the thug now looking warily at Callum who was slowly edging closer to him.

“No. Yes. Partly. People like him.” Molly turned a direct gaze on the handsome man before her. “People like you.”

“I would never try to steal your life,” Jasper assured her.

“Really? So why are you the kind of person who fights in gangs at warehouses then? Why are you the kind of person who seems to be surrounded by thugs? Why does he not seem surprised to find you talking to me? Why is he not trying to get you out of the way but allowing you to do his work for him? If you are not together, why are you in this part of London?” She raked him with a belligerent glare. “You are one and the same.”

She was truly disgusted with herself for having spent so long talking to him. It wasn’t at all that she wanted to die, not least because she still needed to find Oscar. However, she had no other way out of the area. She had to go into the water. Her legs were shaking far too much to ever be able to carry her anywhere else, even if she knew where to go. She was also tired. Exhausted. So bone achingly shattered that she simply couldn’t think anymore. Molly was cold, hungry, and so fed up of battling, well, everything only to have no choices anyway that she would rather face the raging tide than another single moment of the smut laden city full of crappy thugs and street brawling vagrants.

As if to reiterate her thoughts, a loud bang suddenly shattered the silence. Swiftly following it was a long, loud scream the likes of which came only from a tormented soul. The frantic barks of a dog echoed around the empty streets but were interspersed with the haunting wail of a distressed feline. Around it all was the heady, never ending bustle of a busy city that never truly seemed to be at rest.

“I am nothing to do with him,” Jasper promised her. “Do we look alike?”

Jasper looked at the man behind them.

“Of course you don’t, but you don’t need to even if you work together,” Molly protested.

“Doing what?”

“How should I know?” Molly spat, her cheeks flooding with rage.

Jasper’s lips twitched when he looked at her.

“Do you find this funny?” Molly cried, horrified that he was sadistic enough to be laughing at her. This was her life that had been stolen. This was her flight for freedom and safety from people who truly wanted to kill her she was fighting for, and he had the audacity, the sickness of mind, to find it amusing.

Jasper sighed. While he was relieved that she was fighting once more, he knew he had just dug a deeper hole for himself.

“I want to know what he wants with you,” Jasper said.

“Go and ask him.”

“You don’t know then?”

“I have just said that I don’t,” Molly retorted coldly.

“Do you live around here?” Jasper asked. “Why are you out unchaperoned?”


“Yes,” Jasper frowned. “You know. With somebody. You are young, pretty, single. Why are you out on the street all by yourself? Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in when you go out alone?”

“Do you think I want to be out here all alone? What, do you think I get so bored with my stuffy pompous life of a lady that I come out all alone to challenge myself?” Molly cried.

“I don’t know why you are out here. Why don’t you tell me,” Jasper urged. “Do you live around here?”


“Are you from London?” Jasper persisted.


“Where are you from?”

Molly looked at him.

Jasper sighed. “Fine. Are you staying with relations here?”
