Later that night, Aaron stared absently into the fire. A sheaf of papers rested in his lap, but he had little interest in them. What he had seen so far had confirmed what Elspeth had said in that Thomas had been in debt to a lot of people at the time of his death. Elspeth was, therefore, likely to lose her home if she couldn’t raise the money to pay the debts off.

Aaron knew if he paid the bills for her, when she found out, he was likely to lose her. However, Aaron also knew he couldn’t sit back and do nothing.

After the kiss they had shared he was now more convinced than ever that they had to have a future together. Unfortunately, what he didn’t want was for her to have no alternative but to be with him. He wanted her to want him, the man, not him, the Star Elite operative, or the only person she could turn to. While he would protect her with his life if he needed to, he didn’t want her to see him only as her protector.

“Damn,” he growled.

Given her horror at letting him kiss her, though, he knew it was going to be a fine miracle indeed if she allowed him near again to even discuss what they were going to do. That made his time at the house incredibly difficult, not least because he suspected she was doing her best to avoid him. Since their return to the house earlier, Elspeth had not ventured anywhere near him. She was in the kitchen, still fumbling around with the dinner plates given the clanking and banging of pots he could hear, doing her level best to avoid having to join him in the study.

Unfortunately, even listening to the sounds of domestic tranquillity that came from the kitchen reminded him of the kind of life he had always wanted – with her. He just wished the circumstance around it was a little better, and more befitting for a happy home life.

“You look thoughtful,” Oliver murmured as he came to sit opposite.

Aaron sighed and shook his head. “I know Thomas. He would never willingly let debts mount like this. There is something odd about all of this, Oliver, I don’t mind admitting it, and it has nothing to do with Voss and Frederick. I just wish I knew what it was.”

“Do you think we need to go and have a word with this Rollo person, or Frederick anyway? I mean, they both seem very keen to get a foot through the door here. I know Elspeth is beautiful, and eligible, but they both suspect she is destitute. Why would they believe that unless someone who might know told them? I don’t believe they have just heard gossip. Even if they think they are right, why would they take her to wife just to get the house from her? I have seen Rollo’s house. It is the largest in the village. The man is affluent and considers himself above everybody else because of it. This house is nice, but it is a little run down, and nowhere near as large as his. Why would Rollo wish to give up his bachelorhood for a property like this?” Oliver whispered.

“I don’t know,” Aaron sighed.

“We all know why Frederick wants the house. He has made his greed evident to all of us,” Oliver added.

“Why would he be so determined to marry Elspeth, though?”

“Because he knows he is talking rubbish when he says he is to inherit the property because he is the closest living male to Thomas,” Aaron muttered. “If he does marry Elspeth, he will get his hands on the paperwork before she sees it, and nobody will be any wiser to the fact there is no stipulation in it about male heirs.”

Oliver nodded. “We can deal with him and send him on his merry way.”

“I don’t understand why Thomas wouldn’t pay the bills. At the time he had over three thousand in the bank. Why would he leave these?” Aaron picked up the pile of papers in his lap and dropped them onto the table at his elbow.

“Because he knew he was leaving, and maybe wanted Elspeth out of the house?” Oliver shrugged when Aaron looked shocked. “I am just working through the possible reasons.”

“Why? Why would he want Elspeth out of the house? If he died in a carriage accident like it is claimed, he wouldn’t have plotted for something like this surely to God,” Aaron breathed.

“Maybe it is all staged,” Oliver offered.

Aaron shook his head. “Thomas wouldn’t put her through this.”

“Have you been back home since you left London?” Oliver asked suddenly.

“No. Why?”

“Maybe Thomas sent you a note or something from London that you have yet to see?” Oliver said. “It might be an idea to go home and go through your paperwork, just to see if he sent you anything before he died.”

“I can get the housekeeper to send me everything,” Aaron replied.

Oliver was already shaking his head. “You are not hearing me, friend. I think you need to go home to check the paperwork yourself.”

“Why?” Aaron asked with a frown.

“Because you are too bloody involved here right now. You need to go and clear your head. Check your house, your papers, and make sure Thomas hasn’t left you something – anything – and then you can come back, having taken a break. When you see her again, you will know for definite if absence has made the heart grow fonder, or if you have made a mistake you would both do better to forget.”

Aaron studied his friend, but before he could speak, Oliver sighed.

“We all saw you kissing her.”

Aaron bit out a curse.