Jasper lifted his brows. He turned to study Molly, but only briefly. “Oh?”

“She is a thief,” Denzel declared.

Molly gasped. “I am no such thing. How dare you suggest such a thing?”

“I dare, because you stole your aunt’s coin purse before you left.”

“Describe it,” Jasper demanded.

“How in the Hell should I know what it looks like?” Denzel replied crisply.

“Well, if you are looking for it, you should know what it looks like shouldn’t you?” Jasper said.

“She will lie to you,” Denzel warned him.

“You are the liar,” Molly retorted coldly. “I am not going to listen to any more of this. Do anything to stop me going about my way and I shall have you arrested for kidnap. Now get out of my way, and don’t you dare ever accuse me of stealing anything again.”

“You have to return to your guardian,” Denzel snapped.

“Edith is not my guardian,” Molly protested.

“She has been looking after you since your parents died,” Denzel told her, as if she didn’t already know.

“We have been looking after her. She is spiteful, lazy and made it clear that she didn’t want us. We have been used as slaves in that house and I refuse to return to it, so you can go back and tell her to buy herself a maid if she wants her cleaning and cooking doing. I would rather die than go back to that,” Molly announced loudly.

As she spoke, Molly was aware of several people appearing out of the darkness around them but didn’t stop until Jasper edged closer. Her heart fell to her feet when she looked at him and saw doubt written on his face. She blinked, wondering if she was misreading what she was seeing.

“Were you living with your aunt?”

“Yes, but I didn’t want to be there, and she didn’t want me or Oscar,” Molly replied. “I have already told you this.”

“Is she your legal guardian?” Jasper persisted. “How old are you by the way?”

“Two and twenty,” Molly replied.

“Jesus, Molly,” Jasper snapped. For an instant, he felt like a dirty old man for having kissed her as sensually as he had. He was nearly seven years older than she and, right there and then, felt every year of the difference between them. “You should have told me.”

“I am old enough not to need a guardian,” Molly retorted.

“You need protection,” Jasper snapped. “Why did you not tell me how old you are before now?”

Molly froze. She stared at him in horror. She knew then that in the last few brief moments she had lost him completely. It wasn’t only his trust she had lost, it was him, the man. He clearly was disgusted at how young she was, disgusted and wary now, in a way that warned her that he would never allow himself to indulge in any further intimacies the likes of which they had just shared.

“You look older,” he murmured quietly.

“Age shouldn’t matter,” Molly replied firmly.

“It’s not just that.” Jasper hesitated.

“God, you really believe I am a thief, don’t you?” Molly whispered.

The betrayal she felt brought tears to her eyes. Blinking rapidly, Molly stared at him balefully. She daren’t allow anything to cloud her vision, not now she was aware of his colleagues listening to every word that was being said.

“Did you take the money?”

“It was my money. I saved it while my father was still alive. I had to do something because Edith never gave us an allowance, even though I know the solicitor gave her money to give us,” Molly replied. “Check with him if you don’t believe me about that either. His name is Mr Finkle and his office is in Canington.”

Jasper’s mind raced. He wanted to turn around and walk away. Whatever was going on in the family was a matter purely between Denzel and Molly. However, while he wanted to wash his hands of the lot and leave the aunt to deal with her wayward niece, he couldn’t entirely trust Denzel, not least because he had appeared in Rigley Row. Not only that, but Jasper had to investigate whether there was any possibility Denzel was linked to the kidnappings in Leicestershire and Derbyshire. He couldn’t allow Molly to go anywhere with the man until his innocence was proven, of that Jasper was certain.