several hours later, and knew he had returned to his uncle’s house. She tossed and turned, but no matter how hard she tried, sleep wouldn’t come. Briefly, she contemplated going downstairs to read in the library; probably even indulge in a small glass of sherry. Inside though she knew that the only thing she really wanted was Dominic.