She threw her hands up in the air. “Next time, just shout ‘look out,’ that way it’s not as frightening to the horse as a wolf growl.”

“Okay, so now you say, thank you Nikolay Sokolov, Team Greywolf alpha, for saving my life.”

Emma sighed. “Fine, thank you, Nik.” She narrowed her eyes. “Besides Lev, I didn’t know Rylee hired another Russian lycan.”

“I was recently recruited.” He cocked his head. “Emma York, Cloak, correct?”

“Yes, but around here call me Andrea Fulton, my alias.”

Nik looked around to make sure they remained alone. “I like Emma better.”

She shook her head. “I should have noticed the man on the hill.”

“You were focused on riding, yes?” Unfortunately, so was I.

“I thought you might have been my would-be assassin.”

“Me?” If he wanted anyone dead, he’d be stealthier.

“You ignored protocol. We were supposed to meet at the designated café.”

Is this American gratitude? “Good thing I changed my mind.”

“So why did you show up here?”

“I suspected someone would try to kill you before the competition and my instincts were correct. How you say in America, follow your gut?”

“You could have given me notice,” she retorted.

“A little appreciation. I left an important lead to travel across the world to bring you back to headquarters.”

“Sounds like you had better things to do.”

“As a matter of fact…never mind.” Because I saved her pretty ass, I missed finally capturing the elusive Saskia.

“Why don’t you go back? I’ll track my would-be assassin.”

“I have orders to bring you in ASAP.”

“Not happening. The man who almost killed me might be connected to my father’s murder.”

“The man who hired the assassin to murder your father, as well as this assassin, is dead. End of case.” He wrinkled his brow. “Or is it end of story?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” She rubbed her brow. “This person might be another assassin in line to take me out. It wouldn’t be the first time. I have enemies within my espionage world.”

“Even more reason to get you to headquarters.”

“Tell Rylee I’ll see her in a few days.”

He scoffed. “Your assassin is long gone.”

“He still wants me dead. He’ll come to me.”

“Are you mad, woman?” His wolf had a strong need to protect the haughty but beautiful agent. If he had to handcuff her and take her back in an oversized suitcase, he would.

“Fine. I need to stop at my hotel to change.”

“Do you have a car?”