‘You should know that Carlotta is under our protection now,’ Oliver interrupted. ‘I am afraid she is going nowhere and any attempts to force her to leave will be considered kidnap.’

Henry glared at her. ‘Just what have you gotten yourself into?’

Phillip suddenly crossed the hallway and slid an arm around her waist. ‘Carlotta has found herself a husband,’ he announced, aware of Callum and Niall sharing a smirk as if they had been waiting for the announcement. Phillip didn’t even bother to look at the rest of the men. ‘And I should warn you that I work for the War Office. The Star Elite. It was a damned good thing that I did turn up when I did because Carlotta was in this house alone when two thugs with guns turned up, and someone was murdered just outside, in the woods next to your driveway as a matter of fact.’

Henry gulped.

‘So, your precious house is now bloody worthless because the villagers have heard of the murder and won’t come anywhere near the place. I do believe that someone found the corpse hanging from the tree yesterday and ran back to the village to tell everyone about it,’ Oliver lied. Now that Phillip had openly stated his intentions toward Carlotta, he had no qualms about helping them both find the future they deserved. Phillip had, after all, done the same for him with his relationship with his beloved Emmeline. It was only right that Phillip should have the opportunity to enjoy the same matrimonial bliss if that was what he wanted.

And if the possessive look in his colleague’s eye was anything to go by that is indeed what he wants.

‘You said the Star Elite will recompense me for the use of it,’ Henry snarled. ‘I am not going to be robbed by you, the War Office, or anyone else. I want a fair price for this house, or you can get out.’

‘It isn’t theft,’ Oliver growled, stepping closer. ‘I would be very careful about who you insult with your wild accusations. We have the authority of the War Office to seize any property we need during our investigations. On this occasion the house in question was yours. Now, from what I have seen of the property and its state of disrepair and abandonment, I think this house is worth no more than a hundred and fifty pounds. It now has a link to a recent murder, so I doubt anybody nearby would want to purchase it and it is remote enough to be unappealing to most people.’

Oliver disappeared into the study and left a deathly silence in his wake. He took a seat at the desk and opened the drawer before pulling out a piece of paper, a quill and an ink pot. Quickly scribbling a promissory note, he returned to the hallway and handed it to Henry.

‘Sir Hugo at the War Office will be in touch. Meantime, send the deeds to him in London. Any objections and I shall place you under arrest for obstructing a formal investigation on behalf of His Majesty’s Government.’

Henry stared down at the note in his hand in stunned disbelief. When he lifted his gaze, he pierced Carlotta with a glare that was cold and hard. ‘I should have left you out in the gutter with your mother.’

‘You know what happened to her then,’ Phillip demanded. ‘Where is Horace now by the way? I should like a word with him.’

Carlotta jerked and turned to stare at him with wide, horrified eyes. She hated to think that he would betray her, but she could see no other reason why he might want a word with her sire. It was then that she realised something.

‘Where is Henrietta?’ she asked quietly.

‘She is no business of yours anymore,’ Henry growled, raking Carlotta with an insulting look. ‘Stay away from her. I don’t want her having any kind of connection to the likes of you.’

‘I am sure Carlotta feels the same seeing as you are the kind of man who consorts with a murderer,’ Phillip drawled. He stepped closer until he was almost nose-to-nose with Henry and stared malevolently at him while he said: ‘If I find out that you have helped Horace in any way I shall have you behind bars for helping a murderer avoid facing justice for his crimes. Wife or not, he has no right to murder anybody much less force anyone into matrimony. Do you understand me?’

Henry blinked. ‘It wasn’t murder,’ he stammered, flicking a worried look at Carlotta.

‘Were you there? Did you see what happened?’ Phillip challenged.

‘Well, no,’ Henry replied with a nervous look around the hallway.

‘You have only the word of her father; the killer,’ Phillip growled.

‘Horace is a fine, upstanding gentleman,’ Henry rep

orted, carefully ignoring Carlotta’s disgusted snort.

‘Really? You think it is fine to send two heavily armed thugs out to the wilds of the Kent coast to come and fetch her? He isn’t so concerned about her that he is prepared to come and fetch her himself, is he? And why is that? Why has he sent you to do his dirty work for him, eh? Why are you here, Henry? Unless you also think it appropriate to force yourself on a young woman who is living alone?’

Henry stared at him for a moment. While he didn’t move or speak, a dull red flush swept over his face and was accompanied by a brow that was swiftly beaded with sweat.

‘I thought as much. Is your wife not keeping you happy enough in the bed chamber? I wonder what she would think if she found out about your little visit here today, and your lascivious intentions toward her friend?’ Phillip snarled.

‘I have no lascivious intentions,’ Henry replied, but in a voice barely above a whisper.

‘But you did intend to force her to return to her father,’ Phillip persisted.

‘I had no idea that Horace had murdered his wife,’ Henry announced.

‘Really? But you didn’t think it odd that he was so concerned for his daughter he sent you to fetch her when his thugs failed to snatch her off the streets?’ Phillip raked the man with a dour look. ‘You must think I am as stupid as you look.’ Promptly turning his back, he returned to Carlotta’s side.

‘I have to ask you to come into the study,’ Oliver began. ‘If you don’t, and refuse to answer our questions, I shall have you arrested for failing to provide information relevant to our investigation. It will earn you a good couple of years behind bars.’