Molly shook her head. “Our uncle used to live in Camden, but he died a while ago. We haven’t had any contact with people in the area for ages. I don’t think Oscar would even remember coming here. His presence there just doesn’t make sense.”

Briefly, Molly told him how Mr Bakerson at the coaching office had told her where Oscar had been heading.

“It’s how I came to find out he was here, and not still in Leicestershire,” Molly finished.

“So, he definitely came here by himself,” Jasper sighed. It didn’t look as though Oscar had been kidnapped, but that still didn’t explain how he came to be in Rigley Row.

“Both of your parents are deceased?” Jasper hated to ask but needed to.

Molly nodded.

“I am sorry,” Jasper murmured. He sighed because he realised then just how much this young woman and her brother had been through over the last several months. “Where have you been staying?”

“With my aunt back in Leicestershire.” Molly offered him a sad smile. “She was very gracious to provide us with a roof over our heads in our hour of need.”

“But your brother didn’t like living there,” Jasper finished for her.

Molly shook her head. “My aunt made it clear that our arrival was unexpected and accommodated us reluctantly. Oliver made no bones about the fact that he wanted to leave.

“Why didn’t you tell your aunt you were coming to look for him. She might have come with you? I take it she didn’t know you were coming here alone?” Jasper squinted at Molly while he waited.

“She would have stopped me from leaving,” Molly replied honestly. “We aren’t people to her. We are servants.”

“Is she the kind of person who has an overly greedy attitude toward money? Would she help herself to things if they had any monetary value?” Jasper asked cautiously.

Molly paused and looked at him. “What makes you ask that?”

“Would she?”

“Why do you not answer my questions?”

“Would she?”

Molly sighed. “Yes, I think she is.”

Jasper nodded. “It is important to know what kind of person your aunt is. Did she take care of you?”

He judged from her slender frame that she was fed, but only because of her need for adequate nourishment so she could do the chores. She didn’t live a luxurious lifestyle, especially if her clothing was any indication of her financial status. The dress she wore had been repaired in several places and was functional rather than a fashion statement. While she still looked pretty, Jasper knew the dress was old.

But then she would look pretty in a sack cloth, Jasper thought wryly.

“We took care of her mostly.”

Jasper didn’t doubt it. “Well, until we can find Oliver and talk to him directly, I think we have to consider that he has been kidnapped, if not from Leicestershire then from the streets of London. Whether Oscar has connections in London or not, he has to have been taken to Rigley Row by someone. We have to find out who, and which house they took him to.”

“Oh, my God,” Molly breathed. “Do you think he was kidnapped then?”

Jasper stepped toward her when she paled but forced himself to keep his hands off her. “Don’t worry. We will locate him. I hope and pray that he has just led us to the place where all the kidnap victims are, then we can return everyone to their homes where they belong. For now, I want you to make yourself at home. I will bring you something warm and dry to change into until we can get your things. What number property do you reside in at Crawley Road?”

“Twenty-four,” she replied instantly, mostly because she wanted her clothing. “Room 2. But I need to come with you. Mrs Cranning is very particular about who is allowed to cross her threshold.”

“I will deal with her. You have to stay here. You are under our protection now. Just go and get settled. I will bring you some clothing up for you to change into,” Jasper replied, his voice crisp.

“You don’t understand,” Molly protested.

Jasper slowly turned to face her. “Do you have a coin purse secreted anywhere in your lodgings?”

Molly nodded.