“I should not have left you alone.” He frowned. “It’s my fault.”

“It’s okay.”

“How did it feel to turn into a bird?”

“Actually, exhilarating. Odd, while in human form I have the senses of a wolf and strength, but in bird form, my sense of smell isn’t great. My vision, however, is literally amazing.” She smiled. “I’ve always wanted a pilot’s license, but I don’t think I need one anymore.”

“You can’t risk it. What if you return to human form mid-flight?”

Emma scratched her chin. “Good point.”

Nik held her face and kissed her. Emma responded with equal passion, not caring that they were out in the mountains, naked, with an array of dead werewolves littering the area.

They finally broke their kiss. Nik smiled. “We better go make sure the boys are okay.”

“Then we better get a hold of Jesper.”

Nik smiled. “I have my phone in the jeep.”

Emma stared down at her naked body. “Wait, I need clothes.”

“You can borrow a shirt.” He gazed down at her. “I think it’ll be long enough.”

“Anyway, I suppose you’ll make sure the boys don’t remember a thing.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve made generals and spies forget things. A few boys will not be a problem.”

Emma scanned the area. “I hope Rylee can send a cleanup crew.”

Nik nodded. “Before a search party is sent to find the boys.”

“My first real job in lycan intelligence and I screwed it up big time.”

“You, and me both, Sparrow.” He smirked. “Better I call you peregrine.”

“Ha, ha.”

Nik waved to Jesper, who parked his vehicle in front of Bolton’s mansion and stepped out, followed out by Nexus. Nik winked. “Glad you made it.”

Jesper smiled at Nexus. “Actually, Nexus found a short cut after she hot-wired a car.”

Emma walked out the gate. She wore her island clothes under the coat she’d found in a closet. “Hey, Nexus.”


“Good news. Rylee is sending a cleanup crew. They’ll be here in an hour,” said Jesper.

“We also need to return the boys, but I’m not sure how we explain about their camp leader,” said Nik.

Jesper shook his head. “Our local warden and two of his charges will take the boys to a safe house while cleanup is done. Then they will drop them off at the ranger station. The story is their leader went for help, but never returned.”

“Won’t the boys be confused?” asked Emma.

“The warden is an alpha so they’ll be under his mind control.”

Nik furrowed his brow. “Their missing leader will initiate a search and rescue.”

“They haven’t been reported missing yet since they are supposed to return in a few days. The cleanup crew will bury the camp leader’s body in our territory,” said Jesper.