“We have to get into the waste land,” Molly whispered.

“What’s that?” Jasper asked her over his shoulder.

“We have to use the waste land to get away from them. They know this place and are aware we need to go this way and have decided to block us. The other way takes us to the waste land. They won’t expect us to go back to Rigley Row.”

“Because its suicide, what’s why,” Niall snorted.

“We don’t know where the waste land leads us,” Jasper replied.

“But this way leads us to our deaths,” Molly argued. “We will never get through that lot.”

“She is right,” Phillip muttered. “We enter that lot we are defeated.”

Jasper looked behind them. While there were thugs waiting for them there weren’t as many.

“A wise general knows when with withdraw and regroup,” Oliver whispered.

“Let’s go.” Jasper nodded at Molly.

“It will take us past the back of the house. They will not be expecting us to go that way because it is dark, and the place we are trying to escape from,” Molly added, for her own benefit rather than the men’s. It helped to keep thinking logically, if only so she didn’t get consumed by the wild panic that threatened to suffocate her. It was certainly starting to make her thoughts cloudy and her movements jerky enough to be hesitant. She knew instinctively that in this kind of situation, hesitation would bring about death.

“I want a life damn it,” she hissed.

Jasper smiled at her over his shoulder. “And you shall get one, my dear. It may not be the one you expected when you left your aunt’s house, but it will be the one you are meant to have. It just won’t end here and now, I promise you that much.”

“How can you be so sure?” Molly snapped, a little disgruntled if inwardly pleased at his cocky boast that practically shone in his eyes. “Are you actually enjoying this?”

She stared at him, thoroughly aghast that he might be.

“It’s what we do,” Jasper shrugged.

Oliver sighed. “Back up then, but we have to be quick.”

“Run,” Jasper ordered suddenly.

Molly found herself unceremoniously shoved ahead of Jasper, who practically propelled her down the street toward the solitary house and the waste land beyond. Dutifully, she ran as fast as her feet could carry her. She couldn’t see the path beneath her feet, or indeed even her feet. She just had to take the chance that she wouldn’t fall flat on her face.

The men continued to fire at the thugs who tried to challenge them. Molly only slowed down when Jasper left his position beside her.

“Hurry up,” Niall bit out.

“Jasper,” Molly protested, a little shocked at her unwillingness to leave him behind.

“I’m here,” Jasper assured her.

For some unknown reason, as soon as they reached the waste land the group of vagabond cutthroats stopped chasing them. The sudden pall that fell over the area was so eerily quiet the Star Elite realised they had just made another mistake. One in which the outcome was likely to be more dangerous than challenging the inhabitants of Rigley Row.


When they reached the main street, they all slowed their pace.

“We can’t relax yet,” Jasper warned, urging her to keep going.

“Stay away from him.” The men slowed to a steady amble as they studied the young boy now standing boldly in the middle of the street.

“Oscar,” Jasper murmured.

“I am not going to be told what to do by you, Oscar,” Molly retorted firmly. “I don’t give a damn what you think you are doing, we are not going to get involved in it. You can do as you please. Just be warned that Denzel wants to take you back to Aunt Edith.”