Molly wanted to go back and undo the last couple of moments. She wanted to remove the echo of Jasper’s voice repeating over and over inside her head that he had only kissed her to get her to co-operate with him. He wasn’t interested in her. He was only interested in getting his job done as swiftly and easily as possible.

He did warn me but then I didn’t listen. I have only got myself to blame.

“I would smack him if he was in front of me right now,” she hissed as she stalked toward her bed chamber.

“What’s that?” Oscar asked from his position on the side of her bed.

Molly glared at him. “Do you ever intend to use your own bed chamber?”

Oscar’s brows rose. “What’s wrong?”

“I want to get out of here, that’s what’s wrong,” Molly snapped.

Oscar nodded wisely and studied her with all the aged wisdom of someone three times his age.

“What?” Molly demanded.

With a huff, she wandered over to the window and stared blindly out into the smoggy night.

“You have been arguing with him again, haven’t you?”

“I have no idea what you mean,” Molly retorted.

“Yes, you do. Jasper is his name. You know, he is the tall one who gazes adoringly at you when he thinks nobody is looking,” Oscar muttered with a heavy frown, as though he was struggling to understand why anybody would want to do such a thing.

“He does no such thing,” Molly argued.

“Yes he does, but he glares at people who catch him doing it. Well, he glares at me in any case.”


nbsp; “He is watching me – us – because it is a part of his job. I have just heard him telling his boss. As soon as we have told them what we know we are going to be shuffled off somewhere to start again,” Molly huffed. She then sighed and looked at her brother. “I think you should know that Edith is dead. She has been poisoned apparently, by Denzel.”

Oscar lifted his brows at her.

“Are you sorry?” she prompted when he didn’t speak.

“Why should I be sorry that someone I don’t care about is dead?” Oscar asked quietly. “I didn’t like her. I am glad she is dead because now we don’t have to go back there.”

“I thought you would say something like that,” Molly murmured.

To be fair, she didn’t give a damn that her aunt was dead either. It lifted a considerable amount of pressure from her shoulders, not least because she didn’t have to make any more plans to run away.

“When are we leaving?” Oscar asked suddenly.

“Soon. I think they suspect Marilyn of working with Denzel,” Molly informed him. “Whatever you do, don’t trust that woman. You were right, Oscar, she is spiteful and most definitely up to something. The Star Elite think so too. We just have to stay away from them all until we can be moved out.”

“You sound so cross,” Oscar murmured. He studied her with an air of sadness. “Are you sure you haven’t argued with him again?”

Molly sighed. She knew it wasn’t fair to take her annoyance and deep hurt out on Oscar, but as far as she was concerned, she wouldn’t be anywhere near London if it weren’t for her brother’s rash behaviour.

While she wanted to put as much distance between her and Jasper as she could, she was painfully aware that she needed Sir Hugo to make good on his declaration that he would help them secure accommodation so she and Oscar could have a home. They had to stay.

“I want to leave,” Oscar whispered.

Molly studied him for a moment. “What are you not telling me? Don’t try to lie again. I think there has been enough deceit already, don’t you?”

“I have told you everything.” The mumble in Oscar’s voice said otherwise.