“So, you agree that we have to get to know each other a little more before we can take this any further, wherever that may be?” Jasper asked as he shifted his weight and forced himself to keep his hands by his sides.

“I agree.” Molly offered him a smile, but when her eyes met his, it died instantly.

The air between them suddenly crackled with tension, but of the kind that drew them infinitesimally together and bound them as one.

“What are you doing?” she whispered when his head started to lower toward hers.

Her resolve was weak enough already. If he kissed her again, Molly suspected she would never be able to get it back at all.

“Sealing our deal,” Jasper whispered, his breath brushing temptingly over her lips. “We need to get to know each other. There is no time like the present. We need to seal our deal with a kiss.”

Whatever Molly intended to say was effectively silenced by Jasper’s very thorough kiss, the likes of which she was still smiling gently from an hour and a half later when all Hell broke loose.


Molly flopped over in bed for about the tenth time later that night. She was exhausted, but sleep refused to drag her under. Every time the night watch passed the door, the floor board creaked. It was soothing, in a strange kind of way because it reassured her that she was safe, for now at least. Unfortunately, it also reminded her of the present danger Marilyn posed to everyone.

Her thoughts turned to Jasper, and she wondered where he was and what he was doing. Molly had wanted to ask him at dinner earlier, but hadn’t wanted to sound too intrusive, or possessive. Besides, Marilyn had been there. Molly hadn’t wanted the woman to know that she had any kind of connection or affection for Jasper for fear of putting him in even more danger.

Suddenly, a low whistle broke the silence. It was echoed by three shorter whistles, which sounded a little like an owl’s hoot, although was different because it was echoed by an answering call that was swift and sporadic, almost urgent.

Molly bolted out of bed. “Who is it?” she gasped when someone knocked rapidly on her door.


She yanked the door open. Jasper surged into her room and raced over to the window. Molly stared at him, her wide gaze drawn to his gun.

“Have you seen her? Where’s Oscar?” Jasper demanded as he peered outside.

“Marilyn? Has Oscar gone?” Molly asked in confusion.

“No. Oscar is here,” her brother replied casually from the doorway.

“Good. Stay together. Lock the door and don’t answer it again, either of you,” Jasper bit out.

“Jasper?” Molly asked as she watched him head toward the door. A wild flow of questions poured through her, but she didn’t get the chance to ask any of them.

Jasper paused and look back at her for a moment. Without speaking, he retraced his steps and cupped the back of her head and slammed a kiss onto her lips that was over as quickly as it started. All Molly could do was return it, but her fingers barely touched his face before he released her and disappeared out of the door. He slammed the door behind him but then thrust it open again and shoved his head back into the room to glare at Oscar.

“Lock it behind me and keep guard over your sister,” he ordered.

Oscar, more than a little stunned, dutifully did as he was told once Jasper had disappeared again. He then turned to lift astonished brows at his sister.

“What?” Molly demanded.

Oscar folded his thin arms. “Care to tell me what is going on?”

“I wish I knew,” Molly sighed fervently. “I take it that Marilyn has made an escape again.”

“The Star Elite will catch her,” Oscar assured her knowingly.

Molly’s lips twitched.

“What do we do now?” Oscar asked when silence settled around them.

“We wait,” Molly sighed.

While Oscar took up watch at the window, Molly hurried behind the retiring screen and dressed. When she emerged minutes later, she found Oscar sitting on the side of the bed waiting for her.