“Shut up, you stupid bitch,” the thug growled.

He tried to fight the Star Elite men who appeared on either side of him, but it was a short-lived battle. He was soon on his knees and secured before being dragged unceremoniously out of the door, right past Marilyn. Sir Hugo temporarily left Marilyn where she was because she was at least willing to talk.

“What did you do, Marilyn? Did you sell your soul and join them when you realised you could have a life away from your family?” Sir Hugo drawled mockingly into her ear.

“You have no idea how the gang work. Those stupid women were snatched right from under everyone’s noses and nobody knew a thing. They are cleverer than you,” Marilyn boasted.

“Unfortunately, they are not that clever because they are behind bars right now, as you will be soon enough,” Sir Hugo replied.

“Not everyone. The group will reform. We might have to relocate but you won’t stop us,” Marilyn boasted proudly.

“Well, we shall see about that, but I wouldn’t bank on being able to witness any changes yourself because you are going to be behind bars where you belong.” Sir Hugo sighed. “It was a really stupid thing to do to shoot Denzel. He had already led us to you. We know he murdered Edith, but why did you need Oscar?”

Marilyn shrugged. “He was available. That damned idiot boasted he could get his hands on them both in time to stop them talking to you. The lad had a use. She could have earnt them a pretty penny on her back.”

“Just like you did,” Molly hissed.

Marilyn glared at her. “Well, you don’t have any other uses.”

“Well, it appears neither do you if you are prepared to sell yourself to people like that. I wouldn’t go around boasting about your skills right now. You are the one facing a very long time behind bars, not me,” Molly scoffed.

Oscar snickered.

“Well, time to go. Your part in this charade is well and truly over. You will give us the information we want in time, but for now you can go and think about what you have turned yourself into. I am sure your family won’t want anything more to do with you when they realise just what you have become,” Jasper snorted.

“I wouldn’t want to be related to her either,” Molly said. “She sells people like commodities.”

“She doesn’t just steal other people, she steals things from people,” Sir Hugo warned. “I have heard from the magistrate. It appears that the bracelet she accused you of stealing, Molly, belongs to an aristocrat who lives in a mansion in Mayfair that was burgled a month ago. The culprit was one of those t

hugs we cut down. She put it here and planted it on you in the hopes that we would force you to leave. Even if we tried to take you to gaol, you would have to leave this house.”

“Out on the street you would be vulnerable,” Jasper added with a nod.

“They just didn’t expect us to be able to find out who really owned the bracelet,” Sir Hugo said. “Isn’t that right, Marilyn? When your plans failed and we kept Molly and Oscar here, you had to keep leaving so you could decide what to do next. It was then that you decided to try to lure us out of here so you could kill us.”

“You also executed Denzel as a warning to us about coming after you, but that didn’t work either because we are better at fighting than you are,” Jasper added.

Marilyn lapsed into silence. She tipped her head up but glared stoically at everyone with eyes that were derisive.

“The idiot, Denzel, has messed everything up for all of us,” Marilyn breathed.

Jasper nodded. “There can be no mercy for people like you. You have to face justice.”

“I told you I didn’t trust her,” Oscar smirked.

Molly rolled her eyes. “You were right, all right? There, I have admitted it now.”

“Thank you,” Oscar grinned.

“Time to go.” Before Marilyn could do anything more than gasp a protest, she was yanked out of the door by Sir Hugo.

“Is that it?” Molly asked, a little disbelieving that it was all over so quickly.

“What did you expect?” Jasper asked. “I can challenge one of them to a gun battle if you like, but it would be for entertainment purposes only. It seems a little unfair when they are so poorly trained and in irons.”

“That lot are used to fist fighting not gunfighting,” Harry snorted contemptuously.

He raced down the steps and began to help his colleagues get the rest of the Rigley Row thugs out of the house.