Dominic fully understood Peter’s desire to protect his sister, and couldn’t blame the man for it. After all, they both had the same goal in mind. “I have spent most of the nights since her arrival in the chair beside the bed. She was in a temper today, and had taken objection to being confined to her bed any longer.” Dominic replied cautiously. He didn’t see the need to give her any further detail. He had, after all, seen more than enough!

Peter nodded in understanding. He had first-hand experience of just how wilful his sister could be. “She must be getting better if her temper was roused,” he added knowingly being fully conscious of his friend’s discomfort.

“She is definitely chafing to get up and about. But with the weather still being so cold, I am trying to keep her warm and safe in bed,” Dominic replied with a tone of caution. “It seems that I may have been a bit over-protective.” He saw Peter’s smile of understanding and was relieved that the man understood.

“What have you managed to find out about Rupert? Why did they take her?” Dominic asked after several moments of companionable silence.

“Rupert is in dire financial trouble. He has numerous billets around Town, some of whom are starting to lose patience at his lack of repayment. Rumours are he has turned towards loan sharks to repay some of his debts. There are people looking for him.”

“Most probably why he has vacated London, and nobody has heard from him.” Dominic nodded sagely.

“Undoubtedly. More interestingly, he has become close acquaintances with Bertram DeLisle,” Peter replied quietly.

“I know. Do you know if Bertram or Rupert have a house near here?” Dominic queried.

“I don’t know. What makes you ask?” Peter rose to replenish their glasses and moved to stand before the hearth.

“It was something Rupert said in the village the day I found Isobel. He mentioned that he had a small house nearby here, but I wasn’t aware there had been any property in the locale up for sale. Moreover, I didn’t know there was anyone new in the area.” Dominic said.

“He could have moved in while we were away looking for Isobel,” Peter replied. “After all, we were gone for several months and with Isobel -” He paused, not wanting recount one of the most difficult moments of both of their lives.

“He may well have. I just wonder if it was where he brought Isobel when he took her from Willowbrook.”

Peter huffed cynically. “That would appeal to Rupert’s perverse nature. To know you are looking for her and have her stashed so blatantly nearby. He would enjoy that.”

“But that doesn’t explain why we were led to believe she had been murdered.” Dominic replied, trying desperately to block out the horrifying memories of standing beside Isobel’s grave.

“Unless they have funds nobody is aware of, they wouldn’t have the funds or contacts to buy a magistrate.” Peter tried to plot out the details in his mind but failed miserably.

“We need to speak to the magistrate,” Dominic considered the numerous questions they had yet to find answers for. “As soon as the weather clears, I’ll go back and ask a few questions of this magistrate.” A part of him was furiously angry with the man for letting them grieve unnecessarily. However, a small voice of caution warned him that the man most probably believed what he had told them, and until Dominic and Peter had answers, they couldn’t condemn the man for doing his duty.

“One thing is for certain. If Rupert didn’t buy the magistrate, he could also believe Isobel is dead. That would mean she is safe enough for now.”

“But if Rupert bought that magistrate, he knows very well she is alive and most probably here. I got the distinct impression the other week that the man was looking for someone. He could have gotten close enough to Isobel to know she was in the area.”

“Would he know she was in disguise?”

Peter looked at Dominic with a frown. “Disguise?”

Dominic realised that he hadn’t yet informed Peter of all of the Isobel’s adventures. “We found her wearing men’s clothing. I think they may have been yours.” He quickly described the thick breeches, rough work shirt and heavy boots that were far too big for Isobel


Peter’s brows rose in surprise and knew exactly where Isobel had got them from. With a rueful shake, of his head he fought the urge to ask Dominic how on earth he had known it was her dressed in men’s clothing, but that was something that would wait for now.

“If Rupert does suspect she is here, then she is most certainly in danger. I can ensure nobody gets to her during the night. Indeed, the safest place for her is beside me.” Dominic turned to stare at his friend. “But she is becoming more active, and doesn’t want to remain in bed. She won’t tolerate me dogging her every footstep.”

“We can take it in turns to keep her occupied, and make sure there is a member of staff in the vicinity should there be any problem. With staff inside and out keeping watch, there is little chance of anyone getting close to her.”

Peter refilled their glasses as a thoughtful silence settled between them.

“Do you think we should tell her?”

Dominic immediately shook his head. “No!” He paused, and took a deep breath at Peter’s surprised look. “She was in a state when I found her Peter.” Briefly, he described her reaction when she had seen Rupert in the busy village street.

“I don’t want her worrying unnecessarily. You and I both know that Rupert will not get anywhere near her.” Dominic’s voice dripped with deadly menace. “There is no need to worry her unduly.”

“She won’t thank us for keeping her in the dark,”Peter warned knowing his sister’s penchant for always being in the thick of things.