
“You will sleep when I snap my fingers. When you wake in four hours, you will be in your vacation cabana, waiting for the boat off the island.” He snapped his fingers.

Emma fell forward and he caught her so she wouldn’t fall on the floor.

Saskia turned to Bolton. “Take her to the cabana. Arrange for the boat as soon as she awakens. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chapter Sixteen

Emma woke to someone shaking her. “Huh?” She opened her eyes. She looked around in panic. Nexus let go of her. She wore a dark hood and carried a backpack. If she didn’t know any better, Emma would have thought a high school student needed a ride to school. “Where am I?” The last thing she remembered was being hypnotized by Nik.

“You are in Bolton’s cabana, waiting for transport off the island. I’m supposed to video you leaving in the morning.”

“Oh, yeah.” Nik couldn’t command her. So why had she fallen asleep? It was as though she decided to go along with the sleep command. Odd. Not sure if she should fake it for Nexus, she nonetheless decided to trust her. “Nik struck a deal. He will be Saskia’s mate if I leave the island and forget everything.”

She laughed. “How could they think you will forget?”

“They tried a new hypnotic technique.” No point explaining the alpha male mind control thing. Did Nexus even know Nik had successfully compelled her? Too bad it didn’t work on the other new werewolves. Good thing I took the mind control prevention pill.

Nexus glanced at the door and shifted from foot to foot. “If you say so. Anyway, change of plans. I came to warn you.”

“What do you mean?”

“They mean to ‘feed you to the fishes.’ ”


“It’s a line from the Godfather.”

“I figured Saskia intended to kill me, so no big surprise.”

Nexus straightened. “I monitored her private conversation with one of the guards, that is, until the listening device cut off.”

“Shit. They must have suspected you were listening.” Odds were they would get rid of Nexus or permanently keep her as a lab rat.

Nexus shrugged. “My job is to video you waving from the boat. Make your boyfriend happy.”

“Nik’s not my boyfriend.”

“You might fool me when I’m in human form, but in wolf form, I scented his attraction for you. And you to him.”

“Saskia must have made the same observation, hence her obsession with murdering me.”

“At daybreak, I’m supposed to meet you at the dock.” She glanced at her watch. “We better leave now. Only four hours before sunrise.”

“You’re helping me?”



“I’m hoping you’ll help me when we get off this island.”

“Sure. I think you will be a great asset as an agent.” No need to tell her about Team Greywolf just yet.

“Actually, I need help getting rid of the shifter thing.”